What are some 'insane' multiplayer ideas you have?


I Hate Custom Titles
Sep 13, 2003
Reaction score
I have one in my head. A large map, a gigantic hollow square comprises of a couple hundred blocks. Now, as players fight inside what starts off as a generic square room with perhaps a couple square obstacles around for cover jutting out of the floors, the walls and the ceiling. Each of the hundreds of squares that comprise the map, are set to take damage, so that as players are duking it out in this giant square box, its continously getting larger as the squares take damage and get destroyed. Eventually, if certain squares take enough damage, it can eventually bore outside of the map, and if players are unlucky enough to fall outside the map, they are killed.

To add a little spice to it all, i'm thinking maybe have the map occasionally do a random rapid rotation? Say you're on a relatively destroyed floor surface, then suddenly the map switches! You're on a very different piece of terrain, and if the map switches again and you fall to the floor with a spot that had been completely eroded to the outside, you're screwed.

I know I know... crackpot idea, i'm tired, give me a break :D

EDIT: I call it the deteriorating cube of death!
I got one, you start in a two story house and then youll have to defend it from ALOT of zombies and later on other aliens!

Or an assault like thing where one team has to destroy something and the other team has to defend. Then one of the teams is rebels and the other Combines.......

Just some ideas.
how about waiting to see what they release that's a crazy idea....

Failing that two big destructable buildings opposite one another and two teams have to duke it out from inside the buildings with rocket launchers and machine guns, buildings slowly disintegrate, no respawn, cs style.
My idea isn't really insane, but I was thinking about something a la he_tennis (for those of you who know this Counter-Strike map).

For those who don't, it's a map formed like a tenniscourt, where you have to throw HighExplosive grenades at the enemies on the opposite side.

I was thinking about turning this into car_tennis instead. Where you spawn with a manipulator gun, and there's a few cars lying around. Then, all you have to do, is to pick up the cars with the gun, and throw them at people.

Imagine squashing 4 enemy players with a large car... Nice! :)
Some sort of death rally would be nice.
These are just the bizarre creations of your minds guys. To the person who said 'just wait and see what they deliver'. They will NEVER deliver anything as wacky and fun as the ideas i'm hoping some people will post :-P
Raziaar said:
These are just the bizarre creations of your minds guys. To the person who said 'just wait and see what they deliver'. They will NEVER deliver anything as wacky and fun as the ideas i'm hoping some people will post :-P
Yeah but it's fun to think of something while we're still waiting for the game ;)
The MP idea I would love to try would involve a simple big room with lot of big stuff and manipulators for everyone. It would get boring after 5 mins but I would still love to try it nevertheless :p
Ahh why the heck not :p

Crazy MP idea ver. 0.001a

Map detail : Large connected 'arenas' with multi exit/enter doorways that only open on triggered events. Similar to a maze effect.

Game : Players spawn in the starting arena, have default weapons, no 'defined' teams. Players are in a competition to catch prizes and money, also additonal weapons get 'dropped' into the areana. The catch is that a pre-set (based on number of players in the arena) of enemies (NPC) armed with melee weapons rush the players in waves, difficulty is increased by introducing a smaller number of better armed enemies in addition to the horde + also include destructable (player usable ?) fixed weapon mounts (sentry guns ?).

Basically the players will start in a arena, try grab as much of the prizes and cash as possible, plus weapons that get dropped into the arena. Enemies will pour out of spawn points in the walls (hordes of melee and few ranged weapon using enemies) in a waves. Arena doors open after a certain item is located or a preset number of waves is completed, players move from arena to arena. Players can choose different arena to each other when presented a choice of exits BUT the number of enemies in each arena is calculated on the total number f players in the game (if 1 player goes to arena x and the rest go to arena y player in x will still have the same amount of enemies as players in y). Players are in competition and can kill each other however a deap player cannot respawn as a competitve player but as a enemy..therefore more players = more competition for prizes but more firepower against the enemies. less players = less competition for the goodies but less firepower + annoyed ex players gunning after you :p

If you are wondering, yes this is based on the same idea of a classic arcade game: SmashTV
A team of man-sized chickens engaging in mortal kombat with unshaven hobos that sleep in boxes. Hobos spawn in the boxes when they die they have a selection of weaponry that includes a rusty coat hanger, some pants they found from a dead guy, and a tin can they use to urinate in during the night (secondary fire throws the urine)

Chickens will hail from the sacred of order of Chaos Chickens. They have a sworn allegiance to destroying mankind. They can pick up tree branches from the ground and throw them at unsuspecting hobos. Chickens can also lay eggs that hatch and become staplers with feet which also attack hobos of their own will.
one team plays as commander chief and the other is gordan and the gman is the ref along with cortona the object of the game is to kick the ball into the other teams goal using the buggy from halflife and the jeep from halo and then striders shoot at the team from outside the field of play so they have to keep moving
Mr-Fusion said:
A team of man-sized chickens engaging in mortal kombat with unshaven hobos that sleep in boxes. Hobos spawn in the boxes when they die they have a selection of weaponry that includes a rusty coat hanger, some pants they found from a dead guy, and a tin can they use to urinate in during the night (secondary fire throws the urine)

Chickens will hail from the sacred of order of Chaos Chickens. They have a sworn allegiance to destroying mankind. They can pick up tree branches from the ground and throw them at unsuspecting hobos. Chickens can also lay eggs that hatch and become staplers with feet which also attack hobos of their own will.

