What are the 5 best HL2DM maps?


Oct 24, 2004
Reaction score
Title is pretty clear :) There are so many 50% completed maps that it has taken far too long to find the ones with polish and promise. So I thought I would ask the community for their favorites!

My preference are maps that have team base objectives like MoonQuakes map Invasion (in the works still), so if you know of any similar to this please list them! I cannot wait for some HL2TDM mods that use DoD style control points. List your top 5:


Thanks! After getting a good list I think a poll would be great also... it would be good feedback for level designers for what we like, and don't like, and what we want to see more of.
Pi Mu Rho said:
Surely only released maps count...

Well it will be released soon and I found a beta of it on that forum which you could play. I don't really know of any others though as I don't usually play DM.
I think this thread is a good idea, I would apreciate a top ten hl2dm fanmade maps sticky thread.

I didn't played so many fanmade levels yet, but dm_bounce_b2 is a very good remake, and yesterday played for hours with my friends :)

bounce beta2
dm_scrapyard looks like crap tbh, it's fullbright. i'm sure some fullbright maps could play well, but the fact that it's fullbright just turns me off on it. if you're not going to figure out how to do lighting properly, why make maps at all..
Original post - Pi Mu Rho

Quote: Surely only released maps count...

You mean both of them? We wouldn't be able to have a very comprehensive Top 5 with just 2 maps.

Maybe we should have a chart after the offical map making contest has finished, including original's + fanbased

I've only played the 2 originals and Pi Mu Rho's Dockside so I can't really comment on DM maps, but the original 2 are great fun, Pi's i think struggles with the aqua on the level. The only 2 I'd try are Rebar, which looks sweet and another one by a welsh guy a few posts ago, sorry can't remember the name.

Just my 2p's worth


yeah, not really many good ones out imo
this thread is a great idea! :) i'm not sure why no one thought of it sooner.

i'm gonna start off cynically because most maps out there now are complete garbage.

crossfire is the worst map i've played so far. the hl1 version is alot better. people have to stop porting maps from hl1 to hl2 and make some original ones. crossfire is my fav map in HL1DM. crossfire is my least favorite map in HL2DM.

my favorite maps are people's "test" maps that are a small square with a rocket launcher. small, intense maps like thehill_v1b (a map i made) are the most fun, IMO.

if i ever see a port of bootcamp from hl1dm, ill stop playing this game altogether. i hated that map on hl1dm.
The Valve maps are great, but I would take those for granted :)

Although I do not have 5, here are two I really liked:

1. Invasion (80% complete). MoonQuake's map looks great, is layed out well, well balanced, blah blah blah. The one thing MoonQuake has done is actually put some real gameplay in it. It is an objective based TDM and plays very VERY well. So far it is in a league of its own.

2. Watergate. Greating lighting, nice HL2 theme, well designed. While no objectives like Invasion, this map provides a lot of cover without putting you into hall ways. While I want to see more objective/team oriented maps, this is a prime example of HOW to do a DM style map. Looks great, plays even better. Kudos!

Bounce Beta2 and Crossfire are ok, but they have design issues in my opinion and really are not that pretty. Bouce seems to be a remake and as is Crossfire. One thing that is discouraging to me, personally, is that they break from the HL2 theme. HL2 has a lot of neat ideas incorperated into a theme. Maps like Crossfire and Bounce, while really cool, are just random kill fests in unbelievalbe settings. Watergate and Invasion do a very good job of putting a "Face" on the map.

Just some of my ideas right now... I am going to try out some of the maps you guys mentioned... hopefully I find enough to make my own top 5 :)
Not counting Lockdown and Overwatch...

5. dm_rebar_b5
4. stalkyard2
3. dm_powersurgeb6
2. dm_gasworks
1. dm_watergate
i have been playing on a few custom map servers and got to download and play a few maps which i thought were very cool, especially this first map i am showing screen shots of.. the items are well placed :cool:





this last map is pretty simple.. basically a slice and dice sort of map..fun stuff :D

if anyone wants any of these maps, pm me and we can arrange something over MSN :)

Prisongrav is very bad looking, the lighting is aweful in some parts (part of the fun though) but the action is VERY fast, and it's a very good map if you're good at grav-gun (like me) or want to improve, as the only weapons are circular saw blades from the single player.

