What clan should i Use?


May 15, 2003
Reaction score
I played the Brujah, thought it was booring, and i lost 2 Masq. Points for no reason, so im planning to restart.

I'm thinking Gangrel...
...what are you playing?

Anyone tried Nosferatu, i think that is hard :p (tried some (first quest)
when it comes through the pot tommorrow, im going to be a handsome, charasmatic guy (dont know the clan names) and also try to build up skill in swordplay.
The Bloodmages are fun.. bloof boil rules but I found Brujha easier to play (or wha tever their called)
I played the whole game the first time with Brujah and I liked it. You'll have tons of masquerade redemptions along the way, I didnt have any trouble with it at all.
Hmm, if I play through I think I'll try to be a sweet talker rather than my usual murderous bastard. What's the stats system/clan types like anyway? Note that I've never tried the tabletop variety or had any real experience with the White Wolf (or whatever) franchise...
I went with the Bloodmage myself.
Nothing beats the Trance+Feed combo in combat.
I love my Malkavian.

You just can't beat getting in an argument with a stop sign.
try malkavian(funny dialogues =P) or nosferatu(sneak sneak sneak =))
i finished the game with a sweet talking-sissy fighting toreador and it was hard. well the last levels were damn hard.
now im palying malkavian and its fun =)
Im a Gangrel now... 8 Hacking, 8 Lockpicking... Lousy in combat :P
I like hacking... dunno why, but it make me feel powefull :p
I'm having a blast as a Ventrue...it seems that the charecters respect you more than when I play as my Malk or Brujah..
Playing a sneaking or talkavive charater was all good and well till the end of the game, where you dont get any way to end it without a last boss fight, which if you are not a combat vampire, is very hard.
I wen Nosf first but didnt like is as I couldnt talk to any mortals and so forth and I missed out on quite abit.
Then went Ventrue and am loving it though I wanna try Gangrel for that "War Form" ability.
What I don't understand is everyones difficulty as Toreador in the final battles of the game. I've finished the game with both a Tremere and a Toreador and I was much, much more stronger as a Toreador. By the end of a game I was nigh invincible due to my 5 ranks in Celerity and 9 Ranged skill. So what do you people do? Just not put any points in combat abilities? It is possible to get a decent ranged and max out the social skills at the same time. With that same Toreador I had 10 persuasion, 7 seduction and 5 intimidate. I just don't understand how you can think you can get through the game solely by talking. There is no RPG I've ever played where you don't have to fight, ever.
I am still sticking with Ventrue on this one. But I second what Raz said about the Toredor. My boyfriend is playing the game as a Toredor, and he is having quite the fun time with it. The key is to add to your fighting abilities as much as possible. I have my ventrue up pretty darn high, and she is already kickin' everything in sight.
bleh, i had was forced to use god mode cheat. why? because my sissy toreador cant hurt a fly. seriusly, i invested heavily in seductive/persuasion/hacking/lockpicking
as for disciplines i only got 4 celerity and that 3rd discipline.
i was in hell during the last levels. bloody combat oriented crap.
In every RPG there is going to be a combat heavy area, usually at the end. Walking up to the big bad boss and talking him out of fighting you would be horrendously anticlimactic. If you didn't put any points in combat skills such as ranged and melee, you deserved to be slaughtered.
eh? i managed to sneak-talk my way up to the last levels (kill ming, lacroix), why make it different?
if should have had the option to do the killing stealthily or talk my way out of it.
i mean cmon, dont you get tired of just beating up people...vampires in this case?
Raz said:
In every RPG there is going to be a combat heavy area, usually at the end. Walking up to the big bad boss and talking him out of fighting you would be horrendously anticlimactic. If you didn't put any points in combat skills such as ranged and melee, you deserved to be slaughtered.

(spoiler on fallout 2)
Nope. Fallout 2 (as being the first I can think of right now) Had a sweet way of being able to play it almost anyway you wanted.
You can kill the end boss by hacking or persuading others to help you. That way you CAN use your skills toward the end in any way.

Although being mediocre at anything is not really the way RGP's are played.. this is what I had to do in Bloodlines. I liked the game to begin with but the linearity of the gameplay really got to me. I like freedom in RPG's. Or just a sense of it at least. In Bloodlines I felt like I was friggin trapped in the matrix, doing something I had no control of, but not being able to wake up ;P
It is true that there are games where you don't have to fight in the final battle (Planescape: Torment also has this), but you still need to be able to fight; for the countless quests that involve killing and the countless random encounters with legions of radscorpions.

I went gangrel, and protean is a brilliant disipline. you turn into a wolf bat creature, if any1 needs info on gangrel post in dudes.
Animalism is cool, bloodsuckers communion is a good move if you need blood, it sends bats around the target human and sucks alot of blood and returns it 2 you!! gangrel for the win
I was playing as a female Ventrue, but i got bored of her no real specialities, so now I'm trying everything out with Toredor hehe...
fanatical said:
(spoiler on fallout 2)
Nope. Fallout 2 (as being the first I can think of right now) Had a sweet way of being able to play it almost anyway you wanted.
You can kill the end boss by hacking or persuading others to help you. That way you CAN use your skills toward the end in any way.

Although being mediocre at anything is not really the way RGP's are played.. this is what I had to do in Bloodlines. I liked the game to begin with but the linearity of the gameplay really got to me. I like freedom in RPG's. Or just a sense of it at least. In Bloodlines I felt like I was friggin trapped in the matrix, doing something I had no control of, but not being able to wake up ;P

Fallout2 in 3D in Source?

YES PLEASE! :naughty:
Malkavian, just for the funky dialog and the reactions you get off of NPCs.

Malks are pretty good all-rounders as well, and the female clothes are....interesting :naughty:
okay this might sound perverted but umm...hehe...the game, i'm at the point at Club Coffession. I was extremely bored, so I decided okay let me try bite everyone... :smoking: ...and me as a Ventrue...I did I killed everyone in the club, only losing 2 Humanity Points and 1 Violenation of Masquerade... I thought if you kill 1 human you lose 1 point.......oh well...