Can I have some of that? <puff puff>
How about one where you only have the manipulator, and have to destroy the enemy base by launching big objects at it, or you can use little objects like barrels to kill the enemy.
I want a MP mod where I can fly around on a nuclear warhead. That's all I'm asking for.
Raziaar said:
I have one in my head. A large map, a gigantic hollow square comprises of a couple hundred blocks. Now, as players fight inside what starts off as a generic square room with perhaps a couple square obstacles around for cover jutting out of the floors, the walls and the ceiling. Each of the hundreds of squares that comprise the map, are set to take damage, so that as players are duking it out in this giant square box, its continously getting larger as the squares take damage and get destroyed. Eventually, if certain squares take enough damage, it can eventually bore outside of the map, and if players are unlucky enough to fall outside the map, they are killed.

To add a little spice to it all, i'm thinking maybe have the map occasionally do a random rapid rotation? Say you're on a relatively destroyed floor surface, then suddenly the map switches! You're on a very different piece of terrain, and if the map switches again and you fall to the floor with a spot that had been completely eroded to the outside, you're screwed.

I know I know... crackpot idea, i'm tired, give me a break :D

EDIT: I call it the deteriorating cube of death!

Have you been watch both the Cube movies? :dozey:
cube was incredible. hypercube was done by the sci-fi chanel if i remember correctly and it brought the suck.

this guy :sniper:
vs. this guy :monkee:
vs. this guy :cheese:
vs. this guy :afro:
vs. this guy :cool:

all in xiao xiao style kung fu.

cept the sniper gets a tripple barreled nuke launcher...


in all seriousness though, here's my idea. me and my buddies at my church have been long time players of action half life and have gone to our church for an even longer time. every tuesday night we thought, "Wouldn't it be cool to map out the church and play there?" so ever since then, we've thought about it. I came pretty close, but hl's engine couldn't run it well enough... so I wanna map out my church come hl2. (might sound scary, but hey, our church is perfect for a halflife/halflife 2 battle).
if john woo has taught us anything, its that gunfights are twice as cool when located in a church.
I would like to see a whole city made of wood. So you shoot a rocket at the bottom of a tall building and the building comes crashing down and falls apart as it's falling. That would be so fun to watch.
I just thought, i wonder how amazing the protect the V.I.P. maps will be for TF2....cant wait. They even have storm the beach, all coming out of carriers while the opposite team is gunning them down. Speaking of that, for all of you old cs gamers, im talking like beta 3-5, does anyone remember that "normandy" map and the CT's would spawn in the little carrier and all T's would snipe and gun em as the door came down....wow i planned that map for hours and hours, toooo much fun....oh and the old good news with "facility" always loved that map...damn i use to love cs and now it just sucks....oh and "ship" loved that one too.
Updated tag - Headcrab Tag, where one person per round is inflicted with a headcrab, and the goal is to get the headcrab to jump to another host (via "tagging") before the headcrab mutates the player into a zombie. If the player becomes a zombie, his goal becomes to make zombies of the other players. The only weapon allowed is the crowbar. Round is won either by turning the other players into zombies or by killing the headcrab.

Sound dumb?
How about A giant spinning cylinder room that people fight in, complete with strobe lights and a core in the center of a room with a button to change speed, direction and other weird things for the room.

I tried that for halflife one, and it's pretty fun. it would be interesting to see the physics in hl2.

edit: It's also fun to make a spiral water stair case in the room.... well it looks cool anyway, while it's spinning.
a doom imitation game where the lights are all turned out and in a 2-1 ratio of people. the "2" ratio would have night vision and the "1" would get rifles and a flashlight. In the darkness the more heavily stacked side would have to crowbar/knife/whatever the people with the rifles. like a stealth game. people could cooperate by making noises to distract the flashlight/rifle people while others would sneak up on them trying to shank them. i play this in CS w/ my friends. oh how the horror makes for a great multiplayer game
its been suggested before: starship troopers whiskey outpost sven co-op level.
Nozra said:
a doom imitation game where the lights are all turned out and in a 2-1 ratio of people. the "2" ratio would have night vision and the "1" would get rifles and a flashlight. In the darkness the more heavily stacked side would have to crowbar/knife/whatever the people with the rifles. like a stealth game. people could cooperate by making noises to distract the flashlight/rifle people while others would sneak up on them trying to shank them. i play this in CS w/ my friends. oh how the horror makes for a great multiplayer game

Thank you for describing Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow.
and That, pandora 2m - is quite a kickass game. it'd be a lot of fun w/ the new physics to see how careful u could be to avoid knocking stuff over. it'd be a fun concept, its not like other games havent borrowed from one another.
RoguePsi said:
Have you been watch both the Cube movies? :dozey:

Cube movies? Sorry no. I pulled that one out of my head. I don't watch sci fi channel.
I'd like to see a mode (it could be in any game type) where you would have an attacking and defending team, but the attacking team is set up into two groups that alternate when they can assault the defender's positions. The defenders would die permanently for the round, but for the attackers, each group would be active until every member was dead, then the next attacker group would be released, and so on until the attackers win.

