What do you do?

Sep 27, 2010
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Outside of gaming, and forum stuff, what are y'alls hobbies?

I play Airsoft, about as professionally as it gets. I run a nationally recognized team, sponsored by five huge national/international companies. ( Check us out at ECUAirsoft.com )
Airsoft is basically paintball, with the gameplay's focus on being realistic warfare instead of just shooting each other. We use real world optics, gear, etc, and all our guns are based on the real deal. This isn't exactly a cheap hobby. A cheap gun will set you back about $150, with spare magazines, ammo, and especially gear, setting you back further. A good electric gun will cost roughly $300, with many surpassing $600. Upgrades and custom stuff will set you back plenty more. My current loadout probably has cost me about $3,500. That includes my vest, belt, shirt and pants, gun, several magazines, pistol, several magazines, holster, comms, headset, eye protection, gloves, false SAPI plates, and plenty more.

Most Airsoft guns are powered via a battery, which cycles a gearbox that provides are pressure to propel plastic bb's. The bb's velocity usually ranges from 300 to 500 feet/second. An average Electric gun will yield roughly 150-200 feet effective range, while some sniper rifles upgraded and tuned, can push 500 feet.
My gun, on the other hand, is a GBBr (Gas Blowback Rifle) powered by propane (as it is a pressurized gas) that cycles the weapon's bolt to simulate an almost exact function of a real gun. In fact, I had a Marine inspect my older G&P WOC M4, and after field stripping the replica, he had no idea it was fake until I showed him the replica's magazine and barrel.

We usually get lots of young kids (like 10-12) on the field running with guns their parent's bought them, thinking their gonna play some real life CoD and its kind of fun seeing them get torn apart in minutes. Competitive Airsoft requires a strong bond with your team, and good training. My team actually skirmishes with another team composed of mostly ex-military every so often. I'm actually focusing on strict tactics work with my team this upcoming year, and using my team leadership in Airsoft as experience to apply to several PMC companies.

This is about 1/2 of my team, laxly dressed for team training. Our full uniforms match a little better. We are called ECU Securities, and we replicate real world PMC's such as Blackwater, Crescent, and other private companies hired by various governments to do jobs they don't want to give the military. I'm bottom right.

You know this thread is just going to be a bunch of people calling you a nerd?

That said I'm envious and wish I had the money/connections to be part of a team like that.

I see you don't have the obligatory fat guy with a machine gun who sits and sprays all day.
I don't think it's nerdy, myself. I wish it wasn't so ****ing illegal down here.
Oh we do. The guy back right usually carries an M249 Mk 2 and lays down suppressive fire alllll day.
I too am jealous. Serious investment for serious fun.
All I've got is my gaming and anime. I'll probably upgrade my longboard once the weather isn't so ****in cold too.
Nice. I did a little dabbling in airsoft when I used to paintball years ago. Lotsafun.

But, as for now, I'm neck deep in books and homework at the moment. Sadly, I have no time for hobbies.

Once finals are over in a week, I think drinking will most definitely be a hobby I'll participate in heavily.
looks awsome

I paintball when I can, including this weekend as a birthday celebratings. most of the rest of the time, I'm stuck in a school I hate :(
hobbies: collecting these days. my new group of friends and i go to various stores looking for collectibles, or just bargain bin shop and look for deals, flea markets, etc. I used to have friends that were into paintballing and we did it every week...made forts and shit like that. i also used to be a party animal but those days are long gone. also lately, reading, watching tons of good tv since its winter time, spend lots of time with my family, hang out with friends watching shows like dexter, etc. in the summer i love going to concerts with friends, getting trashed and having all sorts of memories.
I see you don't have the obligatory fat guy with a machine gun who sits and sprays all day.

Hes the non-pictured half of the team.


My only hobby right now really, besides gaming, is... gaming. Tabletop gaming. I do Flames of War, collecting, assembling, painting, and playing, miniature WWII armies.
My latest hobby is collecting film replicas and props. A very expensive, and often disappointing hobby.
Airsoft plus augmented reality adding in effects and stuff, sound like a great idea to me. Surprised nobody has done it yet. The augmented reality system is still probably too bulky and expensive I guess.

