What are these screenshots actually from?

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Im sure someone has posted that video before and someone said they're actually pictures from an old abandoned undeground mining system somewhere, i can't remeber where though. It was on this forum though, maybe it was this thread and someone has edited their posts?

wow lmao
By the way in construction the word tunnel generally refers to above ground constructs only, while below ground tunnels are classified as subterranean tunnels or subterranean passages.
So basically the phrase "underground tunnel" is not only not redundant but it is actually just being more descriptive of the tunnel itself.
Source: was a construction foreman for 10 years
I had no idea Shasta had such a lacking in real life entertainment that he has to rage on the internet about the definition of a ****ing tunnel...
Yet somehow we still manage to see through your attempt at redeeming your standing by referring to us as kids.
Rofl. It's almost too easy with you kids.

(Edit: Message to Stucco) I think I speak for everyone on the forums when I say we're fed up with your crap attitude. There is no need to have such a negative view on everything and everyone, treating them all with utter disrespect. You're banned from the forum. Don't even attempt to sign up again, you are not welcome here.

Ah, the time when you got Munrowned.

To answer the original question, the "screenshots" are definitely not real screenshots, though they might be concept art or renders. I looked at the eslive.com address, and it seems to be just some random site (or it changed in the last 6 months). The video was posted in December 2007, under 2 months after Ep 2 was released, which seems a bit too soon after the last release for Valve to be giving out teasers for Ep3. Furthermore, I've only seen one bit of Ep 3 concept art, and it didn't look like anything in the videos (style of drawing etc).

And for crying out loud, if you write a post that has no relation to the topic, don't post it. That goes for almost every post after and including #7.
Girl? Girls have a different level of intelligence than boys?

Oh how deliciously interesting.

Different learning rates. I'm not being sexist, that's the statistic.
Besides maybe boys are stupider at that age; just thought it funny to say he's as intelligent as a chimp.
Looking at Mc Bane's other posts, he's either Shasta or a clone of him.
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