What are some of the strangest gaming habits you've seen?

GSW said:
yeah i do this and realise im doing it, i think WTF?!?! how is that gonna help lol.

Same here.

I think it's a natural reflex. I caught myself doing it recently trying to pull away from a flashbang in CS. I know it's dumb but it's like trying not to blink.
Abom said:
I'm such a conservationist in FPS games. For example, if you get 10 grenades per level in a game, I'll only always use about one or two because I think that if I collect them, I'll be able to use everything saved in my arsenal later on in the game. Never usually happens. Then there's the areas in games where you lose all your weapons, and have to start collecting again, and I end up losing everything I'd strived to kept, heh.

I also always fire in single shots or small bursts, never full auto because I think I'll end up using everything and will have to go around with a knife or something.

Well, I think it's weird, anyway.

I'm pretty much a conservationist aswell. I always think "Yeah, this is a smart way to do it in case I need to use this explosion pack/whatever later on", but most games are built up the way that you get a new explosion pack or whatever right before you get to the place where you need it. If there's an ammo pack 10 miles away and I've got 199/200 ammo I run to get it, just to keep everything to the max, so to speak.. It can be quite a pain in the arse sometimes, like you said, when you lose your stuff or when you finish the game without using that at all.
In games where you're in charge of a squad or have friends with you, I pretty much go to the edge of almost sacrificing myself to keep everyone alive. This is kind of annoying in games like Halo on the Legendary difficulty but you get a very rewarding feeling in games like Rainbow Six. :)

Sort of the same thing in strategy games aswell, I sit there with my heavily defensed base, slowly building a huge army that I never send away in the end. I either lose the match because of bad placement of defences and such or win by sending out small "squads" of soldiers to the enemy bases and do hit and run attacks.
CrazyHarij said:
In games where you're in charge of a squad or have friends with you, I pretty much go to the edge of almost sacrificing myself to keep everyone alive. This is kind of annoying in games like Halo on the Legendary difficulty but you get a very rewarding feeling in games like Rainbow Six...

thats exactly me in HL, I had an army of barney's by the end of office complex. (about 6 scientists too)
bliink said:
thats exactly me in HL, I had an army of barney's by the end of office complex. (about 6 scientists too)

Haha.. Yes, I remember that too.. I got really frustrated whenever the scientists refused to follow, so I had to guide them one by one to the next area. It was fun because you felt like a.. "good".. person. :cheese:
Ermm, my CS CL used to have prematch masturbates I think (though we're not sure if he was serious, but he said he did). Also I used to wash my hands in normal soap (none moisturised) before CD and DoD wars so my hands didn't slip off the mouse!
Help scientists? I gib them on sight with my crowbar now. Cept for the ones that open doors. I have em open the door THEN I kill them. Same with barneys, otises (oti?)

I also hoard weapons in FPSs and RTSs
PunisherUSA said:
Help scientists? I gib them on sight with my crowbar now. Cept for the ones that open doors. I have em open the door THEN I kill them. Same with barneys, otises (oti?)

You, sir, are an evil man. ;(
How about quicksaving after every reload or two? anyone do that?
CB|Para, that feels so natural for me I don't consider it being a bad habit. :)

Oh, and I used to drink shitloads of water while playing CS before, I thought I would play bad if I was dehydrated and stuff all the time. Man, I was really obsessed back then :(
Best frequent scene in hl:

*body starts falling*
"MY GOD!!"
repeat, hehehehe

Did I mention I frequently kill hostages in CS? :naughty:
PunisherUSA said:
Best frequent scene in hl:

*body starts falling*
"MY GOD!!"
repeat, hehehehe

Did I mention I frequently kill hostages in CS? :naughty:

;( 10charlimit
I found it quite amusing to toss a grenade in the middle of my other squad on Full spectrum warrior and watch them ragdoll in slow motion :P

Also, Whenever I'm in a high stress situation playing a game (4vs1 on cs for example) I chew on the little clip on my headset cord.
Uhhh, I never look at a clock so I get less sleepy and I always sit straight up aswell to stay awake longer.
Hehe I do almost everything mentioned here. I feel so bad now :)
Sometimes, I try to get friendlies as far as I can through a game... including Half Life. Just have them follow me and protect them for a long, long time.

