What are your favorite pastimes besides Gaming?

Guitar, drawing, painting(photoshop), modelling (underwear, uh I mean 3ds max) and drinking, bar hopping, working(takes up most of my time now) and hanging out with my friends.
Tennis, playing guitar, dancing (clubing if you like to call it that), and probably just hanging out with friends
My hobbies are: (In no particular order really)

1. Gaming
2. Martial arts
3. Weight lifting
4. Forums and the internet
5. Learning about games creation. e.g. C++, softimage, etc.

-Paintball (I haven't played for 2 weeks! :'( Ah well, I gotta tournament coming up soon, should be fun!)
-I'm taking up rock climbing soon hopefully
-I'd love to take dirtbiking, but paintball sucks up most free time and money
Mapping, ive been at it for three years and still havent completed a single map \o/
I almost forgot, besides masturbation and gaming I also do weight lifting and swimming. I don't really think of those as hobbies tho.
Mapping! How could i forget...i guess i was thinking of things other than the computer.