What are they doing now?

ray_MAN said:
I read the review. It didn't suck. It got a 72% which isn't half bad. And re-developing a game that already went gold, and was already told to be in stores, with no comment on it isn't the best way to go.
72% ... I saw 65% and the reviewer said the only reason it's so high is becuase it included CS multiplayer, which is free. So basically, it got panned.

Valve didn't like that :)
I read the UK review :)

And I have a feeling that Edge panned it... can anyone enlighten me?

And they'd listen to Edge :)
What do you think they're doing now? I'm sure they had a holiday break, since they need a rest every now and then too. And they are working hard to get us the best game possible without compromising the security of the online play due to the source leak. Have faith guys... no matter how much you keep focusing on the fact that the game isn't here yet, its still not going to be in stores until they are ready for it too. The more you focus on it, the longer its going to seem to take. We've got a great year for gaming ahead of us and I'm sure all the wait will be more than worth it!
Frost said:
What do you think they're doing now? I'm sure they had a holiday break, since they need a rest every now and then too. And they are working hard to get us the best game possible without compromising the security of the online play due to the source leak. Have faith guys... no matter how much you keep focusing on the fact that the game isn't here yet, its still not going to be in stores until they are ready for it too. The more you focus on it, the longer its going to seem to take. We've got a great year for gaming ahead of us and I'm sure all the wait will be more than worth it!
I like this guy :)
All I got to say is if you think they are broke you are a damn moron. The fact is them making so much money not only off half-life but the mods they baught out braught back in extra funds not to mention the console sales. Half-life 2 will blow you away like the first one did, and if that isnt enough for you the mods and modding abilities will surely get you. Still nothing? Uhm maybe you should consider counseling.

Thats all happy new year.
You guys sure seem to get viscious about this, but I'm weighing in anyway.

What does Valve owe me?
Nothing. But if that's their attitude, then that's also what I owe them. I was extremely excited about HL2. I was hoping the Sept 30th release date would hold. My hopes were raised as that was right near my birthday. My fiancee was planning on buying it for me. Well, on my birthday I checked when it was going to be available. Pushed back to an innocuous "Winter 2003." Ok I figured maybe she would get it for me for Christmas. NOPE! Around the holliday season we checked again, and moved back again(though to soothe my aching heart she bought me XIII and Splinter Cell as a temporary fill in). This time there seems to be a steady date, but I'm not counting on getting it as a wedding present in April(the currently expected "release date" just happens to be two days after our wedding date). So maybe they don't owe me anything, but the disappointment over the release dates will translate into disapointment in the company and they should understand that. Once I have beaten XIII(already beat Splinter Cell) I'll be looking for another game. I am not a die hard Half-Life fan. I enjoyed the game, and have played several mods(my half life directory is pushing 6Gigs), and from the videos I have seen HL2 looks very good. But from the way things have started to look I'll be playing Doom III before I'll be playing HL2.
What if Doom 3, DNF, and HL2 all get delayed beyond 2004? Would that be the crappiest year for pc gaming or what?
No, because Far Cry will come out :)

and Duke Nukem Forever is slated for a 2005 release :p
Duke Nukem 4Ever... 3DRealms first attempt at a windows based game... only taking a mere 9 years to release. I mean, the home version of windows has gone 3.1, 95, 98, 98se, ME, XP.. we're hoping DNF comes out before Windows Longhorn at this point. That's funny stuff.

As for the guy who says we're still bitching about TF2 not coming out 5 years ago. They didn't tell us it wasn't coming out. It was "almost done" and then poof, nothing. Valve's Iron Curtain. Exactly like Half-Life 2 is going now. Can you imagine it being the end of 2008, and you still haven't heard a f*cking word about HL2 again? Welcome to our TF2 boat, cuz that's what happened to us. I was way more excited about TF2 then I was about HL2. Now they're both in limbo.

I have no problem with Valve being covert about un-announced products. But I think it's pretty sh*tty that they announce a product, hype up everyone to the gills, and THEN to go into silent mode. THANK YOU. IT HURTS.
I can't BELIEVE you are dissapointed in a company because of a delay.

