What Christmas dinners/Christmas eve dinners did you have?


Companion Cube
Aug 19, 2006
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I know its kind of late, but it would be interesting what everyone had for their holidays?


  • Chicken marsalla
  • Mashed pottato's
  • sweet pottato's
Ummmm, a couple sandwhiches, subs more like it.
Turkey... ham. Mashed potatoes, gravy, green beans. Turkey stuffing(with chicken hearts in it... mmmm), and some other delicious stuff.

For dessert I made my favorite cookies. Chocolate Peanut butter drops. Also for dessert there was other stuff like apple pie, pumpkin pie etc. But I mainly had some cookies.


Second one down.
Mashed potatoes, gravy, green been casaroll, turkey, ham, Stuffing, yummy stuff.
I got owned on the Christmas dinner. Thats what happens when you work on Christmas :(
Christmas dinner? Well let's see:

Sarmale - which consists of pork meat wrapped up in cabbage
Piftie - I have no idea what it's called in English but it's basically gelatinous soup
Cartabos - pig organs wrapped up in the lower intestine
Lots and lost of chocolate cookies
Red Wine

Beof Salad - all sorts of vegetables mixed with a thick sauce similar to mayonnaise

And of course chocolate cake yummy:cheese:
Apricot Ham, Honey and Cider Lamb and Turkey with sage stuffing.

Bliss :D
Ham at my girlfriends house.

My family did some weird buffet snack thing on xmas day... it was lameeee!
Christmas dinner? Well let's see:

Sarmale - which consists of pork meat raped up in cabbage
Piftie - I have no idea what it's called in English but it's basically gelatinous soup
Cartabos - pig organs wrapped up in the lower intestine
Lots and lost of chocolate cookies
Red Wine

Beof Salad - all sorts of vegetables mixed with a thick sauce similar to mayonnaise

And of course chocolate cake yummy:cheese:

ohhh i love the pig organ stuff, dip it in salt, and its delicious snack :E
Pineapple Ham
Butternut Squash
Bree... with garlic cloves and slices of pears on pieces of french bread.
Green-bean caserole
Anti-pasto salad with Four Islands dressing
Scallops wrapped in bacon
Swordfish steaks
Stuffed mushrooms
Mashed potatoes
Assorted pastries and cookies

For drinks it was mostly Southern Comfort Egg Nog(yum.) and Coronas.(blegh)
Smoked salmon and prawns
Carrot and corriander soup
Goose, roast potatoes + parsnips, sweet peas in their pods, carrots, prune and apple stuffing
Christmas pud pud and some vanilla cream stuff
Ham at my girlfriends house.

My family did some weird buffet snack thing on xmas day... it was lameeee!

Hehehe, ham eh?

Hehehe, did yah have any rump roast with that?

.......i didn't say that.
Some parts (food) of this thread scare me.

Speaking of being scared, today I had to ring through a live lobster at work. It was making noises and stuff through the bag! And MOVING!!


Well, more grossed out than anything.
Some parts (food) of this thread scare me.

Speaking of being scared, today I had to ring through a live lobster at work. It was making noises and stuff through the bag! And MOVING!!


Well, more grossed out than anything.

Noisy Lobster eh?


Nah just kidding... I didn't make that image, just found it when I did a search for zoidberg. heh.