What brower is you using?

What browser's y'all usin?

  • Opera

    Votes: 11 10.6%
  • Safari

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Firefox

    Votes: 86 82.7%
  • IE

    Votes: 6 5.8%
  • Other

    Votes: 1 1.0%

  • Total voters


Oct 23, 2007
Reaction score
I just wanted to know. I'm using opera.
My List:
opera > all other browsers > firefox > IE
What about you?
Did you just say Opera uses more memory than Firefox?

Are you sure?
IE. I really don't see a point in changing when they all show the same things.
Firefox. I used Opera before that and IE before that.
Firefox mostly although I am trying out Opera again. I don't want to browse the web with explorer.

Opera probably is quicker for loading a lot of content but it feels like it downloads most of the content before actually throwing it on the screen. A different browsing pace than with firefox anyway. And the spell check is not real-time. :(
Memory is a non-issue for me. These browsers hardly have anything to push 2gb of memory. But Opera seems to use on average less memory so far.
I just did a quick test on my system. Probably get different results if I actually browsed the net for a while but I loaded 4 websites each as a tab in 1 window.

anandtech.com, Youtube (then did a search), halflife2.net, and steampowered.com

Firefox ~55MB
Opera (tab picture thumbnail enabled) ~61MB
Opera (disabled) ~49MB
IE 7.0 ~65MB

Then I minimized the windows (they should dumb memory to the pagefile).

Opera 7MB
IE 7.0 5MB

I'm surprised iexplore.exe used as much memory as it did considering part of the memory usage for Internet Explorer would be under explorer.exe as well. I've had a few times when my browser hit above 100mb but that was after going to many sites. Don't want to try to recreate that. hehe

Some tests regarding how fast they load websites.
The reason was they wanted it to perform better rather than load data back from the pagefile when you bring the window up again. But FF only drops to 30MB when minimized with that setting enabled.
Current version of firefox is a memory hog due to its poor handling of extensions and addons that seem to create memory leaks in places. I still use it but in its barebones form. Beta 3 release candidate 1 of firefox is just around the corner and should streamline firefox further and fix its memory usage isuses.
Eh, Jack of all explorers really. IE 6 at work, FireFox on home PC and Opera on the Wii.
Opera, I liked the layout better than Firefox (don't care if it's customisable or not, cba).
I use Firefox, but I hate how much memory it uses. You open maybe 7 tabs then close them down to just 1 but the memory usage stays at the level it was when you had 7 open.
I've been using Firefox for a few years now. Opera is a nice alternative, but its memory usage is too high and it just doesn't have the same level of expandability as Mozilla's offering.
Eh hem Memory usage too high? You obviously haven't been doing your homework.
Web Browser Memory usage

Expandabilty? Opera has all the stuff you need right out of the box.
holy crap,I am now using opera and I love it,to bad I voted for ff
Are you sure? It consistently drops down to five or seven megabytes when enabled.
Current version of firefox is a memory hog due to its poor handling of extensions and addons that seem to create memory leaks in places.
That could be it. Using NoScript and VideoDownloader.

Let me know when Opera gets:
Automatic updating lists of banner ads to block
Status bar icons/updates for Google Reader and GMail
A mass downloader
An FTP client
McAfee SiteAdvisor
Stylish (user CSS)
View Source Chart
Web Developer extension (does a ton of stuff)

Otherwise, I ain't budging.
Fireferret. Occasionally I'm forced to use Internet Exploder for some web development (.net and shit).

Expandabilty? Opera has all the stuff you need right out of the box.

Hence why it sucks, it's trying to be too many things at once and thats damn annoying. Not to mention most of what it offers is usually handled by other programs to begin with, then you have the poor choice of widgets available. Firefox is far more customizable than Opera and offers a megaton more options when it comes to third party add ons. I'm not sure what demographic Opera is targeted at but certainly not the standard internet/office user.
I am kinda always on the go so I had Firefox Wonder Edition(A non-installation firefox that doesn't use the registry). I've always been big on Opera, but I had no idea Opera had an equivliant till about a week ago. Anyway, I recently got a virus on this laptop im writing on thanks to FX and t. Yes, I got pwned through Firefox by a virus. Thankfully I got rid of it rather easily.

Switched over to usbOpera. Working great.

Opera is an awesome browser. The usbOpera is much MUCH better on memory than Firefox Wonder Edition.

