What do you know about Sweden?

Originally posted by Tr0n
Well life sucks buddy.I don't care if we killed anyone in iraq.War is hell and there will always be some sort of civilian casualties.When will you euro bastards understand that?Doesn't matter if it was 1 civilian killed or 100,000 killed, every war will have some civilian casualties.And you shouldn't say anything, if it wasn't for us you would be speaking german right now and saluting Hitler.And on a last note I don't see anyone in the entire world that would dare try to take over the US.Well theres my 2 cents.

You sound like Stalin:
"One death is a tragety, one miillion deaths is a statistic" -Stalin
And I guess the WTC casualties are just "collateral damage" and don't justify retaliation?
raise goats in the hills, make watches and export sub-par porno videos, except for some of the hot swedish chicks..
What hills? What watches? What sub-par por... Oh wait, 1 out of 3 was right, never mind :)

And Quackzilla, an idea is to actually read new posts ;)

Fourth fun fact: Dynamite is a swedish invention. As is spherical ball bearings.
Originally posted by Aethaecyn
Ok, I will get back on subject, but despite the fact that you are an admin, and I don't mean to anger you, but don't say that we go to war for no apparant reason, my dad is a veteren, as is my grandpa, they've had to kill people in war, my dad had to bury people alive in the first operation against iraq.. People my dad has known and I've known through him have died, don't say its for no apparant reason, sorry but just don't. We acknowledge war is hell, we acknowledge it is not good and fun, it is illogical to assume you shouldn't do so then in that manner, What you should NOT do is go to war if you cannot understand that it is hell, and in spite of that we acknowledge it we still do it.. that is more honorable and thought thru in my opinion... despite whether or not europeans think its cool to do the whole F the po-lice thing and say that we shouldn't make the world a safer place to live in generally.

You misunderstand me. I'm not saying that the soldiers are "bad people", because of course they're not, they're doing their job. It is the bastards in charge making decisions based on how it will effect their stock options that I have a problem with.

And honour? pffft. Honour does not come into it these days. There is nothing honourable with shelling a city full of civilians to ruin for the sake of a couple of terrorists.
Originally posted by Zerimski

There is nothing honourable with shelling a city full of civilians to ruin for the sake of a couple of terrorists.

Yeah it is unfortunate that a few civilians die. Thats what happens in war. People die, and unfortunatly, sometimes it's the innocent civilians that get killed. Well guess what. Those "couple terrorists" are a couple less terrorists that will go into schools with bombs strapped to their chests, and a couple less terrorists flying planes into buildings.

Yeah, America didn't have a country in ruins. Like Tr0n said it's because we actually defend ourselves. We probably would have if we didn't do anything about Pearl Harbor.

Btw Tr0n, don't you notice all the people hating the U.S. are mostly Europeans? Isn't that kinda strange?
It's called a difference of perspective.

And I never said that the terrorists were right. I was questioning methods. It would have been a lot more sensible to launch a surgical strike against the terrorists, taking them out and no-one else. Instead innocent men, women and children died because of something they had no control over.

I'm going to stop now. Having the "Why can't everyone just be friends" .vs. "HAHAHAHAHAHA LOLOLOLROFLROFLROFLMAO I'M GONNA KILL U HAHAHAHA" argument is pointless.
Originally posted by Tr0n
Well life sucks buddy.I don't care if we killed anyone in iraq.War is hell and there will always be some sort of civilian casualties.When will you euro bastards understand that?Doesn't matter if it was 1 civilian killed or 100,000 killed, every war will have some civilian casualties.And you shouldn't say anything, if it wasn't for us you would be speaking german right now and saluting Hitler.And on a last note I don't see anyone in the entire world that would dare try to take over the US.Well theres my 2 cents.

