What are some of the most random things you've heard?

Couple years ago in RE my mate said
"Im gonna headbutt the table"
I went
"Yeah whatever"
not really listening to him
*i look to my right*
mate goes
"Ow my head!"

This was right in front of the teacher who preceded to go
Just the picture of your friend angers me greatly. Reminds me of Hacker Trash that you see at Lan Parties w/ sleeping bags and long dirty hair.

When the golfers at my school look directly at me and just start rapping
Uriel said:
Just the picture of your friend angers me greatly. Reminds me of Hacker Trash that you see at Lan Parties w/ sleeping bags and long dirty hair.

You kind of, ummm, described me :p

Why do you hate us D:
i heard 2 60 year old ladies talking about molten core(world of warcraft)
"Heelflips are fag tricks. Only kids from Florida do heelflips."