But then other times, I make them run from me and chase them down and blow their brains out. Muahahahhahaha!
PistolOnly said:
Ermm, my CS CL used to have prematch masturbates I think (though we're not sure if he was serious, but he said he did). Also I used to wash my hands in normal soap (none moisturised) before CD and DoD wars so my hands didn't slip off the mouse!

New mod? Welcome, sir. Haven't seen you before.

Thats terribly weird.
CrazyHarij said:
In games where you're in charge of a squad or have friends with you, I pretty much go to the edge of almost sacrificing myself to keep everyone alive. This is kind of annoying in games like Halo on the Legendary difficulty but you get a very rewarding feeling in games like Rainbow Six. :)
Yeah, that's me down to the letter as well. If one team mate dies, I reload the save... and if I lose a tiny, tiny bit of health I'll reload as well. Frustrating, but I guess it does pay off later ;)
Abom said:
Yeah, that's me down to the letter as well. If one team mate dies, I reload the save... and if I lose a tiny, tiny bit of health I'll reload as well. Frustrating, but I guess it does pay off later ;)

Exactly what I do.
Exactly what drove me insane in FarCry.
Exactly why I'm in a mental hospital!
FictiousWill said:
I can't play n64 without a turned-off rumble pack. The controller is too light otherwise. :p
Yeah, that's another thing I do. I used to play with just the controller, then when I got a rumble pack I became dependant on it. I suck at playing at other people's houses if they don't have a rumble pack in.
JonTheCanuck said:
when i'm playing a shooter, i always HAVE to have a full mag. If i shoot of just one round, then seeing that 29 at the bottom of the screen will bother me and i have to have the full 30 mag there.

I Blame the HL hazard course for that.IT was where I learn to "Allways reload when there's a lull"(sic) or something to that effect.
In me earlier days my bro would never shut up about how I got every ring I could on Sonic the Hedgehog(Megadrive) no matter what.
Also I talk to myself,ALOT.Im worse in RTS's id be going on like "Shit those bastards just attacked me,NOO I lost my Barracks"
"Perhaps I should put a Tesla Coil there in case they try to flank me" etc etc.I dont notice it when I do it but I've been told it gets really annoying cause they think I'm talking to them.
Instead of using the suicide command I allways chuck a grenade at my feet.
I used to go on public CS servers and see how far I could launch my corpse every round. My team usually didn't like that. That was a phase I went through to change things up. I started playing normally, then went to pistols only, then knife only, then I tried to do funny/stupid stuff to make people laugh or get annoyed... but even that eventually got boring in CS because there's not much you can do.
sometimes i freak out when a spy knifes me in tfc. i ****ing hate that because i'm so used to doing it to everybody else.
Haha, this is a great thread. I scowl my eyebrows, always play with my mouth open, and constantly crack my wrists. I can never catch myself doing this stuff as I have been doing all of them for about 4 years. Both of my wrists are plagued by carpal tunnel.. damn gaming rituals!

BTW, I think the movie of the guy cursing his way through a CS session was titled "The Voz" or something. www.google.com
hype.db said:
Haha, this is a great thread. I scowl my eyebrows, always play with my mouth open, and constantly crack my wrists. I can never catch myself doing this stuff as I have been doing all of them for about 4 years. Both of my wrists are plagued by carpal tunnel.. damn gaming rituals!

BTW, I think the movie of the guy cursing his way through a CS session was titled "The Voz" or something. www.google.com
yeah i tend to play with my mouth open too.
i make remarks like "WTF!! he didn't hit me!" or "this is badly coded!!"

when i beat a game i jump for joy and scream "I'm the Champion! You can't stop me!"

and i conserve EVERYTHING!! i never even think to use my grenades... EVER! i always need full ammo, too... or else i go insane!
In Prinse of Persia, I allways leaned left to look at the corners, the same with Max paye 2.

When I finish a game that was worth it, I raise my arms in victory.
in the original mario i used to jump with mario. i was like 6 at the time though. now i usaually just scream at the screen. sometimes i jump out of my chair at those last second bomb saves.