I woulden be sad if i where spoken germany...
Maby that kind of politics is bether than this ****ing politicans we have here now... just a tought...
sometimes surgical strikes simply aren't possible (wich does not mean that carpet bomb everything in the near surrounding is the only option). However, I don't have anything against the war on terror - where I do have my problems is when the war on terror is used to justify other wars - like the war in iraq. there was little to no evidence that Saddam supported Terrorists, little to no evidence on WMD (you are still searching, aren't you?), leaving the motives of regime change (notice the word "change", like "exchange" - the toppled regime is replaced by a pro-american one) and oil supply. Knowing Georgies past, the latter is the most probable cause. still, it was fought for the sake of Freedom and justice (like saddam could take any american's or european's freedom...). See, if you had started it like "We didn't finished last time, so here we go to bring you freedom and democracy, got an UN-mandat (shouldn't be that hard), I'm sure that germany had not opposed the war, and french would had at least keept its mouth shut, if not helped you.
*sry, just read the admin post... dont care about my post over here...*

anyway, i dosent understand that hole "hills" idea... we have alot of forests, but hills? Not much of them anyway :P

Oh this thread is cracking me up!

So many generalisations. I would step in and tell put you all right (as only mods can do :)) but im laughing to much.
Everyone seems to be on there little hills and wont stand down.

Anyway. Ive got threads to close, people to delete (yes...people)
you delete people!? *cowers*, I didn't know that was possible, is it like the matrix? What happens to people who are deleted? to they go to cyber heaven or just a state of null? the infinite loop theorem perhaps?
Originally posted by Aethaecyn
you delete people!? *cowers*, I didn't know that was possible, is it like the matrix? What happens to people who are deleted? to they go to cyber heaven or just a state of null? the infinite loop theorem perhaps?
Since nothing is really deleted, they are just ignored :)
Originally posted by Aethaecyn
you delete people!? *cowers*, I didn't know that was possible, is it like the matrix? What happens to people who are deleted? to they go to cyber heaven or just a state of null? the infinite loop theorem perhaps?

Not really, the space used up by the deleted person just becomes available for others to use :)
I know they make a hell of a meatball. They wear funny hats. There was a family who ran from the germans through your mountains in a musical. You have nice banks? Is denmark your capital? I know you pronounce W as V. I know Gerhard Renkee(sp?) is from there.

Most of this is probably wrong.. Tell me if I got anything right.
Originally posted by h00dlum
I wanna go to USA on vacation or something..cuz its do damn much to see and do there, but i dont think i want to live there..seems to dangerous...wars everyother week, criminals everywhere, bums, drugdealers,drive by´s..comercial every 5 minutes on the TV :]and alots of people who dont speak english!

I have lived in N.Y for a couple of months and then been to Florida for a couple of weeks, and there may be quite many bums in N.Y, but criminals?!?! *takes a break to laugh* in three months in N.Y i didnt see anything that has something to do with criminality. It's much more safe in N.Y and Florida than it is here in Sweden (specially N.Y is much more safer because there is always much people walking outside)(there is more people out at 1 in the night than it is here in Sweden at 8 in the night).Quite much cops close to where i lived there also (really close to the UN Hq).And there was really much to see there. "wars every other week, drugdealers, drive by's" LOL!!!
No wars every other week where i was, no drugdealers, do you mean drive by shooting's? If so, there where 0 drive by's while i was there. commercial every 5 minutes, that one was true. "alots of people who doesnt speak english!" Not true. Many channels there though (i think i had 645 channels there"
Originally posted by oldi1knoby
I know they make a hell of a meatball. They wear funny hats. There was a family who ran from the germans through your mountains in a musical. You have nice banks? Is denmark your capital? I know you pronounce W as V. I know Gerhard Renkee(sp?) is from there.

Most of this is probably wrong.. Tell me if I got anything right.

No funny hats, the capital is Stockholm and not Denmark wich is one of our "neighbours", "You have nice banks?", well... hmm... lets see... kind of...
What about the Musical where they run through the mountains to get away from the Nazis.. Called the Sound of Music. was that Sweeden?

What about W as V?

Is stockholm where the stockholm syndrome came from?(it's where a person who is kidnapped learns to like their captors...)
Hmm, maybe it refers to the country being held captive...
{{If you are being held against your will, Blink twice and cough}}
Originally posted by oldi1knoby
Is stockholm where the stockholm syndrome came from?(it's where a person who is kidnapped learns to like their captors...)

Yeah, that's from a hostage situation in Stockholm I'm pretty sure.