What are you trying to achieve?


Sep 18, 2007
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Huh? Just what the hell do you think you are?

An agent of change? A rockstar? Someone trying to live the American Dream?


For me, I'd have to say I don't care so much about achieving anything so much as I can feel good about what I do and who I'm with, so that I can look back in 35 years and feel a warm feeling of satisfaction. Then I'd dick around some more.
I'm going to fight on universes in massive mechs while throwing spiral galaxies like discs and fighting the anti-spiral.

Really though, I want to fly planes. Hopefully while killing Chinese. (the communist ones, not the ones in hong kong that send me all my weeaboo shit through ebay)
If I end up being categorized as a normal person that will be just fine...Right now I'm trying to not end up in the loony bin.
Get through day to day with some enjoyment in it, while striving for that "true love" that you feel you've found with each mate you find. Also not dying is positive.
Just to be in complete balance and understanding of myself.

Other than that, I'd like to get into a profession I enjoy, just like everyone else :p

I strive for something more though. I'm learning and growing as much as I can so I can perhaps achieve it.
Racking up the greatest quantity of varied life experience possible until I find a better goal in life.
Oh, can't forget to be the next "Goatse".
Just to do things I enjoy doing, and being a positive force in others lives. Spending the least amount of my life at work, because to me, money doesn't mean shit if you aren't doing the things you enjoy. Time is money. I'd rather have a small house and spend 20 hours a week at work than have a big house and work 60 hours a week, for example. If I can find a job that I actually looked forward to going every day, well, that would be different.
I just wanna be, I just wanna be, successful.
I want to contribute in some way to other people's lives. Not necessarily to change them, but at least to make them happy. I want to feel that I am at the forefront of something, that I am doing new things which are interesting to others who I'm in dialogue with. A positive contribution! An achievement! That would make me happy. Oh, who am I kidding? This is all bound up with wanting to be totes famous you guys.

Ideally I'd like to be rich, too, but that's just because it makes everything so much easier.
record covers, t-shirts, gig posters. basically the person that i see artwork for at gigs via flyers and posters or on merch tables and think holy **** who did that.

also illustrated stories and comics, some other time.
Much like Sulk's aim, but preferably by using science to play god.
I'm just trying to hook up with some girl. You're supposed to have goals beyond that?
also i'd like to enjoy life more. travel a bit more and just buy a rent/buy a house with my closest friends and or girlfriend.
Right now, I just want to finish my law degree and good grades to boot.
I'm just trying to hook up with some girl. You're supposed to have goals beyond that?
When you chase something, it will try to get away. Your best bet is to put yourself in a position for it to come to you, and seize the opportunity with conviction.

Be the Great Teacher Onizuka of music education. I'd like to be a teacher for the rest of my life and develop kids into better human beings.

Attain the position of Senior Patrol Leader, which I should be, but have been upstaged by popularity for previously.

Also, women. I want to achieve women.
All i want to achieve is a job which doesn't make me dread the rising sun and to not have children. If i have children i will be ****ing horrified.
I'm leaving for the military processing building soon. I just want to get through basic training.

Everything else sounds like a breeze.
Just a few for the Demoman, I don't have his new sticky launcher yet.
I think i'm a bike rider. Seems like these days I just cruise around the city, smoke weed, go to class, ride BMX, and chill at the Clocktower. It's a pretty fulfilling life on the less jaded days.

I guess that as far as goals go, i'm just trying to make some more friends in this city. Right now, my entire friend base consists 100% of BMXers, and people I know THROUGH BMX. They're awesome people, for sure, but I just feel like there's this huge social barrier between me and them, because most of them have lived in SF for their entire lives, and are at least 5 years older than me. That and a lot of them are hood as ****.

No homo, but i'd like to either get closer to the guys I ride with, or meet some kids more like me that ride bikes.

And on a less gay note, pussy. That's definitely up there on the list of priorities.

EDIT: Oh and do well in college this semester. Also up there.
Work in a studio somewhere and secretly slip my bands into the free spaces.

Then bam, you'll read about me OD'ing or something six albums into my career.
To adhere to humanity's basic need and instinct; to ***k as much as possible.
To find a quiet piece of land and get away from my past.