What do you guys think about Soldier of Fortune 2?

Jun 30, 2003
Reaction score
Well, SoF II is my favourite game-more than HL!
Well, what do you guy think of SoF?
SOF 1 was rubbish, but SOF II is pure class, I like it much more than HL1 too, but theres also alot of games I prefer over HL1 anyday, Vice City, MOHAA, UT2K3 etc etc
I hated it.... it was so boring, the plot was pants there was only one weapon worth using: the M3A1! The OICW made you invunerable. The damage system was entirely spurious and slightly disturbing. The game was so buggy and took ages to load, on a top-of-the-range system of the time. I thought it was terrible, and the irritating so-called 'random mission generator' gave me pretty much the same map every time and took years to do it. I give this 35%
SOF2 is kind of booring, yes... Its advanced in the slicing and dicing department, but story is very thin. Too thin for a game of such caliber. There was some sweetspots though.

I actually installed it a few weeks ago again, since I had nothing to do... I played 3 minutes, then I uninstalled.
Originally posted by dawdler

I actually installed it a few weeks ago again, since I had nothing to do... I played 3 minutes, then I uninstalled.

I did that, just in case I liked it again..... funnily enough.. I didn't :p
Now that I think of it, I like HL better :LOL:, the only reason I liked SOF II was the GORE!, its some of the best gore evar!
I liked it and still have it installed :)
The Gore is very nice though!
sof 2 sucked stupid gameplay, dumb ai, useless stealth tactics. terrible lightning repedative levels. ect ect

i liked sof 1 a lot better.
This game is what I call tasteless. They put all that gore in the game and think it will be the selling point, but after 5 mins of playing, you stop noticing it and game becomes so boring, not even funny.
SoF 1 was/is great but SoF 2 (despite better graphics and more bodyparts to blow away) was not near the same class as the first game.
Sof singleplayer was crap. I only played to the jungle level, after that i just wanted to cry on the game. Multi was like any other shooter. Random mission generator sucked. for some reason i always got a similar map every time. Great thing about the game was the body-damage-thingey-system. That thing would fit for Postal 2 perfectly.
I hardly played single player. first level, died and never played single player again. I directly moved over to multyplayer. wich I still enjoy. I played the demo before (good old shop) so I had some skill and I fitted in easely in the community. wich I prefer over counterstrike. bit more friendlier

the cummunity was in the early days quite small. I liked that you recognised peole on servers. played on 3 servers wich are gone now :( good old grimreaper miss yah pal! (havent seen him sinds the demo) I now hang out in the FA| servers and the NRU server. The game is still fun for me. definatly spend a hour on sof2 daily
and halfan hour on Q3