It's very fun for something unusual and out-of-the-ordinary, but if there were lots of maps made like this or you played it all the time, it'd get boring.

New map just released, dm_lost_isle, the thread is here: http://www.halflife2.net/forums/showthread.php?t=62726

Haven't played it as of this posting, but it looks great from the screenies and running around in-game.
Prisongrav looks like a map for some nice, old-school style fighting...with the gravity gun, of course.
so has anyone tried these maps i provided screen shots for?
trust me, its fun!!
I really am a fan of lockdown. Also I wanna see more newly made hl2dm maps instead of all these hl remakes, booty gas bounce ect
DM_Badtaste - a remake of one of my old favs
DM_Gasworks_B4- a remake of one of my old favs

Would like to see remakes of the old Morgoth and Scary1&2 HL1DM maps- the flow of those maps rocked!
I've played many many custom maps and it seems like 95 percent of them are garbage. A few of them have like 1 good idea that's cool but it doesn't make up for the crappy maps.

Took me a while to figure out my top 5 since I go through so many a day I have a hard time remembering the map names.

1. dm_substorage
2. dm_citadel_beta3 <= probably the coolest map I've played so far
3. dm_crossfire2_b3 - this map is coming along nicely
4. dm_xen_sahara
5. dm_stalkyard_mrmof_v1

honourable mentions:
prison_grav - simple but can be really fun

If I had a server, I would have these maps in rotation along with lockdown and overwatch

that one in a warehouse
Varsity said:
that one in a warehouse

The drift is out??????? Woooowwwowowowoww i want teh download!!!!!!!!!! :D
1. Overwatch(localized action, the top of the building is the prize and its a chore to keep control of it!)
2. Crossfire(so many high spots to attack from, but trouble can come from across the way or behind, never safe!)
3. Small fort(there is always action!!!!!! Very few weapons, so you must be creative and always watch you back)
4. Killbox!!!!!!!
5. That one where there are multi levels like Killbox, but the floor is larger with flame barrels all along the floor and falling from teh sky! That one is great fun because you cna be running along the floor and just shoot all the barrels to kill people across the room :sniper:
smiley_mr.T said:
hope its textured and not like first (hl2dm) bounce
If you bothered to have use any logic before you made such a rediculous judgment, you would have gotten the map the RIGHT WAY (Not downloading in-game) you would see that it DOES have textures, you have to get them WITH THE MAP ON THE INTERNET.

Some of my opinions:

Lockdown is my favorite map. There aren't any good camper spots (campers suck), and it just has good interconnectivity between rooms.

I don't know who thinks Scrapyard is good, but it really sucks... All it is is some newbie mapper throwing as many props in a horribly textured map as possible.

I have only played watergate for a bit, but I can see that it is not the best... The river is virtually worthless, especially at the end where the rocket is. Which brings my to my next point, the rocket tower. It is the biggest camper spot I have ever seen. Very hard to flush out with nades, and the guy can just sit there all day with a HUGE view of the rest of the map.

Crossfire is pretty bad too. People end up camping around the base where the big button is, and its way too open in too many areas. Weapons such as the crossbow and rocket launcher take advantage of this too easily.

Lockdown is very good, and I have included a brief list of reasons why in another thread.

Overwatch is good too, but it's too easy to camp the crossbow and rocket launcher. Which gives the map a "desired spot" which is very bad. Instead of focusing on killing eachother, it's just a race to get to the rocket launcher.

Well, those are the opinions from a, quite frankly, expert (For my young age) HL2DM player.
Why doesn't downloading the map ingame download the textures? (That's fairly shoddy design imo)
FictiousWill said:
Why doesn't downloading the map ingame download the textures? (That's fairly shoddy design imo)
Well, from what I can see there are two reasons...

Textures are a client side thing.

If I wanted to have custom textures, I wouldn't need to change them back to normal just to play a map that uses them. ("Your textures differ from the server's")

They would just add to the download times.

I am sure Valve knows what they are doing, and this texture problem shouldn't even exist if people would just get off their arses and get the map off a website.