What do you all like to drink?

If you like Bailey's you are hereby ordered to surrender your manberries! Exceptions to this are detailed in the "desperation clause" of the big book of Man Law.
But I'm old Greg, I've got a mangina!
Is that specifically Bailey's Irish Cream, or does that cover all its variants?

*desperately searches for the desperation clause*
I drink tons of water and milk, and a bit of tea and orange juice. Yeah, I'm boring. But it's a lot better than sodas.
Mountain Dew
Keystone Ice *what I'm drunk on now...*
Budweiser *ew*
Long Island Iced Tea

*why is only one of those NON-Alcoholic?*

OK...Time for video games.
I've taken a liking to Boone's Farm lately. It's a wine that tastes like a coconut drink, and it is very inexpensive. It's a perfect drink for relaxation and lounging, and it's probably not the best thing to drink if you're aiming to get drunk.
Jizz. Freshly squeezed. I can't get enough of it.

(Proper) Whiskey, and Wisniowka are my current favourites, but I'll drink just about anything with alcohol in it. There's a drink for every mood, every situation, and every weather.

-Angry Lawyer
Nesquik Milkshake. Yeah. I'm cool. :cool:
The American Budweiser is probably the worst beer I've ever tasted. The Czech Busweister is good, though.
(Proper) Whiskey, and Wisniowka are my current favourites, but I'll drink just about anything with alcohol in it. There's a drink for every mood, every situation, and every weather.

-Angry Lawyer

I'll drink to that :thumbs:
The American Budweiser is probably the worst beer I've ever tasted. The Czech Busweister is good, though.

Agreed. Then again, I can't stand almost all beer, except Corona.
A lovely cup of Coffee or plain, bottled water. I hate alcohol in every form it takes.
Oh my god.

I forgot how ****ing awesome being drunk is. It's like being high, but replacing the continuous hilarity with continuous self-satisfaction and a phenomenal lack of motor skills, spelling skills, general logic, and social oppression. I walked into a convenience store, bought a $1.20 package of Twizzlers, and talked to the clerk for like five minutes about small change.

Although to be fair, I drink in relative moderation - I don't drink with the goal of getting wasted and throwing up, but I like to ride the thin line between "making a bit of sense" and "throwing up everywhere", which seemed to work really well tonight.

I'm still a little drunk. I talk a lot when I'm drunk.

[edit] Drunk off of Fireball and Bailey's Caramel, the two most delicious default alcoholic drinks in existence.
for some reason I love green tea nowadays..

Whoever is green tea's marketing team they deserve a raise. I've been drinking green tea all the time lately, everyone around me seems to be doing this too.

Weird, this green tea revolution happened pretty much overnight.
non-alc: Water, COLA oh yeS! - and Carrot juice,

alc: Baleys/doolies - BEEEER!!!!#"#!"?!&#"&#"&
normal, water.
energy, relentless.
and alchahol, whisky or gin. (im only 20)
Call me a loser, i don't really like alcohol, my favourite drink is Orange juice or Cranberry and Raspberry :D


Strawberry Daiquiri. So. ****ing. Delicious.
When I'm really thirsty, water. When I just want to have something to drink (with food usually) Root Beer.
water. I have been drinking tea now, but not that green tea crap. I drink rooibos tea which is many times healthier than green tea and you don't need to put fifty million sugar packets or whatever flavoring in your tea so it tastes good because it isn't bitter.
A buddy of mine (a professional alcoholic) suggested I consume equal part water to the booze to aid in avoiding a hang-over. So, when the work day is done & it's playtime, I drink 100 proof Peppermint Schnapps (must be frozen) chased with ice water.

Otherwise, I OD on milk & water when it's not play time.

Edit: Ok...time to change my Avatar. My kid just walked in & didn't even know it was a HL2 logo.
I'll go ahead and post its pic, omfg, there's two flavor I haven't tried yet! They mustn't carry it at that store...