What do you do on Christmas(or w/e you celebrate.)?


The Freeman
Dec 1, 2004
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On Christmas Eve we spend time with family... Eat dinner... Watch A Christmas Story with them, then we open gifts.

On Christmas Day we go to my Memere's/Aunt's/Uncle's house(they all live in the same house)... and eat Christmas brunch... Watch Holiday movies... open gifts...

Rather standard Christmas I'd say.
Christmas day go visit family for a bit...eat...then I relax for an hour, then leave.

so boring.
Go out and get lashed with my mates tonight, and try not to be too hungover for christmas dinner tomorrow.
kirovman said:
Go out and get lashed with my mates tonight, and try not to be too hungover for christmas dinner tomorrow.
Christmas Eve Family Reunion. Great fun.
Fight pagans and heathens on Christmas Eve and celebrate the birth of my ever loving lord on Christmas! ^__^.
Jam a lot of blood and entrails up my ass and act like I'm giving birth to Jesus
open stocking presents
watch young frankenstien
open other presents
have dinner
watch blazing saddles
watch other christmas tv

that's about it
Christmas Day is like any other day except I give/get shit and possibly hit the eggnog a little too hard.
Christmas Eve the whole family comes over and we have dinner. At midnight we go to church. Christmas morning we get up, watch A Christmas Story, open presents, have breakfast and watch A Christmas Story again. Pretty standard...but that's not necessarily a bad thing.
How I roll:

Go out on Christmas Eve, and get hammmmmmmmered
Wake up Christmas morning, open stocking
Family time
Spend the whole day at home lying around reading or playing video games. That's more or less all I do these days. It seems like I have the most boring Christmas around. One of my friends had a date with some korean guy on Christmas eve, lucky her >.< And meanwhile I sit here playing SC:CT and reading slashdot.
Morning: initial crazy rush downstairs to open presents and make good use of them segues into a lazy morning messing around in a wasteland of ripped wrapping paper and broken toys. Then a leisurely (it's christmas, how is it not going to be leisurely?) lunch and more presents, then christmas TV and a lovely dinner with the family. Aaah(rgh). Then more TV and bad films. Aaaand gran gets drunk. Go to bed happy, under the stars, in a tree, in the snow. Well, that's Scotland for you.
ComradeBadger said:
How I roll:

Go out on Christmas Eve, and get hammmmmmmmered
Wake up Christmas morning, and get hammmmmmmmered
Presents, and get hammmmmmmmered
FuD, and get hammmmmmmmered
Family time, and get hammmmmmmmered
Then get hammmmmmmmered
Fixed :p
Nothing special, with my days off i usually disappear into the snowcovered hill forests.
Wake up
Open presents :E
play any new games i get, give them a whirl until i get chance to play them properly
Play some more, maybe some tv
sleep... :)
Wake up, open presents, have breakfast while listening to music with my new headphones, go to a lunch at my dad's parent's house (meh) and then dinner at my mom's parent's house (yay!).
Get home. Do what I usually do. Wait for my birthday.
Tonight some friends are over, someone gave me beer fro christmas, alot infact, so I opened it and we are drinking it.

Tommorow includes opening presents, a bunch of family coming over, eating large quantities of... stuff.
Shodan said:
Tonight some friends are over, someone gave me beer fro christmas, alot infact, so I opened it and we are drinking it.

Tommorow includes opening presents, a bunch of family coming over, eating large quantities of... stuff.
Ah, that's the one thing i look foward to tommorow.
This is the first day of my bulking after coming off a hard rip so i'm gonna be eating turkey continously for the next few days.
Got a big 6kg ****er in the fridge thawing at mo.
I remember going to church on christmas eve a few years back with my methodist girlfriend...

That tought me one thing....people are gullible to believe in such a trashy story *and I'll never go there again.*
Wake up, open presents...
Go out for a yummmmmmy christmas dinner!
Have a couple of drinks, maybe see family and have a lush day!
And a nice sleep to end all the excitement :D!
Every Christmas Eve we go to my uncles house for chineese food, afterwhich we watch It's a wonderful life. When thats done, my grandparents will keep bothering me untill I finaly give in and try to play some Christmas songs on the piano, even though I've forgotten all of them.

On christmas day, it's usally:
get up at 6 AM
last second present wrapping
back to bed
get up at 12 PM
eat fruity pebbles
wait for my mom to find her video camera
open presents
dad wakes up at around 2 PM
go to grandma's house
open more presents :E
chase my cousins around
eat stuff
go home
play video games
go to bed at 4 AM
wait 364 days for next christmas

oh what fun.
I'll probably just:
Wake up.
Get food.
Watch the telly.
Have dinner with my family.
Watch a film or two together.
Play Stepmania. (omg I've got this pwnage unknown song that's perfect for DDR :O)
Eat some leftovers :p.
Go out with my friends.
"get hammmmmmmmered" as CB says it :p.
Eat some more leftovers :p.
Probably play some CS:S or DoD:S.
Get banned for being drunk and acting stupid.
Try to watch pr0n, failing miserably due to drunkenness.
Crawl onto the stairs and slide into bed.
Think how much Shens Dollars an Ikerous and Cyberpitz flick would generate.
I doubt I'll be up early tomorrow(tonight now). Ah, gone are the days when I just couldn't get to sleep for Christmas Day. My average waking time when I don't have to be up for Uni is about 11:30.
mortiz said:
I doubt I'll be up early tomorrow(tonight now). Ah, gone are the days when I just couldn't get to sleep for Christmas Day. My average waking time when I don't have to be up for Uni is about 11:30.
Lol mine is in the afternoon :p
Spend time with family and relatives, watches Donald Duck on television. And it's getting rather dull.