What do you think i should do...


Mar 8, 2004
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....So there is this girl who you could say is a dis-distance cousin (shes my step dads neice/niece) so technically we ain't related in the slightest and you can marry your real cousins here in UK anyway but i can't get her out of my head, its driving me nuts!....i took the day off work because i was feeling sick and not physically, it was all in my head.

I'm stuck in a situation of do i bite my tongue and let it all go or tell her. She told my mum she likes me at my mums wedding....but that was 3 months ago and things change and i'd just finished with a 16 year old because they was too childish and i didn't care at the time because she too is 16 and at that moment in time i had rounded every 16 year old and put them in the "not to be touched box" so i thought nothing of it but this girl is different...she is grown up, shes good looking, shes not stuck up, shes got the most beautiful eyes and smile ever! and shes...well..., i don't know, she just seems like a perfect girl (if that girl exsists :P).

What should i do then if you was me? tell her or let it go?

(For the young imature people - I'm a gay for having feelings yeah?. Least we got that out the way)
Go for it...but if she says no..yo have to meet her at all family reunions and holidays = not fun :D
My brain is telling me:

Rick, what if it didn't work out, it could cause a whole load of shit in the family and what if i get turned down. I'm scared of rejection, i have been since 1st year in school.

Yet my heart is telling me:

Rick, you know your crazy about her...just do it. If you get turned down you'll get over it and your a nice enough person to not hold a grudge against someone.


Thing is that i've got the worst timing in the world and i've got this feeling that if i don't tell her before new years eve she'll end up with someone else. I'm going out with some other people and the chances of seeing her before 12 on new years eve around warrington town is 1 in a million. I can't take my mobile with me either...its cut off due to lack of paying :/ so i just think the clock is ticking. I'm going out with her on her birthday which is the 24th january but thats ages away and no matter what girl it is...money grabber or not, they all want a boyfriend on there birthday.

Edit/ Its that badly affecting me that i don't even want to play WoW even though i've got a real american account at my hands if i wanted to play it!!...Thats how i know its serious :|
You took a day off from work because you were thinking too much about a 16 year old girl? ppfff :naughty:

Get a grip on yourself, man.
Erm i dunno really, It doesnt seem worth it even if she isnt related by blood people will think its a bit wierd and she probably will too, its easier just to find someone else.
Just playfully tell her she's cute. Let her reaction dictate your next move. If she takes it the wrong way, play it off as being nice or "not meaning it that way." If you can sense she enjoyed the comment go a little further.

If you sit on your hands you'll end up regretting it. That's worse than being rejected.
this is what you do

get some nice clothes and an acustic guirat then go to her window and paly a nice song AND SING like The reason by hobestank or whatever and brign lots of daisies

Start with an innocent comment; "I think you're pretty cool" or something, and go from there.
sHm0zY said:
this is what you do

get some nice clothes and an acustic guirat then go to her window and paly a nice song AND SING like The reason by hobestank or whatever and brign lots of daisies


With my singing i think not!. She'll never talk to me again.

Fishlore said:
Just playfully tell her she's cute. Let her reaction dictate your next move. If she takes it the wrong way, play it off as being nice or "not meaning it that way." If you can sense she enjoyed the comment go a little further.

If you sit on your hands you'll end up regretting it. That's worse than being rejected.

Thats probably what i'll end up doing. No matter what i have to make sure she still likes me after i tell her...i can't have someone in my [kind of] family uncomfortable around me so i have to make sure i say it right the first time.

She kissed me twice the other day in my kitchen and it was'nt me that moved onto her but i didn't follow it through because her mum and dad was in and out of the kitchen and i can't remember why she did it...drinking is bad for your memory, but i know it was'nt for christmas spirits.

I've decided i'm gunna phone her up while i'm out on new years eve half pissed and tell her how i feel...that way if she turns me down or does'nt feel the same way i won't look like a twat and i can proceed to get rat arsed and forget i ever made the phone call...OR it could work out and its a new year to remember, heh! :D
:| My oldest brother Marry's a Filipino woman.

My Middle brother hooks up with HER COUSIN.

Speculations on my brothers girl's sister and I, of going out.

Ah dude, thats a pickle. The only problem with your plan is that you'll both be pissed on the phone, you cant get through (everyone calls everyone else on new years) or something.
Call her the day before, ask her if she wants to come to your party or something... but i'm no expert :o
Alig said:
I've decided i'm gunna phone her up while i'm out on new years eve half pissed and tell her how i feel...that way if she turns me down or does'nt feel the same way i won't look like a twat and i can proceed to get rat arsed and forget i ever made the phone call...OR it could work out and its a new year to remember, heh! :D

yikes, bad idea if you ask me. although i dunno what sort of girl she is, so she might not be bothered if you're ringing her while you're half pissed and slurring your speech etc. best to do it with a clear head too...and primarily try and do it in person.