Hence why it sucks, it's trying to be too many things at once and thats damn annoying. Not to mention most of what it offers is usually handled by other programs to begin with, then you have the poor choice of widgets available. Firefox is far more customizable than Opera and offers a megaton more options when it comes to third party add ons. I'm not sure what demographic Opera is targeted at but certainly not the standard internet/office user.
What the hell are you talking about? How is Opera trying to be to many things at once?

Opera is great out of the box, but in no way is annoying. It works a little differently than most browsers. Thats what I love about it. It's all those little things about it. Like Speed Dial. Do I need speed dial? No. Is it nice to have instead of typing in my most used websites or looking through 30 bookmarks just to find a commony visted website? It's just a nice small feature that helps define the experience.

Plus how much stuff you get without having to go search for a bunch of extensions is great.
Everything from User CSS, enabling/disabling damn near anything, allowing Opera to pose as another browser, etc...

And yes Opera does have developer tools.

I would call Opera a Mac. Great out of the box, everything just works. Unique and nice feel. Great on memory, very fast, has best support for web standards, and most secure.
a mass downloader: yep
stylish? as in skins? if so: yep
ftp client: yap
MyCafe siteadvisor: that's just for dumbos
ok but it's lightweight with NO MEMORY LEAKS!!
When I was installing some widgets I just realized a nice little feature I never noticed before.
Pages that are to big horizontally... Opera can make them fit to your screen.
stylish? as in skins? if so: yep

No, Stylish, the mod that lets you apply custom CSS to pages. It's like GreaseMonkey for- wait, Opera doesn't have that.

Seriously. I don't understand why a browser made in 2007 that's supposed to compete with IE and Firefox wouldn't have extensions. It just doesn't make sense.

Let me know when Opera gets:
Automatic updating lists of banner ads to block
Status bar icons/updates for Google Reader and GMail
A mass downloader
An FTP client
McAfee SiteAdvisor
Stylish (user CSS)
View Source Chart
Web Developer extension (does a ton of stuff)

Otherwise, I ain't budging.

Sounds like Firefox is for you, although for me, I dont need that BS.

Oh and Opera does have Stumbleupon btw
No, Stylish, the mod that lets you apply custom CSS to pages. It's like GreaseMonkey for- wait, Opera doesn't have that.

Seriously. I don't understand why a browser made in 2007 that's supposed to compete with IE and Firefox wouldn't have extensions. It just doesn't make sense.
Yes Opera has custom CSS. Its had it since.... as long as I can remember. Probably around version 7. You can also control various aspects of the custom CSS sheet you provide. For instance you could do "Hey use the sites CSS sheet, but use my fonts and colors". Whats next you're gonna tell me Opera doesn't have mouse gestures?
Also one thing I hated when I was using FX, is sometimes I would accidently close out of a tab. If I do that with Opera the undo button brings it back!

Opera supports plugins(flash, java, acrobat reader implementions) and does have extensions, except there called widgets.

When it comes down to it, techy users will probably find most use out of firefox and extensions like greasemonkey.

For website developers... (i havn't checked out the Developer Tools)
Opera does have an error console. It's actually a very good system to find errors in your code. As it will go through and say "uhh WTF is this?". Opera has the best support for website standards. I could go through Facebook and point out a lot of the errors in the code that doesn't meet standards. It's a great tool for debugging your own code(javascript, CSS, html, etc..)

However for the average user/luxury user/power user is where Opera comes into play. It's the most secure browser (Especially after a site used an FX exploit to hit me). It's simple and easy to use. Yet it does offer a ton of things right out of the box, however Opera doesn't force you to deal with all those things. It keeps it simple, but if you're curious you can find a great deal of power options hidden beneath its hood.
Damn, I like new the Firefox 3.0 beta.

Last night, as I was trying out this new Firefox beta; I had at least 20 Pron pages open (Uhm! for Firefox experimentation purpose) and, you know how sometimes browsers kick the bucket? My entire 20 pages came tumbling down. Windows Error came up saying "Something faced unexpected issue" I said "Damn!!! My pages!!!". I double-clicked Firefox icon and I got this message "Do you want to continue last session?" I clicked yes and, Boom! My entire 20 pages of pron came back (Swweeeet) Uhm! I mean marvelous, Well done.

IE is in really tight spot as of now.