what do you guys think about gta san andreas?

Yeah just about everyone with electric has a PC but how many actually bought their PC to play games on? Hardly anyone.

You can get mouse and keyboards for consoles, they play MP3's, soon they will have real fast connections like PC's, they will have everything a PC has soon except upgradability. I still like PC's better but i'm just saying...some games play better on consoles and GTA is one of them.
Alig said:
Yeah just about everyone with electric has a PC but how many actually bought their PC to play games on? Hardly anyone.

You can get mouse and keyboards for consoles, they play MP3's, soon they will have real fast connections like PC's, they will have everything a PC has soon except upgradability. I still like PC's better but i'm just saying...some games play better on consoles and GTA is one of them.
Of course thats really when the two markets merge. In the case you're describing, consoles would over take the PC market, they would simply become a part of it...or rather, both would become part of a new markey somewhere in the middle.
why everibody say that consoles will bring down the PC gaming?

I like consoles but I likes PC too and IMO the PC gaming will last forever
my friend barrowed me his PS2 while hes on a trip it rocks its soooo big
and I think it capures the Lifestyle of Campton pretty good
But I'm just saying that GTA doesn't play better on consoles for me at all. And I think there are thousands of people who would agree - the sales of Vice City and GTA3 on the PC would support this idea.