What are your favorite pastimes besides Gaming?

Gaming..............oh besides gaming....IRC....forums....
cool thread, tv, hardware, pcmags, very specific reading, movies, just ****in around with buddies
the ladies!

.. i wish they all felt the same way :(

really: (in no special order) movies, playing sports (basketball and soccer), leanring more about beer :), learning more about music.
Ultimate Frisbee, drinking/hanging out with buds (mostly playing Beiruit), moutain biking, rock climbing, collecting DVDs, reading periodicals, putting off schoolwork, listening to NPR.
Potatoe Guns are dangerous. There was this one kid who shot out his eye with a frog he'd put in one of them. I swear I am not joking it actually happened google it or something.

My brother collects DVDs, he has several hundred. I wish he'd buy games instead since he only watches the movies about 3-4 times then never again. Games are definitely a better investment.
fizzlephox said:
Potatoe Guns are dangerous. There was this one kid who shot out his eye with a frog he'd put in one of them. I swear I am not joking it actually happened google it or something.

I made one for a science project once, but it confiscated :)
fizzlephox said:
Potatoe Guns are dangerous. There was this one kid who shot out his eye with a frog he'd put in one of them. I swear I am not joking it actually happened google it or something.

yeah, and those people are called morons. If you treat a potato gun like a real gun, you have no problems.

But they are great fun. We made one that launches a .75 lb object 300 yards. We made another that looks like a musket that is accurate from 50 yards.

[Edit] your link doesn't work
[Edit 2] Oops, you have to register. :rolling:
I rowed a boat once. My arms hurt at the end of the day (not because I'm weak but because it was a long-ass row) and I fell out once and got really cold. I don't look foward to rowing anymore. I do enjoy photography and hiking though.
Programming, and that is it. I do other things, I just don't enjoy them :)

I also play the occasional game of paintball, but as of right now it's pretty tough to pull off, since a game of paintball requires other human beings and my area is lacking in that respect. I used to play all the time though, which was tons of fun. I live right next to a very large forest that is just perfect for it. :)
What about Britney Spears?
The only things I can think of are;
~Masturbate to her
~Stalk her
~Spy on her
~Masturbate with her:cheese:
Tredoslop said:
What about Britney Spears?
The only things I can think of are;
~Masturbate to her
~Stalk her
~Spy on her
~Masturbate with her:cheese:

you have an awful dirty mind tredoslop :|

I like to go to parties, have sex, get new STD.
I used to skateboard, sometimes snowboard.
Been on school Badminton team(just for the chics).
Wardrobe. Got to look fly for the hotties.
4 Elements of Hip Hop; Ho's, Bling, Drugs, Money. No, Breaking, Emcee, Graffiti, and Djing. I can do some breakdance, been trying to Dj.



much more.
ART! (i'm an artist), writing/playing music(play drums in a band), hmm reading, star gazing, telling dead baby jokes or otherwise doing other really strange things that makes everyone i'm around me think i'm psycho... heh i act pretty normal here though... no clue why... umm i travel a lot, i REALLY wanna take up scuba diving, just learned skin diving last summer... but unfortunately i live in colorado(for those of you outside the US that don't know... colorado is land locked, about 1100 miles or so away from any oceans/seas/gulfs/whatever). umm oh, skiing and snowboarding i also love.
Sup Jackal, where do you like to go skiing? I live in Colorado too. Ever been to Mary Jane? That place ****ing rocks. I like Vail too.
fapping, programming, basketball, running, bb gun, hammock, trampoline, swim, movie, fapping, vaginas
DarkStar said:
Sup Jackal, where do you like to go skiing? I live in Colorado too. Ever been to Mary Jane? That place ****ing rocks. I like Vail too.

yo man...vail is cool, like the back side bowls a lot :D... umm yeah been to mary jane, that was fun :) my fav is probably copper mountain though... i usually get good prices for it(probably why it's my fav lol)
Drawing, painting and stuff.. IRCing and hanging out in a countless amount of forums.
Nice thread, well

Clubing, Gym, Movies, working and Studying.
Badminton, pubbing, watching films, seeing my friends, modding games, trying to get with one of my best mates :p

EDIT: she's female :P
Other than gaming? Well i lift weights of anything down to 6000 pounds, i run 500 miles a day and a swim the length of England...all before i get up and come downstairs to carry on with the rest of my life, which includeds skating (not so much anymore...which is saddening ;() reading, collage (i enjoy it when im not stressed about work) films, to an extent and hanging around with friends.
Masturbating, it sure does pass the time.

I drum a bit, trying to get a band started with some local guys.
Well, I've started going to the gym about 3-4 times a week, I go to the movies with friends ALOT. Im a scout leader and skipper (im a sea scout). Oh and Sailing. Thats like my passion, besides gaming. I just love to sail. We have a boat with our family, its 28 foot long. Not that large but it's cool for us 4. We have a fast 27 foot one in the scouts and then I have a small one called a "laser" at our summer place. Its about 2-3m long and extreamly fast. I can get up to like 15-20 knots with it, if the winds right :p
I've kinda had my hands into everything at one point or another. My real passion is computers and doing everything I can involved with them, but I also swim, ride dirtbikes, do watersports, dabble in model rocketry (or just blowing crap up), and graphic design.
Edit: I haven't gone for a while, but I've done a lot of skiing over the years too.