what are you listening to right now?

Steaming radio:


2 of my favorite things, japanese and rave :)
Yasushi Ishii - The Japanese Alphabet Road with Chinese Bellflower's Sweet Smell
Yasushi Ishii - Soul Rescuer
Liquido - Narcotic
Blind Gaurdian - Nightfall

My most favourite songs among over 345 .ogg's
Air - Don't Be Light

(from the 10,000Hz Legend album) <--- rocks
Blink 182 - The Fallen Interlude

Doesn't sound like them at all, got some meaty drumming. Only 2 minutes long :P
mrchimp said:
Spamania - license to spam
Are they any good? :rolleyes:

Micheal Angelo Batio - Planet Gemini

If any of you know who he is hes an amazing guitarist and just yesterday he came to my local guitar shop for a charity thing. I didn't get to go because of a "family crisis :( " but my friends said he kicked ass. Check out some of hes demos on his site, and espc. the video! His over/under technique is amazing.

i'm now listening to

"Captain Jean-Luc Pic-KAAAAAAAAHHHNNNN!!!! of the USS Enterprise"
Blink 182 - Obvious

Their new album is pretty cool :)
This band and their amazing debut album. The best album I've heard all year, as well as the best I've heard come out of the UK.
I've been playing BOA - Duvet on repeat for over 30mins now :)

Its the opening theme of Serial Experiments Lain (Avatar!)
nothing, my headphones = crap

they're sennheiser hd477's
the wires have crappy connections
they only work when theyre in a certain position
ive been holding one of the wires in my mouth for a few days to keep it in the right place, since one side worked, and the other didnt, so i had to keep it in a certain position holding it in my mouth, but now the other sides broke too :o