Valve wants the same thing as the fans: A Very good game. They're now taking their time to complete it.....despite the obstackels they have encountered ( the source-theft).

You shouldn't listen so much to what a company announces about release dates... You're expecting a whole dialog with them or something? You don't even have the right to be "hurt" because of a delay ..lol :} Kinda silly actually.

Just WAIT ( or don't think about it at all) untill it comes out.. and i believe it will be WELL worth the wait..and the best game the world has ever seen.
mrBadger said:
I read the UK review :)

And I have a feeling that Edge panned it... can anyone enlighten me?

And they'd listen to Edge :)

I just flicked through the last five issues of Edge magazine and I didn't find a (p)review of CS:CZ.
You have to keep in mind though that unlike competing magazines and websites, it effectively uses the whole 1-10 range for their scores.
This means that a 6/10 from them would be more positive than a 6/10 from, say, PC Gamer.
Speaking of PCG (US); I have a feeling that the average game developer would rather pay attention to them than to what Edge has to say, because of the large difference in respective market share alone.

Naft said:
last i knew some other dev(cant remember name though, came after gearbox) was working on it.


CreedoG said:
Duke Nukem 4Ever... 3DRealms first attempt at a windows based game... only taking a mere 9 years to release.

DNF currently boasts what is probably the longest development time of a major league developer title, but I'm not sure which devious arithmatical trick produced your nine years - after all, the game has 'only' been in development since somewhere in the first half of '97 (actually, 3DR's argument is that it wasn't taken into full development until '98, but that's a discussion in itself).

As for the current HL2 'blackout', I think that Valve have found out the hard way that their openness and the public attention it generated has its disadvantages.
It's hard to evaluate the current silence when it's not clear what exactly is going on behind the scenes.
Valve may very well have good reason to keep quiet for now; one explanation I can think of is that they absolutely want to prevent the 30/9 'fiasco' from being repeated, i.e they will only want to open up again when they have a clear idea of when they'll be able to release the game.
Everyone knows full well that at the first sign of life at Valve, HL2's release date will be the hottest topic of public inquiry.
Hmmm hurt? Not really. Sad? A bit. Disappointed? YUP! Ruined birthday gift, cancelled Christmas gift, and soon we'll hear that April 30th is not the release date. Then somewhere in late 04, then eventually it will just be placed in limbo....
I doubt they will even mention it at E3
I think that mr.Tyler Durden has a word to this -
«the things you want to own end up wanting to own you»


Wait a sec.
that didn't make any sense
We have every right to be as pissed off as we want. We are the consumers, and it is THEIR JOB as a company to please us. If they piss us off for some reason, it is THEIR fault and THEY will have to deal with the consequences. That's the bare truth, and if Valve has any bit of professionalism as a company they will accept any drop in the overall community morale as a consequence of their own shortcomings.

They have a highly dedicated fanbase, which is something that can work very well in their favor... IF they treat it properly. Unfortunately for them, they've chosen to neglect the very people that could potentially, and perhaps have been, their strongest supporters.

Anyone who is pissed has every right to be. And anyone who isn't, of course, has every right to be content, if that's how they feel...

I don't mind a delay or a floating release date, really. What I do mind is the absolute silence from VALVe about anything regarding the game. I mean, releasing a screenshot or two isn't going to endanger the game in any way. And these boards are starting to really dry up... If they don't release something... anything soon, then some people are going to completely lose interest.
A feeling is a feeling, I will not deny my feelings because someone says I have no right to have them. I am disapointed, that is all. I no longer trust the words of Valve. Now the first thing I think of when I hear Valve is "what an unprofessional company". I can't help it, and I won't.
Sheesh, im glad you weren't around when MS bought Bungie and made Halo a Console only title.

Actually I wish u had, cos then you would all have had heart attacks and this forum would be full of people who accepted the delay and we making constructive posts :).

Halo only came out about 4 years late on PC, I didn't get this upset about it, I didn't even play the console version for 2 years so It wouldn't spoil the surprise.

I suppose if people got up in arms this much about every release delay the industry might do something, Two games I really wanted were Breed and LO-MAC, both delayed over a year and on neither forum was there this much of a fuss (relative to forum size) about it, especially in the LO-MAC community, The difference really does fit with the mature ppl play sims and adolescents play FPS's stereotyping.

