I want to know what are the different versions of the e3 2004 video.
first of course is the gamespy video, widely available.
then someone mentioned a gamespot version which was supposedly better quality. is there any place to get it apart from gamespot? do you need a ocmplete membership to get it?
then there is an ign version i hear. any info about that.
doug said in the valve thread taht theyll be releasing the binks soon. i hope that means all the binks and they dont take the whole year doing that.
EDIT: what are these? which versions are these?
first of course is the gamespy video, widely available.
then someone mentioned a gamespot version which was supposedly better quality. is there any place to get it apart from gamespot? do you need a ocmplete membership to get it?
then there is an ign version i hear. any info about that.
doug said in the valve thread taht theyll be releasing the binks soon. i hope that means all the binks and they dont take the whole year doing that.
EDIT: what are these? which versions are these?