what are your 2 favourite levels from Half-Life


Jun 28, 2004
Reaction score
i love this game its ****in awesome......even though i played it and beat it more than 50 times lol im still playing it again ne way im just wondering what are your 2 favourite levels.....mine are On a Rail and Surface Tension :smoking:
Unforseen concequences and Surface tension, although Questionable Ethics and Aprehension are good too.

I always made the scientist fall down off the tram walkway on unforseen concequences, No! Gordon! Stay back! Argggghh!
Ohh that was cool, ecspecially when you get the gun :)
the levels I remember most are the beginning intro one where you meet the scientists and also the xen levels with floaty islands..
We've Got Hostiles and the one with the Tentacles. Can't remember the name, real fun though.
Whatever mission you have to find Dr.Rosenberg from Blue Shift and Forget About Freeman.
Surface tension

the one where you get the guass

"Man, why aren't we using this thing." "Careful, don't let it overcharge."

I'm gonna have to jump on the Surface Tension bandwagon here to fantastically scripted set of levels. And to make that Dam in Worldcraft 2.0 - guy wasen't getting paid enough. Second would be either We've Got Hostiles or Questionable Ethics. I can't decide which one - so will have to make it 3 instead of 2. ;o
my full ranking :D

surface tension
blast pit
on a rail
office complex
we've got hostiles
questionable ethics
unforeseen consequences
power up
lambda core
forget about freeman
gonarch's lair
residue processing

scariness index
blast pit
unforeseen consequences
gonarch's lair
office complex
surface tension
lambda core
Surface Tension and We've got hostiles. There's was also that level in OpFor which was full of those assassins, which I thought was kind of cool, can't remember the name though. Foxtrot something ?
"Office Complex", I once collected four different Security Guards there. And the other one is..."We've got Hostiles". I don't understand when or where they got the Hostiles, but it's a good level.
Anyone know how to cheat with steam? I am trying to play parts of the game again but I can't find out how to get the cheats to work with the console.
as i see....Surface Tension is pretty damn popular but its one hellova level
you think another one will be made in half life 2?
Surface Tension, We got hostiles, On a Rail, heck any level with marines was my favorite

I loved that part were you first faced them after riding the elevator and they played that cool techno rock music.
Anomalos materials

I know a lot of people hated xen but i loved it. I wish they had at least a teeny tiny Xen part in HL2, but oh well. I don't understand what was wrong with it, but hey each to his own, eh? I wouldn't mind hearing why you hated Xen, though.

And anamolous materials, oh what a great way to start off a game. Best way i have seen ever pretty much...
Apprehension (or whichever one starts on the cliffside) is my second-favorite. My favorite though, has to be Questionable Ethics. It's just such a good intro sequence to a game :E
Surface Tension (that cliff face alone deserves some sort of award), and Blast Pit (scared the crap out of me, but how they turned an entire chapter into getting rid of those tentacles was a masterstroke).
surface tension and gorgon's lair, gorgon scared me more than the icthyosaur and surface tention imo practically invented some parts in halo and other shooters
mines the first... the train ride... for some reason i LOVE games that dont have guns like that. if its done well, that is. i would have happily played through half life or any other game in a non-violence mode,as long as there were no puzzles or anything and it was all about the things you see.

dunno about my second, seeing as the game is just one big experience, im just gonna say all of it :p
Suicide42 said:
mines the first... the train ride... for some reason i LOVE games that dont have guns like that. if its done well, that is. i would have happily played through half life or any other game in a non-violence mode,as long as there were no puzzles or anything and it was all about the things you see.

dunno about my second, seeing as the game is just one big experience, im just gonna say all of it :p
I agree, I hope there are lots of places in HL2 where you just walk around without a weapon and without enemies to get into mood.
dino_21 said:
i love this game its ****in awesome......even though i played it and beat it more than 50 times lol im still playing it again ne way im just wondering what are your 2 favourite levels.....mine are On a Rail and Surface Tension :smoking:

Before the incident and right afterwards. The atmosphere is really haunting and oppressive...
The second where everything goes wrong and We've got hostiles
Lamdba complex was lots a fun. Things were as damaged as in Anamoulous materials. I also liked unforeseen consequences.