Valves owes community Nothing
Community owes Valve Nothing

Valve hasnt asked the community for anything
Community is demanding Valve release the game (or ELSE!)

It would be funny if the forums Mods decided to delete all posts relating to the delay, there would be almost no forum left :)

Now im going to go back to waiting patiently for HL2, while Enjoying my other games and carefully controlling my cholesterol level in case I become like this lot :).

the nine years came from 1996 - 2005 (est. release date). I thought it was begun in 1996, not 1997, my bad.

As for your "blackout - they've found out the hard way" statement.. Besides the Source Code leak, the current state of HL2 is the EXACT same state as TF2 in 2000. This is how they dealt with the problem then (silence), this is how they're dealing with it now (silence). I don't think they realize how much an asshole they're being. and I don't see them ever changing their ways.

Xenome :

I'm not dissappointed because of a delay. I'm not hurt because of a delay. Delay's are the rule, not the exception. I'm upset because they're being total assholes all over again. They get us all hyped up, excited about their product. Then delay it. (NO PROBLEM AT THIS POINT). Then they disappear off the face of the planet. No new info, no new screenshots, no new media, and no word as to what's going on internally.

I'm not saying they owe use this info per se, but getting us used to the info, then turning it off (heheheh like a valve) is CRUEL. It's like getting peeps addicted to crack, then denying them any. I'm also not saying they're being jerks on purpose. I just don't think they realize how far a bink video, or a couple of screenshots, or even "Hey, everythings going good, we'll have something for you soon" would go. They'd rather just ignore the problem, and release the game when it's ready. At that point, everyone will be happy again. Unfortunately, we have to stew in the current situation for a few more months, till they're ready.

I personally think that's shitty. And all I can do is send in emails that are ignored, or spout off in this forum. No differences being made today.
Wilco said:
Valves owes community Nothing
Community owes Valve Nothing
In my opinion, they owe us what they promise us, and if they can't give us that, they owe us a decent explanation and perhaps even a new promise. It's my opinion, and I'm not going to claim that nobody has to right to feel any differently.

However, what ISN'T opinion is the fact that Valve is going to have to deal with the attitudes of the community. It doesn't matter whether you think people should be angry or not; Valve HAS to deal with what they have created, regardless of whether it is unjust, immoral, or irrational. It is all a part of business and although some of it is beyond their control, they haven't done anything that would suggest they're trying to make the best of the situation's effect on the attitudes of the consumers.
Wilco said:
Sheesh, im glad you weren't around when MS bought Bungie and made Halo a Console only title.

Actually I wish u had, cos then you would all have had heart attacks and this forum would be full of people who accepted the delay and we making constructive posts :).

Halo only came out about 4 years late on PC, I didn't get this upset about it, I didn't even play the console version for 2 years so It wouldn't spoil the surprise.

I suppose if people got up in arms this much about every release delay the industry might do something, Two games I really wanted were Breed and LO-MAC, both delayed over a year and on neither forum was there this much of a fuss (relative to forum size) about it, especially in the LO-MAC community, The difference really does fit with the mature ppl play sims and adolescents play FPS's stereotyping.

Valves owes community Nothing
Community owes Valve Nothing

Valve hasnt asked the community for anything
Community is demanding Valve release the game (or ELSE!)

It would be funny if the forums Mods decided to delete all posts relating to the delay, there would be almost no forum left :)

Now im going to go back to waiting patiently for HL2, while Enjoying my other games and carefully controlling my cholesterol level in case I become like this lot :).

exactly :)
CreedoG said:

the nine years came from 1996 - 2005 (est. release date). I thought it was begun in 1996, not 1997, my bad.

As for your "blackout - they've found out the hard way" statement.. Besides the Source Code leak, the current state of HL2 is the EXACT same state as TF2 in 2000. This is how they dealt with the problem then (silence), this is how they're dealing with it now (silence). I don't think they realize how much an asshole they're being. and I don't see them ever changing their ways.

