What can't you wait to do in Half-life 2?


Apr 13, 2004
Reaction score
I think i would just wreck everything with the manipliator weapon - it looks so fun to just pick anythink up and chuck it :thumbs:
Make a map with physics. Or, play with the physics non-stop.
yeh makin a map for it would be great - make like yer house and then totally wreck it
Well.. The story intrigues me, so that's what I'm waiting the most for.

With the story comes many surprises I guess, and I can't wait to see what secret stuff noone knows about is gonna be in the game..
I'm also waiting for mods and playing with physics like normal people.
Enemies take damage when you jump on them? Awesome! I guess striders can impale you too, like they did to that NPC in the E3 vid?
i heard theres a welder so *if* there is, im gonna make a tower bigger then the combines :D
It would be kool if you could squash the headcrabs :P
I'm gunna make my own barricade outta barrels :naughty:
The highly replayable gameplay.
Contextual AI and other next gen stuff like that.
And of course, the fact that its the sequel to the best game of all times.
Well, I would probably find out that the game I bought is actually a hoax with 8-bit graphics and then realize that HL2 is really a some kind of legend that is or has never been. Then I would walk to the Valve and beat the hell up of every damn person there is.

Or I could just click Options, set everything and then launch the new game and ownZ t3h Combine.

Which one sounds more realistic?
You decide!
Find out in the next episode of Deeeepressiiveee Pooostsss X!
Get myself in a 'Gordon Freeman' state of mind by drinking cola until i'm really hyper, banging my head on the wall till i'm disoriented, and watching strobe lighting effects until I don't know where/who I am. That ought to do it! :)
Install an Alyx nude patch, what will definitly happen after 3 days ;)

hm, I think I play it ^^;;
Tadashi said:
Install an Alyx nude patch, what will definitly happen after 3 days ;)

hm, I think I play it ^^;;

Hell yeh that WOULD be hot :naughty:
Tadashi said:
Install an Alyx nude patch, what will definitly happen after 3 days ;)

hm, I think I play it ^^;;

I'm sure it will be a lot sooner then that! In fact I bet within 2 hours of it's release there will be hundreds of websites devoted to thousands of models of Alyx in several stages of undress.
So that's what nudealyx.halflife2.net is for!
And think of the possibilitys the physic gives :smoking:

*climb the ladder, *modified* Alyx*

thx for the URL, PiMuRho

hope, it will online then soon XD
i can't wait to test out the friction based cars and start a new game:)
Munro said:
I'm sure it will be a lot sooner then that! In fact I bet within 2 hours of it's release there will be hundreds of websites devoted to thousands of models of Alyx in several stages of undress.

Very True! I wonder how many people would be tempted into installing a nude patch? Maybe a good subject for a future poll...
Valve should program Steam to detect nude patches, and pop up loads of embarrasing messages during MP or when you are working on an important report.
Varsity said:
Valve should program Steam to detect nude patches, and pop up loads of embarrasing messages during MP or when you are working on an important report.

*Valve Nudity Detector v.1.3
*jabberwock95 has been detected using a nude patch.
*initiating trace............
*location found.

*valve humiliation squad scrambled.
*time to intercept: 2 minutes.
*level 1: laughing and pointing commenced.
*humiliation factor: 2.3
*level 2: Tell His Mother.
*humiliation factor: 53.7. Terminal Humiliation Reached.
*jabberwock95 has been eliminated.

Oh No! They're coming for me......

jabberwock95 said:
*Valve Nudity Detector v.1.3
*jabberwock95 has been detected using a nude patch.
*initiating trace............
*location found.

*valve humiliation squad scrambled.
*time to intercept: 2 minutes.
*level 1: laughing and pointing commenced.
*humiliation factor: 2.3
*level 2: Tell His Mother.
*humiliation factor: 53.7. Terminal Humiliation Reached.
*jabberwock95 has been eliminated.

Oh No! They're coming for me......


lol, omg, that'd be soooo assume and funny.
Me getting Gravity gun and shooting everything I can pick up at anything I can hit. :smoking:
XJR said:
I think i would just wreck everything with the manipliator weapon - it looks so fun to just pick anythink up and chuck it :thumbs:
A long time ago one member - a member far funnier than most, and lost to my terrible cider-addled memory - said that they wanted to scream "Cover me!" , pick up a brave comrade with the manipulator and use him as a "meat shield". Genius.
I heard that you can weld stuff with the grav gun so I will probably make a bunker out of barrels and crates and shoot from the holes.
jabberwock95 said:
Very True! I wonder how many people would be tempted into installing a nude patch? Maybe a good subject for a future poll...
How about: "How many of you are willing to admit that you're a grubby little pervert?"

Option 1: Yes, I am and I'm proud <fap fap fap>
Option 2: No, that's disgusting! <fap fap fap>
Option 3: No, I prefer to look at real people. On my computer screen. <fap fap fap>
Step 1: Intall HL2
Step 2: Change settings
Step 3: Intall Nude Alyx patch
Step 4: Get Manipulater
Step 5: Manipplelate Alyx's boobies!
go to the local pub with a few of the combine dudes for a beer , maybe barney could shout.
Navy Man said:
go to the local pub with a few of the combine dudes for a beer , maybe barney could shout.

you forget halflife 2Xpack is being worked on as we speek to hahahah when i get on ima install config and hit new game... then ima check out the gore gibs ect.. ~spoiler~ thare will be bulletholes on the models much like farcrys~
Kill a strider, rip off one of it's legs, and use the manipulator to throw it as a javelin over and over.
I'd like to have a lan. And my lans have been going down hill a little, because people are divided in what games to play.

one to unite them all, bwahahaha
finding out what the whole Gman thing is all about, finding out what Gordan was up t, getting a better computer, making one of those honda adverts with the rolling stuff hitting other stuff etc.
Plus i am guessing there will be somethingfun about charging up hills spraying machine gun bullets and having explosions go off around me.