As for me I guess my only hobby is gaming, since art is also my job, so that doesn't really count.
You haven't had even the slightest bit of sex have you?

Kudos if you guess the reference :p
hobbies: collecting these days. my new group of friends and i go to various stores looking for collectibles, or just bargain bin shop and look for deals, flea markets, etc. I used to have friends that were into paintballing and we did it every week...made forts and shit like that. i also used to be a party animal but those days are long gone. also lately, reading, watching tons of good tv since its winter time, spend lots of time with my family, hang out with friends watching shows like dexter, etc. in the summer i love going to concerts with friends, getting trashed and having all sorts of memories.

Having different memories is a hobby is it.
That actually looks halla fun.

As for what I do: I attend Mirboo North Secondary College, I had my last day today, I start Y11 next year. My hobbies include gaming, reading, listening to music, & gaining an identity as being super intelligent because I'm the only person my age who writes with proper spelling/grammar/punctuation on Facebook.
...Yep, sadly I'm not joking. That's my life down to a 'T'. Oh wait, I do have friends too. Surprisingly.
Art, partying, getting stoned and/or drunk, scratching my balls and touching girlies. Paintball sounds like fun.
That looks kinda fun, actually.

My hobbies are making art, studying languages, traveling and taking pictures. I'm also trying to get back into classical piano again. I played for 22 years and it was a pretty serious part of my life for years, and I feel guilty for getting so out of practice with it these days.
Heh I remember when that kind of stuff was illegal here. The paramilitaries used to train with games like that.
I don't understand Airsoft relly. It sems like paintball without the paint and realistic looking guns. The whole point of paintball however, is that there is paint on you when you get shot. So you can be shot and eliminated with proof. Is Airsoft just a matter of the honor system? "Hey you hit me, I'm the only one that knows that so I'm done." I used to paintball a bit though. That was a lot of fun.

My hobbies mostly include gaming and movies. However I used to play football pretty regularly. I was even on a semi-pro team for a bit. I go to the gym and work out as a hobby I guess... but that's mostly so I don't get too fat. What probably best qualifies as my hobby would be starting random projects and never really finishing them. I have a few applications and ideas for applications that never realy launched. I began to (re)learn Spanish and tried some Korean. I've worked through a handful of failed websites. I also enjoy cooking and trying new recipes and such. I guess I should probably throw astronomy in there even though I rarely ever use my telescope and just use the internet's ability to give me better views of things the priority.

I'd really like to get in to traveling though I hate driving more than like 20-30 minutes. I'd also really like to become fluent in a second language instead of being a lazy bum about it.
I don't have any hobby or talents. I waste all my weekends getting drunk to some extent, and I'm incredibly unfit. It doesn't help that I smoke cancer sticks the whole time.

So yeah I'm a ****ing waste of space.
Writing, art and photography are my main hobbies. I used to include horse-riding in the list as well, but I don't do that as often as I'd like now so that can't be included. I suppose I could also include cooking, baking and cake decorating but again, not as often as I'd like.
I've always wanted to get into airsoft. Hopefully when I graduate and get a job I can acquire a nice gun and join a team. Besides school, all I do is game, some piddly graphic design, and chill with friends / go to parties.
My hobbies: snowboarding in winter, scuba diving in summer, and learning Chinese in between.
Traveling. I didn't do it often enough in the last couple of years. Just cities mainly. But thankfully I have got a trip to the Middle-East planned. Not sure about my itinerary yet. I have booked a flight to Amman, Jordan for the end of January and I am flying back two weeks later. Besides Jordan itself I want to go to Egypt and Israel or Syria. It kinda depends on the political situation. Too bad you can't do both Syria and Israel.