What I like about this is that the attackers not currently attacking would be able to talk strategy and plan their moves ahead of time: this doesn't happen enough in normal games. In their "ready room," they'd have a map of the fortress as well as cameras showing the action in key locations. One attacker in each group would be the captain, and instead of a flashlight, he'd have a laser pointer with which to point out things on the map to instruct groups of guys to attack.
Well I just hope that server is running dual athlon 64's, because sending all those packets out would be a nightmare.

Also, for alot of these ideas, we are gonna need processor power thats either top of the line or still not quite here.

But imagine HL2 mods in about...3 years...wow. I still hold my belief that the best mods arent gonna be at their peak for another 2 years. (i.e., the true CS successor may not be CS:Source, but something else, and that something else wont truly seperate itself from the pack for another 2 years.)
the whole idea of playing HL2 MP seems insane at this point.

where is the game anyway?
Gabe is probably playing the game right now and laughing at us at the same time.
Gah, don't mention hypercube near me! I can't take it. It's one of the worst movies I have ever seen and it definately does not deserve the name cube. It totally ruins the experience of watching the first one.
With that said, a cube mod would be really sweet. Put some players inside one of those and the one who gets out first is the winner! Would be fun to see if source can handle all those ~26^3 cubes :cheese:
punjabpolice said:
Gabe is probably playing the game right now and laughing at us at the same time.

perhaps he's fallen in love with it and doesn't want the plebs spoiling his baby.
daveodeth said:
perhaps he's fallen in love with it and doesn't want the plebs spoiling his baby.

Actually I'd say he's bored out of his head with it and wants to get it shipped as soon as possible.
I have this as a topic in the 'general editing' forum, but decided it was worthwhile to post here too.

Hey guys. I was kinda thinking of a way to incorporate my love of medieval warfare into half-life 2 in a mod somehow, without going completely crazy about it. I was thinking of trying to incoporate it somehow into something that I already enjoyed, team fortress classic.

Too bad i'm no good at making mods or anything involved(coding, modelling, etc), or else i'd tried to make something called Medieval Fortress, similiar to team fotress classic, but with a medieval flare :-P

The combat in a large part would be melee, but i'm also hoping of perhaps making sure ranged aspects are still evident in the game by giving classes a ranged attack of sorts.

I'm not sure what all the classes or their weapons could be yet, but I have a fairly decent idea so far :-P

Weapons: Dagger, Darts
Info: This would basically be same as the spy class, able to disguise etc.

Weapons: Not sure yet, but anything carpenterish would be great.
Info: Can construct things like regular engineer, but perhaps different. I was thinking maybe like a ballista instead of a sentry gun, and perhaps being able to make wooden doors in hallways which can be used as temporary defenses which can be hacked down by opposing forces with melee weapons. However, maybe they could also build a reinforced wooden door, with metal bars that can only be blown up by a sapper(below)? I dunno, ideas abound :-P

Weapons: Unsure yet, trying to think of ways to have lots of explosives like the demoman, but still remain medieval in style.
Info: Basically same as demoman with medieval style weapons. Some of his larger explosion types could destroy the (limited) reinforced metal doors Carpenters could construct.

Weapons: Leeches, Fleam(basically a medieval scalpel), unsure of a ranged attack
Info: Generally same as the medic in TFC with a medieval flare.

Foot Knight(Soldier)
Weapon: Longsword, Longbow?
Info: Similiar to a soldier in the game, pretty powerful

Weapons: Short Sword, Shortbow
Info: Very similiar to a scout, fast and observant etc

Weapons: Crossbow(very powerful), Short Sword
Info: Same

Weapons: ??
Info: This is a tough one. Trying to think of a medieval equivilent person who uses fire without going into the realm of fantasy with mages and stuff. I was thinking inquisitor(they burned people alive), but they wouldnt have any ranged attacks similiar to a flame thrower or anything. lol.

Berserker(Heavy Weapons Guy)
Weapons:Greataxe, Throwing Axe
Info: A big mean, fearsome warrior you'll be lucky to live against in melee or ranged combat. Pretty fearsome like in the TFC <grins>

Perhaps its just a crackpot scheme, or maybe i'm just hoping SOMEHOW the game has a mod or two that has medieval fighting in it, since weapons and everything are physically modelled etc.
ASnogarD said:
If you are wondering, yes this is based on the same idea of a classic arcade game: SmashTV

Ahh SmashTV , i loved that game :D