What ants are in your area?

French Ninja said:
Speaking of ants, the Discovery Channel is running two shows back to back about warring ant colonies. They just did Army Ants.

I watched that a while ago, and a few times since. Ants are great :D
Let's see down here we have a bunch

-Fire ants
-carpenter ants
-bighead ants-looked kinda like black fire ants, except the soldiers have enormous heads
-these black ants about the size of carpenter ants, but look like bullants, have no idea what theyre called
-another species that looks like a large fire ant, but have no stinger
-small black sugar ants
-another species I dont know, tiny, even smaller than the sugar ants and orange in color, found under tree bark usually
-Harvester ants, the kind that cut up leaves and bring em back to the colony

Thats all I can think of right now