Also reading, especially non-fiction.
I don't understand Airsoft relly. It sems like paintball without the paint and realistic looking guns. The whole point of paintball however, is that there is paint on you when you get shot. So you can be shot and eliminated with proof. Is Airsoft just a matter of the honor system? "Hey you hit me, I'm the only one that knows that so I'm done." I used to paintball a bit though. That was a lot of fun.

Straight honour system. Cheater's aren't treated well in our game, and when they're caught, they don't play again at our field, and are usually banned from all fields in a pretty huge area. Cheating isn't really an issue though, atleast with my team and the teams I skirmish with.
Straight honour system. Cheater's aren't treated well in our game, and when they're caught, they don't play again at our field, and are usually banned from all fields in a pretty huge area. Cheating isn't really an issue though, atleast with my team and the teams I skirmish with.

I dunno paintball just seems better to me. For one you can't just mitigate entirely the sensation with a long sleeve shirt. It's gonna hurt especially when you play with people who tune up their guns. It sort of brings in that level of "oh shit I don't wanna get shot" that makes it more tense. I guess airsoft guns themselves are way cooler though.
Yeah for those of us not aroused by guns'n'ammo paintball does the trick.
Airsoft doesn't just boast realistic weaponry though. BBs actually have a fairly straight trajectory over a long distance thanks to a little technology called hop-up. Paintballs arc like a mother****er.
Last time I paintballed, the guns had like a 1 meter spread over 10 meters.

Airsoft looks really fucking fun, although I totally would be one of those kids thinking it's real-life CoD, at first at least. Are the BBs bio-degradable by the way?
Various random crafts, reading, sometimes I play on the keyboard in the library in public like a fool.
And I'll attend the occasional concert if someone I really like comes in. I guess that's not really a hobby though, as I'm not one of those people that goes to random shows to be "cool." I don't really get those people.
I'm still training for my private pilot's license, other than that I get yelled at.
I want to buy this airsoft gun.



Full Metal... real wood. Absolutely amazing. They also sell a type 56 ak variant(almost exactly an ak47 but slight differences, most noticably the closed front site... which is super realistic too.

It's like 350-390 for the AK type 56 and 550 for the SVD Dragunov.

How amazing it'd be to have both of those though. Argh I want to buy one of them now.




These guys basically manufactured the real steel stuff(type 56 anyway) and simply modified the design to have airsoft stuff instead... and designing their own gearbox to fit within them. Basically built to the exact external specifications. Real wood and completely steel.
Real Sword really was a gun company, actually. When gun laws hit sh*t in China they swapped over production to Airsoft to avoid being shut down. Their guns are as good as it gets, externally.

I owned a RS SVD for a short time and loved every bit of it. Fantastic range, and a great feel.. but I'm not much of a sniper, so I changed over to a high speed set-up (KS P90, remodeled to take STANAG magazines via the First Factory Box Mag, and push out just over 40 rounds per second at 340 fps)
How much did you pay for it back then?

The cheapest I can really find to buy is at shortyusa where I got my first airsoft gun(552 commando). It's about 530 on sale there now. Most other places are like 6-800.
Well, I'm old school. We used to shoot copper/steel BBs and lead pellets and that was a big hobby of mine. My last was a wood and steel break barrel pellet gun. Shit was boring compared to a real rifle and I sold it.
Airsoft is cool, but I never really got too far past buying a few spring-loaded pistols and having little battles with my friends in high school.

I also had those great experiences where your fat cousin with the paintball rifle that fires six balls per second takes you out to play and you get lit up over and over and over until you shoot his fat overconfident ass in the ass with his last-generation paintball gun five times until he cries and you eat the delicious pie his mother slash your aunt made. I didn't cry when he shot me nine times in the space of three seconds, but once the tables turned and I had the paint-spitting gun he cried like a little homo and I not only ate but enthusiastically devoured his pathetic little soul as he ran back inside to hide from the sudden hail of hollowpoint paint gunfire...

My hobbies are board/hex wargames, making mods/games and reading literature I could never possibly begin to integrate into my literature studies... WAAAAAAAAAGHHHHH