try and think of the positives. once you tell her, you either score, or you find out she's not interested and it's something you no longer need to dwell on. once you let it out, you'll feel better, regardless of the result. promise. :angel:

don't be scared to tell her though. girls prefer you to be honest (most of the time [no you're not fat etc] ;) ) you'll probably regret not telling her, and it'll mess you up even more. i mean, you're willing not to play WoW because of her!

good luck matey :)
Yeah dedalus i'd rather do it in person. Only problem is i know where she lives but i don't know how to get there...i'm new around Warrington but its still only 10mins away and it would kind of be weird if i rang and said i was coming over and she says "what for?" and i say "err...tell you when i get there" :p

You know...i think i will tell her even if i start to doubt. I'll find a way out to tell her without it coming from someone else, otherwise it will be like school or something....
well dude u know what from ur description it seems that you only like the physical things about her i dont see u detailing on the way she converses with u ..what u guys talk about her attitude that kind of stuff ....i think that if its all based on the physical its not gonna last long.
mindless_moder said:
well dude u know what from ur description it seems that you only like the physical things about her i dont see u detailing on the way she converses with u ..what u guys talk about her attitude that kind of stuff ....i think that if its all based on the physical its not gonna last long.

I get on well with her in general, i normally take months to become 'at ease' around someone and do stupid things around them. It took me 4 days with her so i know shes right for me. My last girlfriend who was also 16 i could'nt be myself around her and she was to posh and expected to much from me so i ended up finishing with her.
Take her to lunch, nothing expensive just some fast food or a diner somewhere close. Just call her up and ask her if shes had lunch yet, is she hungry, etc. If you guys seem to be hitting it off pretty good during lunch then ask her to do something afterwards or invite her to do something the next day.

Thats what I did, I mentioned a movie that I was interested in and she said "Hey, I want to see that movie too." Its now 4 months later and I just had a great dinner at her house last night with her whole family.

I don't reccomend just coming out and spilling your guts, take it one step at a time. If you truly like this girl then don't rush it, things will happen naturally. But don't wait too long or you might miss your chance, and you will regret that my friend.
omg alig is SO gay! you told people your feelings!


but put it this way. being rejected the first time isnt as bad as:

going out with sum1, being happy. letting them manipulate you into thinking that they still like you as much as you like them. to then be emotionlessly discarded like human waste.:x

at least I think it is.
neptuneuk said:
omg alig is SO gay! you told people your feelings!


but put it this way. being rejected the first time isnt as bad as:

going out with sum1, being happy. letting them manipulate you into thinking that they still like you as much as you like them. to then be emotionlessly discarded like human waste.:x

at least I think it is.
Dude, you gots to get over that chick that ate your heart. *hug*
im not gay!
*hugs back*

that was quite good :naughty:

i mean.. im NOT gay!!
Pieman seems to be the only one here with some sense.

Just go ahead and ask her if she wants to go out with you. How awkward can it be? You're already asking a sixteen year old girl, who happens to be related to you (even if not by blood), to be your girlfriend. She told your mother she liked you and she gave you kisses anyway.
1 word ,,,,incest!!!


*runs back "jk* nah serious go for it mate nothing to lose
All i can say is it was a jolly good new year indeed! :E

It just so happens that shes liked me for 3 months heh...she told her mum but she didn't think she was being serious then i got put on the spot last night while she was sat on me and ...nature just took its cause... :) I'm so happy now!.
Am I the only one who thinks dating your cousin is just being lazy? lol
Alig said:
All i can say is it was a jolly good new year indeed! :E

It just so happens that shes liked me for 3 months heh...she told her mum but she didn't think she was being serious then i got put on the spot last night while she was sat on me and ...nature just took its cause... :) I'm so happy now!.

i saw the girl i liked, with her new bf, doh! :P
but last nite was 1 of the best :D
pub with all my m8s, then before the countdown i went home and drank with my family :D, u lot?

btw i was out of it . heh
hehe come on badger, plz brag about your wild wild night with that hobo guy you found :bounce: oh and tell us about the poledance thing too :D Badger is born for poledancing i tell you!!
I bet Badger had a ninesome with 8 girls ;) LOL
cmon, you can tell us :D
happy new year btw
Happy New Year to you too :)

And nah, I think it's wise to stay schtum :) All I'll say is I got with a girl who has a bf :|
ComradeBadger said:
Happy New Year to you too :)

And nah, I think it's wise to stay schtum :) All I'll say is I got with a girl who has a bf :|


:rolling: :rolling: On a completly seriously note! then i wish you all a happy new year :cheers: And I hope you get the lady Alig ^^

but, even if i mention another possibility or reinstate what someone has already said, you won't listen. You will still do what you think is right
guys, your posting your new years ****ups in the wrong thread, this thread is about dating your relatives not catching STD's

The Dark Elf said:
guys, your posting your new years ****ups in the wrong thread, this thread is about dating your relatives not catching STD's

God thats so wrong. :laugh: