What did you notice the second.. third time through the game?

Oct 25, 2007
Reaction score
So you've beaten the game once or twice.. So what did you notice the second or third time through the game that you didn't notice the first time?


I actually managed to miss most of the train bridge collapsing the first time, and after getting caught up in the story i forgot to go back and look at it again until I played it the second time. It actually blew my mind the second time through:)

Also I noticed is that the turrets in the griggs and sheckley scene are scripted to catch on fire even if they aren't under attack by the ant lions.

The third time through I noticed that the bridge scene isn't a true physics puzzle, And after it moves the first time to its modified position it will no longer adjust for the weight of the cars.

So what did you notice the second or third time through the game?
(P.S. I did a search for similar threads, and also sifted through a bunch of posts, So if theres a similar thread I appologise)
Maybe the bridge just gets stuck that way..

I noticed that after the final battle the guys in the bunker entrance greet you with "Good job Freeman !" and stuff like that,was too excited first time to even listen,and then of course there's this Barney's voice there..

I noticed this the first time but it's still awesome - when the Antlion Guard(and guardian) are injured they bleed very-awesomely.

The garden gnome ( I didn't see him first time).

Just before Alyx gets injured by the Hunter you can see it on the roof when it shouts,was exploring somewhere so I didn't look up there the first time.

I noticed the combine radio + hunters before the ambush in the inn.

The G man on the bridge and in the monitor (didn't look for both first time through).

a lot more stuff I think..can't remember for now..
The garden gnome, all the gman sightings (except for the cave one, obviously)
I didn't get the rocket launcher cache grenade puzzle until the second time through! I thought it was freekin hilarious and clever :)
The third time through I noticed that the bridge scene isn't a true physics puzzle, And after it moves the first time to its modified position it will no longer adjust for the weight of the cars.
Disagree, the bridge still moved during both of my play throughs.
Well i mean after the bridge tips and turns into a ramp.. It wont go back even if you punt all the cars to the high side.
I think even if you punt them off it auto-corrects.
I noticed two G-man sightnings while playing the second time ep2.
First in the Forest In Hotel (Hard to see without Zoom)
Second one on the Screen

The Advisor above the Rocket Silo, where you have to close the Door

On my third play through i noticed that the Advisors (Shuhulathois or something like the vorts would say)sound like a gunship when you shoot them.
You have to put on noclip, and fly behind the hall where the heli at the end is, there are the two Advisors and you can shoot them

I think thats all
I noticed how much better it looked ....... because I'd just built a new rig ;)
The car welder who wants to go to Hawaii, the garden gnome, Gman sightings... And many others that I've lost count.

I'm still trying to get the squish all grub achievement.

I was about 10 grubs short on the 2nd playthrough, and missed 5 grubs on the third. :(
I didn't notice you could spill to welder's drink. Then again, I tipically don't go around trashing physics props during HL2's character moments. But I had to shoot the beer the 2nd time thru ep2.
I didn't notice you could spill to welder's drink. Then again, I tipically don't go around trashing physics props during HL2's character moments. But I had to shoot the beer the 2nd time thru ep2.

Little details like that just add so much to the game lol..
Before Alyx is attacked, when you hit the switch to open the gate I turned around and saw a Hunter looking right at me through the window and it honestly made me jump out of my skin just because it wasn't some quick scare tease, it was a full on look at the Hunter as it peers in at you. Never noticed that whoever was manning that building had ended up in a bloody mess hanging just outside that same window, either.
I noticed Commentary bubbles... because I played with Commentary the second time through :P

I didn't get the rocket launcher cache grenade puzzle until the second time through! I thought it was freekin hilarious and clever :)
I didn't get how to solve it properly until the Commentary walked me through it step by step. Not to say I didn't get the Rocket Launcher cache in my first playthrough: I just stacked a bunch of barrels and did a tricky jump instead of doing it the proper way :P
I actualy miss loads first pass. Honestly I'm more interested in story-relevant chat and supplies. That first scene when the bridge collapses is a good example as Valve really do their best to encourage you into looking at the bridge. I was more intent on looking for some weapons at that point though so Alyx it was more like Alyx was wibbling in the background and I was "Uhuh, that's nice". Naturaly as I heard the collapse I turned as I didn't want to get squished by debris. It's not that I don't like Alyx as a character, I do but unless I've got decent ammo and health that's my first priority.
in HL2,did anyone realize that,in the intro,the G-Man calls you Mr.Freeman,but,towards the end,he calls you Dr.Freeman
I noticed a little area just after the car is fixed in 'Under the Radar' it's just after the first cach? on the left.

Also, how many Gman sighting is there? Last I heard there was only two.
Also, how many Gman sighting is there? Last I heard there was only two.
There are three. One in Freeman Pontifex (on the Bridge-Physics puzzle), One in Under the Radar (seen entering the inn from the side where the forcefields come up) and One in Our Mutual Fiend (Appears on the 9-screen video wall shortly before Alyx says 'Prepare for Unforeseen Consequences').
Before Alyx is attacked, when you hit the switch to open the gate I turned around and saw a Hunter looking right at me through the window and it honestly made me jump out of my skin just because it wasn't some quick scare tease, it was a full on look at the Hunter as it peers in at you. Never noticed that whoever was manning that building had ended up in a bloody mess hanging just outside that same window, either.

I saw that the first time and just about pissed my pants...
The Vortigaunt congratulating me on "saving those crates", some other supply crates, other little stuff.

Oh, and for those of you looking for all the grubs, check the ceilings, especially the elevator puzzle near the Nectarium. Lot's of holes in the cave roof, but be careful of falling rocks when you break the webs...

And the very last grub is after Alyx is healed, when the Guardian smashes into the barrier, it's behind, barely visible.

Hope that helps!
I found a guard tower with a dead rebel and a supply crate inside, near the radar hill. It's on the stream bank to the opposite from the tarmac road.
I didn't get to see the destruction of the various installations by strider fire in the last battle because I was frantically trying to not die and I didn't hear the warning of the vortigaunt not to kill the guardian or it would spoil the extract. Maybe it's scripted so it can't die, but I sure pumped a lot of rounds into it the first time.

I didn't know there were achievements available until a couple popped up on the screen. I found the gnome the first time through, and thought that it seemed a little out of place and was just a humorous little prop they put in the game.
You mean the one underground when you are by yourself? Yeah, I dont think that one can die...the two up top can, though...
I found that the barrel that was crushed by the advisor makes a fantastic physics weapon. More compact than the regular barrel, but about the same damage factor, I reckon.
On my first playthrough, I missed the strider brains Dog throws out. I just thought Dog ripped apart an important artery or something. I was wondering why the strider went all stiff, not dying slowly. On my second pass, when I saw Dog dropped something in the water and I picked it up, I thought "Well, that might be one of the reasons..."
I noticed that the quality of my social life was severly lacking, and immediately took steps to counter the problem by uninstalling solitaire.
I was poking around at the start of "Riding Shotgun" before even the blocked road tunnel and the detour,I saw a big pile of rocks and though "Behind there would be a good place for a Lambda cache "I'm certain Valve put a few unmarked ones out there somewhere, no radar blips or anything, just waiting to be found.

I found nothing, but when I climbed to the topmost rock, I could swear that I heard a Hunter's call. Like the one at the top of those mine buildings, just before Alyx gets wounded. It was faint, but I certainly heard it. Sort of a foreshadowing for what happens later.

Nice little touch, a good substitute for some supply crates.
I love the random background sounds Valve throw into the games. That sounds like the woman screaming in Ravenholm. It's there in the games files, but I've only ever heard it once and no matter how many more times I've gone through Ravenholm, I never heard it again. Was pretty spooky, it was a really famous woman screaming effect, famous in the same vein as the Wilhelm Scream.
Same here. I also saw a g-man sighting (I've only seen one, I suck).
The first time you hit a tree or something with the car, if you look over at Alyx she winks at you.
I noticed that playing Half-Life when it's cloudy and overcast outside makes the game feel 10x more depressing.

The third time through I noticed that the bridge scene isn't a true physics puzzle, And after it moves the first time to its modified position it will no longer adjust for the weight of the cars.

I think the bridge-weighing puzzle is entirely scripted. When I moved the cars to one side of the bridge (or threw them off), nothing would happen, unless you went to the other side of the bridge, or after a time delay
I don't know if this is new in Episode Two or not, but it was here that I discovered that barnacles will also catch live grenades. :D

If they try to eat it before its fuse runs it, it explodes when they bite it.
just now playing through the second time. Not much I missed the first time just because I try to be very thorough when I play. But I just found the two skeletons on the sofa right after you get the radar on the car. LOL, I thought it was a nice homage to the couples that always seem to be saying everything is going to be ok and complaining, and what not, to see two people who died in that position.
Well, Im playing through again...half way through the Strider battle...I whacked every larva I saw and slashed every net I saw, and to no avail...guess they dont let achievements happen in commentary mode...
I noticed some sort of odd, orange, floating balloon things. When i pressed the use key, they talked to me! I was scared.