What current gaming platform(s) do you own?

Your gaming platforms?

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in my house: 2 xboxes, 1 xbox 360, 2 x pc, 2 DS lite. might get a Wii for my son's birthday

also my 360 red ringed over the weekend. I am not happy. microsoft hardware = crap

Oh just freaking return it to be fixed already.

It's free.
That's either a silly exaggeration or a silly upgrade cycle. I bought my PC 18 months ago and it still runs the newest games at a high res on high details.

Yes it was an exaggeration, but not completely outlandish. My PC was quite a bit older than yours. To play the newest games at high graphical levels I would have needed to prioritize the following... A new motherboard to handle something more than a single cpu. I would have needed the new cpus. I would have needed a new power supply since that's what gave out on me before. I would have needed a new graphics card. I would have needed a bit more RAM. I would have needed to buy Vista. That would have gotten me up to date and at least able to play the newest games for the time being. If I was planning for the future I probably would have wanted to run two graphic cards in SLI. With a family and a mortgage I certainly wouldn't have been able to afford all of that at once so I would have been left doing a little here and a little there. Therefore a few hundred dollars every few months, but doing it like that would have been the nearly continuous cycle I alluded to.

Add all that up and throw in the dwindling gaming time I have and it just stopped making sense no matter how much I prefer to play on a PC. A few hundred dollar console with a five year life span or more is a much more sound investment to me personally. I envy people that can keep their PCs up to date.
Which do you play the most/get the most satisfaction from?

PC, 360, and DS. I did buy MGS4 on Friday and it's got me hooked, so there's at least one brownie point for the PS3. I don't think my PSP has been turned on in over a year. Lost the damn power cord for it.
Oh just freaking return it to be fixed already.

It's free.

well tbh it was one ring of death so I was worried cuz my xbox is out of warrenty but then I read that they had extended the 3 year warrenty to cover my specific problem - one ring of death. so it's most likely covered

and it's not free, my time costs money :)
I have a pc, 360, ps3, and a wii. Used to have a PSP but sold it when GT4 mobile didn't appear, may do the same with the PS3 if GT5 doesn't appear.
Yes it was an exaggeration, but not completely outlandish. My PC was quite a bit older than yours. To play the newest games at high graphical levels I would have needed to prioritize the following... A new motherboard to handle something more than a single cpu. I would have needed the new cpus. I would have needed a new power supply since that's what gave out on me before. I would have needed a new graphics card. I would have needed a bit more RAM. I would have needed to buy Vista. That would have gotten me up to date and at least able to play the newest games for the time being. If I was planning for the future I probably would have wanted to run two graphic cards in SLI. With a family and a mortgage I certainly wouldn't have been able to afford all of that at once so I would have been left doing a little here and a little there. Therefore a few hundred dollars every few months, but doing it like that would have been the nearly continuous cycle I alluded to.

Add all that up and throw in the dwindling gaming time I have and it just stopped making sense no matter how much I prefer to play on a PC. A few hundred dollar console with a five year life span or more is a much more sound investment to me personally. I envy people that can keep their PCs up to date.

Just collect $1200 and buy a up-to-date rig, not part-by-part.
Also, spend a lot of money on a fast CPU, even though it might be overkill. After a few years, if your GPU gets too old, you just buy a new graphics card(and maybe some additional RAM) and it should work fine without having your CPU bottlenecking it.

I also used to do those minimal upgrades, last December I bought a Radeon X1650 to play Crysis on my Ath 2800, I just HAD to play it. I had only 512MB RAM, so I purchased a additional 768MB. Now I feel very stupid, because hardly any 2008/2009 runs smooth, even on low settings.
Stand the temptation and think about how great all games will run by the time you have a new PC.
well tbh it was one ring of death so I was worried cuz my xbox is out of warrenty but then I read that they had extended the 3 year warrenty to cover my specific problem - one ring of death. so it's most likely covered

and it's not free, my time costs money :)

Every time you intend to make a post, throw in a handful of packing peanuts or unroll some tape instead!

Do it with your kid. Make it fun. Let them help out.
PC. I have little interest in consoles.

and it's not free, my time costs money :)

If your spare time costs you money, isn't it about time you quit wasting so much of it here perhaps, Mr 35000 posts?:dozey:
Every time you intend to make a post, throw in a handful of packing peanuts or unroll some tape instead!

Do it with your kid. Make it fun. Let them help out.

please explain what you mean before I tear you a new hole. the old me wouldnt have waited for an explanation :E
just a pc , i don't like consoles that much.I WILL get "Project Natal" when it comes out
I have a decent pc and a 360, don't use the latter much though.
please explain what you mean before I tear you a new hole. the old me wouldnt have waited for an explanation :E

I'm telling you to toss your kid into a box, tape it up, and ship him off to microsoft god dammit!

Actually... what I'm saying, is if your child is young enough you can make time packing your console up by involving them in the process. I know from experience that sometimes young children love being involved in these ordinarily mundane and boring tasks... just for the sense of helping out.

They just don't know any better.
I'm telling you to toss your kid into a box, tape it up, and ship him off to microsoft god dammit!

Actually... what I'm saying, is if your child is young enough you can make time packing your console up by involving them in the process. I know from experience that sometimes young children love being involved in these ordinarily mundane and boring tasks... just for the sense of helping out.

They just don't know any better.

when I told my son that the xbox was broken, he started crying. that would be like asking him to help me bury his pet. you dont understand, I've created a monster when I introduced him to video games.
when I told my son that the xbox was broken, he started crying. that would be like asking him to help me bury his pet. you dont understand, I've created a monster when I introduced him to video games.

Except it comes back to life in an even nicer box. Far better than having a zombie pet which may choose to devour you in your sleep.
PC and a 360. Pretty much exclusively used the 360 for games until I finally put together a decent PC a few months back. I only really use my xbox to stream shit to watch on my TV these days.
Exactly my point, one vote restriction, people can own more than one.

Not really a genuine tally if people own more than just one and cant vote more than once.

You CAN vote on more than one category.