Xenome :

I'm not dissappointed because of a delay. I'm not hurt because of a delay. Delay's are the rule, not the exception. I'm upset because they're being total assholes all over again. They get us all hyped up, excited about their product. Then delay it. (NO PROBLEM AT THIS POINT). Then they disappear off the face of the planet. No new info, no new screenshots, no new media, and no word as to what's going on internally.

I'm not saying they owe use this info per se, but getting us used to the info, then turning it off (heheheh like a valve) is CRUEL. It's like getting peeps addicted to crack, then denying them any. I'm also not saying they're being jerks on purpose. I just don't think they realize how far a bink video, or a couple of screenshots, or even "Hey, everythings going good, we'll have something for you soon" would go. They'd rather just ignore the problem, and release the game when it's ready. At that point, everyone will be happy again. Unfortunately, we have to stew in the current situation for a few more months, till they're ready.

I personally think that's shitty. And all I can do is send in emails that are ignored, or spout off in this forum. No differences being made today.


The difference between halflife2 and other games is that valve gave us A LOT OF FOOTAGE IN ONE MOMENT...and not seperated over the months. THey gave us a 700 mb movie ..wich normally never happens when he game is announced does it?
Compare the footage we have of halflife2 to the footage there is from far cry.
There's MUCH more footage of halflife 2.

And then there's people saying "first they make us all hyped up about the game blabla" -- lol i could have expected that. :x

AND, when they released all this info, they didn't knew they were gonna get hacked did they? They HAD TO delay the game..or do you want a game with the source of it already lying on the streets? omg..
Now there are being very silenced..because look what it brought them when they werent..
They need to focus now to complete the game..without getting demands from 'hyped-up fans"..

And you saying they are being assholes all over again...that's just bs.

They have the right to take ALL THE TIME THEY NEED to make and complete this game..and you are nowhere in the position to demand ANYTHING of them ..lol.

They are to be praised/disliked for the products they release..not for the info they give you about it. And they already gave you a damn good product, wich also comes with alot of good mods: halflife 1. Play that untill you got halflife2.

People already concider it normal that they receive a reaction to an email from them..it's gone that far. You should concider yourself LUCKY if you did. ( I did today btw :D)

So don't act like you have the right to demand anything of them... they are a company, you are a so called 'gamer'... jeez.

Btw I understand you're being dissapointed..but just keep it to yourself and don't bother other people with it.
CreedoG said:
Besides the Source Code leak, the current state of HL2 is the EXACT same state as TF2 in 2000. This is how they dealt with the problem then (silence), this is how they're dealing with it now (silence).

Well, that's an example of what I was referring to; Valve had a reason to keep stumm about TF2: HL2.
Personally, I think it's great that they have been silent on TF2 over the last couple of years, just as they have been on HL2's development prior to April this year.
Let them come out of hiding only when they have something solid to show, perfectly fine with me.

Then again, I've been waiting for DNF to appear since late '97, so my perspective on game delays could be a bit skewed.

The hack may have slightly changed when they would be able release HalfLife2, but Gabe said (check valve info forum) that even without the hack, they wouldn't have been able to release Half-Life 2 this year. The game is delayed because they're not finished, not because of the Hack (although that surely didn't help)

And I didn't say anywhere that they owed us anything. I've never been part of that argument. I'm just trying to state that the Valve Iron Curtain is rude. That's an opinion. It's the second time they've pulled this shit on me, and I don't like it. You may think that the Silent treatment is fun, entertaining even. That's your opinion. Ok?

Can we agree to having differing opinions on how Valve treats the community?
Wilco said:
Community owes Valve Nothing
An apology mightn't go amiss in some cases...

As for Valve owing us new info? Fair point, all this silence is frustrating but, as I'm sure a thousand people before me have said, there's a good chance that Valve themselves simply aren't sure exactly how much needs fixing or when it's going to be released. As a result, to give another estimate would simply be the same thing as saying "Sept 30th. Oh no wait we can't make that after all, sorry." an estimate would be taken as gospel and any further "slips" would be greeted with the exact same scorn and disappointment as what's already happened. It's sad but true.
Can I just ask something here?

