what are some alternatives to Counterstrike Source?


Sep 13, 2006
Reaction score
I used to like Counterstrike but the new radar has ruined the experience completely. What are some similar games worth checking out?
I have a feeling you aren't going to be happy with any sort of game if a radar feature makes you hate CSS.
Radar RUINED CSS for you?

I'm going to have to agree with duck...
Join the HL2DM community. It's a blasty blast.
I have a feeling you aren't going to be happy with any sort of game if a radar feature makes you hate CSS.

Seriously. Your out of luck. If that little update which was so great has made you stop playing the game. Your a lost soul.
keep playing, post a small stickey over the radar if need be :/
Me thinks someone is throwing his toys out of the pram :)
bf2= ..too long loading time and too many bugs..and crappy customer support..imo

Since 1.4, the load times are MUCH better.

Pah, you won't pay enough attention to the radar while your jizzing at the MEC.

I was just kidding, anyway. I actually really like the way the radar system works in the game. UAVs for the win :D
A game that was a nice break from old CS (non source) for me was Global Operations, fun game!
RainbowSix 3: RavenShield

no radar, but there is a heartbeat sensor. it's a seperate 'usable' item, so you can't just have it up all the time. I can't wait for Vegas to come out...

edit: well.. you could have the HB sensor out all the time, but what are you gonna do if you find an enemy? stare at them?
Tbh, I'd play bf2 more, but it's a frickin' ordeal. The game takes a minute to load, five minutes to find a server, several minutes to load the map (although the patch has helped) and then a half hour to finish a single game. I mean, it's a blast, but you have to be in a really dedicated mindset for it. In CSS, on the other hand, you just start up, join a server, and boom! you're there.
You know... you can probably download a skin for the radar that changes it back.
BF2 and CoD2 are the only two multiplayer fps's I play, I hate CS:S. Full of game junkies and wierd israelis
Oh man, totally. I swear, every time I join a game it's full of dudes with the Star of David as their spray, screaming in Hebrew and dancing to crazy Israeli pop.
edit: well.. you could have the HB sensor out all the time, but what are you gonna do if you find an enemy? stare at them?

What I like to do is to sneak up on the unsuspecting terrorists, and then beat them to bloody poo with my mighty hb-sensor.


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There is no game "similar" to css. Go play halo 2, nub.
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LOL, was gonna suggest Call of Duty 2, but there are alot of complaints about the radar on that :D
I used to like Counterstrike but the new radar has ruined the experience completely. What are some similar games worth checking out?

A radar ruined the entire game for you?

Oh noes! There is a radar! I must not play this game anymore D:

I would of suggested BF2, but...it has a radar.