What books do you like?


Mar 30, 2005
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Well, for me, I like the Artemis Fowl series. What about you?
Pretty much anything by Asimov is good

I've read the ender's game series which was cool

Read Dune and all the prequels (the sequels are sup-par IMO)

And of course, The hitchhiker series by Adams :)
Three favorite authors are currently William Gibson (cyberpunk fiction), Orson Scott Card, and Douglas Adams.

I read a whole lot though, probably read over a thousand books in my entire sixteen years minus two weeks of life.

Currently reading "The Ugly American" which is a real classic.
I'm really into Chuck Palahniuk and have read everything he's put in print. Books recently that I've read and loved are Confederacy of Dunces by John Toole, Jennifer Government by Max Barry, and House of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski.

Favorite book of all time would have to be Dave Egger's "Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius". It really lives up to it's title.

About the only fantasty I've dabbled in is the Redwall series and the Hobbit. Not a huge fan, but it's alright occassionally to break up the monotany.
Ooo! William Gibson! Only read Neuromancer, need to get some others by him but I dont want to go to the library, I have too many outstanding books.
SimonomiS said:
Ooo! William Gibson! Only read Neuromancer, need to get some others by him but I dont want to go to the library, I have too many outstanding books.
read idoru, all tomorrows parties, count zero, shit there's a whole lot, but they're all fkn excellent.
David Clement...

Then again, I don't read alot of adult novels.
Robert Asprin, George Orwell, John Bellairs.

Another Fine Myth Series, 1984, The Face in the Frost. (Respectively)
bliink said:
1984 was great

Thats what everyone says, I gotta read it one of these days. BTW I like WWII books in particular Enemy At The Gates, also I thoroughly enjoyed War Of The Worlds, Its old, but its a classic. :)
all historical books relating to World War II, as well
My favourite books in no particular order:
Dune (original book only)
Duncton Wood
Call of the Wild
Lord of the Rings
Watership Down
anything by David Brinn, Dale Brown, Robert Ludlum, Michael J Chrichton or LE Modessit Jr.
ahh yes, michael chricton's stuff is good too :)
crichton is how it's spelled i think.

jurassic park, the lost world, and the andromeda strain were all great. is prey any good?
yeah, I thought so

my favorites were jurassic park and timeline
I love books. I can never get enough. My favorite authors are:

Chuck Palahniuk.
Arthur Nersesian.
Irvine Welsh.
J.D. Salinger.
Banana Yoshimoto.
George Orwell.
Louisa Luna.
Mark Barrowcliffe.
Hunter S. Thompson.
J.R.R. Tolkien.
mm, fear and loathing in las vegas is a great book. i also really want to start reading chuck palahniuk as fight club is an insanely awesome movie but i havent gotten around to it yet.
Anybody here ever read any Gabriel Garcia Marquez? "Love in the Time of Cholera" is one of my favorite books.

In terms of children's books I think Phillip Pullman and the "His Dark Materials" trilogy is probably the best.
Ennui said:
crichton is how it's spelled i think.

jurassic park, the lost world, and the andromeda strain were all great. is prey any good?

I liked Jurassic Park. I must've read it three or four times now. I remember taking that book to 6th grade science class to read because my teacher never taught us anything and no one did anything so I was always bored. Ahh... good times. I also read The Terminal Man but didn't like it as much. I'll have to read the other two you mentioned there some time.

My favorite author is John Steinbeck. The Grapes of Wrath, Winter of Our Discontent, The Pearl, Of Mice and Men... all good. Even his nonfiction stuff (Travels with Charley) is pretty good too. I like his style -- says it straight like it is but still makes you think about things. One of my dorkier goals in life is to read as many Steinbeck works as I can.... :dork:

Other than that, I just randomly pick out books at the library to read over the summer -- doesn't matter if I've heard of it or not.

DarkStar said:
Anybody here ever read any Gabriel Garcia Marquez? "Love in the Time of Cholera" is one of my favorite books.

I've heard great things about that book, but never read it though. I did have to read "Chronicle of a Death Foretold" in Spanish for my Spanish class a couple of years ago. My teacher wasn't very good though. She had a tendency of telling you all the nasty parts of the book and leaving all the rest of it (the important stuff...) for us to try to ponder over... in Spanish....
ooh, I read the Grapes of Wrath in seventh grade... bloody excellent.
Anything from Dan Brown:
-Digital Fortress
-Angels & Demons
-Da Vinci Code
(gonna start Deception Point soon)

Started some Robert Ludlum
-Sigma Protocol

-LOTR Series
-Harry Potter Series

I really wanna read Fight Club too.
AmishSlayer said:
Anything from Dan Brown:
-Digital Fortress
-Angels & Demons
-Da Vinci Code
(gonna start Deception Point soon)

I loved Da Vinci Code so I bought Angels & Demons. It was one of the worst books I've ever read. The plot was not only all over the place, the writing itself was mediocre at best. I think he lost me when Langdon jumped out of the helicopter a mile up and lived. In fact I stopped reading it soon after that. Compared to the tightly constructed well-written Da Vinci Code, Angels & Demons was amateurish.

Dan Brown is definitely improving with time.
He seems to be the newest up-and-coming author, doubt he'll rise as meteorically as J.K. Rowling though.
1984 was a pretty good book, although a bit slow at times. I liked Animal Farm too. "Four legs good, two legs bad." :D
in my life i have only read:

the four harry potter books (awesome)
to kill a mockingbird (strange book when i read it [i was like 10])
the lovely bones (i enjoyed it)

and pretty much that's it, not mentioning all those other random books you read throughout your life that kinda suck. although i enjoy reading a lot and should do it more often...
Evil^Milk said:
to kill a mockingbird (strange book when i read it [i was like 10])

Well, that is an awesome book.

I can't believe you've only read 4 books in your life. You should go to the library man!
heh, well yeah i have read a lot more books but if i'd count the ones i've actually liked i wouldn't pick many to be honest

edit - mockingbird is a good book, i said it was strange because i didn't really understand it till later ;)

like 1984 or Animal Farm or Artemis fowl series or textbooks or ect.
I like Anthony Beevor's two books, Stalingrad and Berlin 1945. Two really great books, read them if you are into WW2.
Loke said:
I like Anthony Beevor's two books, Stalingrad and Berlin 1945. Two really great books, read them if you are into WW2.

As far as WW2 books go you can't beat Slaughterhouse-Five.