CS:CZ hasn't been released yet, has it? Sorry if I seem a little ignorant of that point, but I haven't been following it at all.
I don't get it.
Somebody would mk a trainer anyways and it would be full of cheats anyways as all other games.
I personally think the hacker got ALL valve had

they simply released a tech demo at e3

i think HL2 is bullshitware
kkevin666 said:
I personally think the hacker got ALL valve had

they simply released a tech demo at e3

i think HL2 is bullshitware
Fair enough. But considering the Source Code itself (that was stolen) wasn't actually as advanced as E3.... hmmm you must be right. :rolleyes:
nw909 said:
Nah, they stopped working on the game obviously, even though they took all the money they made from HL1 and put it into HL2, they've gone broke of course, and don't even get me started on TF2.


Yeah, and all becase of Gabe and his BMW! Damn you Gabe! *shakes fist* :E
kkevin666 said:
I personally think the hacker got ALL valve had

they simply released a tech demo at e3

i think HL2 is bullshitware

I wish I had a daughter so I could forbid her to marry people like you.
How come u had to close the "Would u hit it topic" It was kinda funny hehehe

Fair enough. But considering the Source Code itself (that was stolen) wasn't actually as advanced as E3.... hmmm you must be right

I wish I had a daughter so I could forbid her to marry people like you.
^ Nice one, made me giggle :cheers:
Feath: what this thread boils down to is 'What's going on?". I think that the lack of details is unsettling to a lot of people, and even a terse "Hang in there, we are working on it" or along those lines would help.

On other boards, (whether this is true or not I do NOT claim to know) an inference has been drawn between Duke Nukem Forever and HL2..unfair, maybe..but it adds fuel to the fire.

I am as patient as any, but this silence is a little...unnerving. Goid knows Gabe and the others have a hell of a lot on their plates right now..I don't envy them at all. But a brief update or even a short staff "release" on where they are right now would, I think, at least settle some uneasy minds.

Dev Team..if you read this, no disrespect intended but a few words would go a long way.
I am sorry for the long post, but I rarely post stuff. you will probabley get over it.

I don't understand why people think that valve has completely cut off communication with the public. Just look at the info from valve thread. I guess they would be right if they were refering to the fact that valve hasn't made any formal announcements, but gabe stated that he prefered to let information be released through fansites.

Don't you think its a little harsh to lose your respect for someone you have never met, and is making this incredible game for you to enjoy, and not just to make money because if they were after our money, it would have been released by now. shit, I am happy that they haven't been releasing any more screenshots or movies, I want to get the full awe factor of the game. i mean, you know how cool it was to see that 700 mb video, but think about how cool it would have been to actually play the entire game without knowing any of the stuff you learned from that video, i believe i would have shit my pants.

Also, as far as I am concerned, there is nothing more for valve to tell. They're working on the game to make it a classic hit that will be bug free and playable for another 6 years until they finish Half-life 3. I don't know maybe some people want to know everything that they're doing over at valve, If you really want to know that much, than you can stalk gabe or something. God, if your so pissed because they haven't been talking much, I'm surprised that you haven't killed gabe for the(more or less) 5 year complete silence from 98 to 03

I don't know where you people were raised but where I'm from we have phrase that we use for situations like the valve delay. SHIT HAPPENS, DEAL WITH IT. If I hired some one to paint my car for $2000 and they told me it would take them 3 weeks and when those 3 weeks were over and they were still not done there would be nothing I could do, because I know that they are going to do a good job and its not like I am going to paint it myself.
What are they doing now?

I think they are trying to find out what year the earth will be rules by robotic koalas so that they can finally give us a solid release date for HL2.
I bet they're laughing their asses off at this thread.
jet jaguar said:
What if Doom 3, DNF, and HL2 all get delayed beyond 2004? Would that be the crappiest year for pc gaming or what?
Naw, they'll come out, it's just that people are now calling it UT2K5.
D3 has to come out, this May will be the 3rd year D3 has been at E3.

It's just that alot of these games are now shooting for an April release. With last minute delays, I see them going into May, which is when E3 happens.
I just hope that hl2 doesnt turn into a duke nuken "forever waiting for the release"

but i think this year i am going to start playing my half life 2 hehe.