What are some good freeware games?


The Freeman
Dec 1, 2004
Reaction score
Just totally bored out of my mind right now...
Looking for any games that are free.
Free MMORPG Betas(that don't require credit cards), FPSes, whatever.

I'm sure there's already been a thread on this but, I want this up to date.

Thanks :E
Was going to post a new thread on this- anyone know any fat space shoot'emups? Like, those side scrolling things where you buy new weapons and pwn people. I <3 them.
Devvo said:
Stern, have you played True Combat Elite?
I have, thats like Counter Strike but a million times better. So damn good, no crosshairs, so realistic. Havent played in quite some time now though, i forgot about it. I prefer it to the normal ET. True Combat really does own.
Hectic Glenn said:
I have, thats like Counter Strike but a million times better. So damn good, no crosshairs, so realistic. Havent played in quite some time now though, i forgot about it. I prefer it to the normal ET. True Combat really does own.

w00t! Didn't think many people here were interested in it.

I agree, much better than CS, free and much more realistic.

You'll have to join our server one evening for a game :D
RakuraiTenjin said:
Freespace 2

Followed the link in your sig, all the mirrors are down though. Anywhere else I can find this game? I remember playing it ages ago as well as Wing Commander or something when i got tired of it. Good times :D

not bad...not as good as astronest!

OH you meant REAL games....

1000ad isn't that bad :(
N is good fun.. it's a flash based 2d platformer with full physics & ragdolling :D

Nexuiz is an interesting Quake-engine-based MP FPS, but graphics are more on par with Quake 3
Devvo said:
Stern, have you played True Combat Elite?

I think I played the UT version a long time ago (or maybe it was vanilla rtcw) ..anyways ...I like ET because of the objectives and classes ...I'm not a big fan of CS ...although I have been meaning to try TC on ET but havent gotten around to it
xlucidx said:
Looks rather socialable.
And cartoony.


And full of greedy merchants, I mean HI!

Meh my Dex Muse (magician, healy type thing) owns.
CptStern said:
I think I played the UT version a long time ago (or maybe it was vanilla rtcw) ..anyways ...I like ET because of the objectives and classes ...I'm not a big fan of CS ...although I have been meaning to try TC on ET but havent gotten around to it

You should man, I'm not a big fan of CS either, but I'm sure you'll find it's a lot better. The lack of cross hairs, and therefore having the weapons centered is a nice touch.
StardogChampion said:
I've not even played KH, but it's not turn-based. You just walk around fighting monsters and leveling up.

Here's some screens:

Man this sucks, I can't register :( I get this error on the registration site, When I click CONFIRM REGISTRATION...

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server error '80040e14'


/member/join_reg.asp, line 135
Maybe just a temporary error, try again later or something. The website's dodgy since I think it's all translated from Korean and has some errors.

EDIT: The word on the Korean MMORPG street is that ROSE will be p2p (pay to play) soon with a monthly fee. The free beta period might be coming to an end in August.

It's not all bad news, since there is another Korean MMORPG that might be going public beta soon. It's called Seal Online - http://www.sealonline.co.jp

I haven't played it or anything, but it should play similarly to ROSE.
America's Army. I'm surprised nobody mentioned it.
xlucidx said:
Mmm, Pure deathmatch... Me likey.

It's not that good tbh. The weapons don't feel meaty enough. Still impressive because it's free.
TC for ET? As in a true combat mod for RTCW:ET the free version. Or is TC stand alone? I used to love ET, infact it got me hooked on FPSs.
isnt ET dead ? i cant find many good servers anymore ?
yeah nexuiz isnt that good they tried really hard to be a quake clone but htey failed ...... the weapons and gameplay are just cheesey.
StardogChampion said:
...there is another Korean MMORPG that might be going public beta soon. It's called Seal Online - http://www.sealonline.co.jp

I've gone and signed up for this even though it's supposed to be Japan only atm :eek: Will post impressions if everything goes to plan!
mindless_moder said:
isnt ET dead ? i cant find many good servers anymore ?
yeah nexuiz isnt that good they tried really hard to be a quake clone but htey failed ...... the weapons and gameplay are just cheesey.

ET is FAAAAAAAAAAR from dead.
You're looking in the wrong places bud.
Reginald said:
It's not that good tbh. The weapons don't feel meaty enough. Still impressive because it's free.

The original poster said for good freeware games.