What control scheme do you use for FPS?

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Chuck Steak
May 18, 2004
Reaction score
Do you use the standard WASD setup, or the arrow keys? I personally prefer the arrow keys, because that's how i've always played games.
Topic has already been made if I recall try looking through the forum 2 find it.
sure it has been made, but we can't dig up threads from 2003.
Dammit, and I thought I was being unique ;(
I use F5 for forwards, spacebar for left, Ins for right and tilde for backwards.
i use the old Doom controls. Or something close to them at least. If your avatar is any indication, you should appreciate that :P
Mr-Fusion said:
I use F5 for forwards, spacebar for left, Ins for right and tilde for backwards.

and i'm sure you can palm a beach ball too :P
Mr-Fusion said:
I use F5 for forwards, spacebar for left, Ins for right and tilde for backwards.

Really? Same here..
WASD, ctrl/alt/space for crouching/jump/prone.
Enter to reload.
arrow keys for movement, ctrl for crouch, shift for walk, return use, backspace reload. right mouse jump, scroll wheel weapon selection, left mouse fire, middle mouse alt fire. F6 quicksave, i try to keep that the same on all games, otherwise I end up accidently loading when i want to be saving.
WASD for movement, Q and E For leaning, SPACEBAR for jumping, MOUSE1 for fire, MOUSE2 for alt-fire MOUSESCROLL for weapon switching, C for crouching

Not really HARDCORE but I dont care
WASD here too, it was about three years ago when I re-installed HL and a few mods that I decided to give the default controls a try. Turned out they worked better than my previous setup so I've been using WASD ever since. But I never use the lean keys.
AZXC for movement S/D/F for crouch/reload/use, and Q/W/E for Autobuy/quickswitch/throw weapon.

That's in CS, but i use the same controlls in most games. I picked it up from an old Q1 script and i've been using it ever since.
This is my usual setup:
Up Arrow - Forward
Down Arrow - Backwards
Left Arrow - Strafe Left
Right Arrow - Strafe Right
Right Ctrl - Crouch
Right Shit - Walk/Sprint
Enter - Use
Backspace - Drop Weapon
Delete - Lean Left
End - Lean Right

Left Button - Fire
Right Button - Jump
Middle - Alt Fire
WASD for movement
Space for jump
CTRL for duck
z for prone
e for use
q for change wep
r for reload
ALT for something i cant remember
The most controls iv ever had was about 200, for Tribes1
WASD= movement
right ctrl= duck
mousewheel + 123456...= change weapons
r= reload
v= voice (microphone)
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