what are HL2 map sizes (physical mb)



Hey guys..how big do the HL2 or CS:S maps get in terms of physical memory? what are the size differences in the maps for CS:S? 20mb-50mb? thanks guys.
I had a look in the CSS GCF and all the maps are around 10mb.
spuit*11 said:
how big are the maps (in size square metres/yards)

1 unit = 1 inch. The workspace for a map in VHE is 64 times larger than HL1 maps.

/me hugs VERC
Bigcheese said:
a person is 72x32 units and the bigest it can be is 32,768 units.

You pushed the editor to twice the 16384 given by Valve? Or is that simply a setting you can mod?
PvtRyan said:
You pushed the editor to twice the 16384 given by Valve? Or is that simply a setting you can mod?

16,394 is only the viewable distance.
i dint change any settings. and the viewable distance in the editor can be changed, i dont know about what it is in game tho.
what version of hammer u guys using? cuz i have hammer 3.4 and i only get 4096 units on either side of an axis.

Ussually the max viewable distance can be changed with in the map properties box (Tools>Map Properties?)
im using the evil evil evil beta and now every one hates me for it. :D

well sept the people that get to play cool maps.
How exactly do you change what unit size corresponds to an inch in game? My first assumption is that it has to be coded when the source code is released, but is there a way to do it in Hammer?
Krenzo said:
How exactly do you change what unit size corresponds to an inch in game? My first assumption is that it has to be coded when the source code is released, but is there a way to do it in Hammer?

Just make the maps in a smaller scale. Like say you shrunk the person down 5 times, just make the building 5 times smaller too.

@one: There are a few of them around, don't think they'll make it though.