What do you think i should do...

The Dark Elf said:
guys, your posting your new years ****ups in the wrong thread, this thread is about dating your relatives not catching STD's


yeah, so....

anybody had any good dates with their relatives lately?
"So where did you two meet then?"

"At a family party"

"Errr..." *edges away*

Happy New Year to you too

And nah, I think it's wise to stay schtum All I'll say is I got with a girl who has a bf

Again? Badgy you sure choose them
The Dark Elf said:
So is incest but nobody seems to care in this thread anymore :p

*goes off to find his banjo*

cool you have a Banjo.. Can i have your kids?

Incest is ok, as long as nobody finds out about it.. or not
I think i fell in love yesterday...feels weird..nothing will happen though since shes a little to young for me and is already taken...well well..
The Dark Elf said:
So is incest but nobody seems to care in this thread anymore :p

*goes off to find his banjo*

i play the banjo but im not a hillbilly, nor do i make love to my relatives. Im sick of this prejudice. ;(
The Dark Elf said:
So is incest but nobody seems to care in this thread anymore :p

*goes off to find his banjo*

*points to his location*

You know you shouldn't stereotype like that...
Dalamari said:
Fill her full o' banana juice! AIIEEEEE!


The Dark Elf said:
Am I the only one who thinks dating your cousin is just being lazy? lol
Its also disgusting....thats like thinking my aunt who married into the family is hot or something.
Nah she ain't related...it's not incest. The furthest a relative comes on that side of my family is my step-dads son whos my step-brother..after that they are all just 'people' i could of met in a bar.
Tr0n said:

*points to his location*

You know you shouldn't stereotype like that...
Never seen Deliverance? Blame that :p


oh and im well aware of your location, you seem to mention it in every post, i even dream about you pointing at a map so we all know where it is :)

The bunny ears your wearing in the dream however, i can't explain those...
Seriously TDE! I want your babies :D you crack me up every time you "open" your mouth.. im having hot dre.. ok not correctly but almist :P
Alig said:
Nah she ain't related...it's not incest. The furthest a relative comes on that side of my family is my step-dads son whos my step-brother..after that they are all just 'people' i could of met in a bar.
You know if you just went out and met a girl who wasn't related, it would be so much easier to explain her family tree without funny looks :)

I can just see the wedding.. who'd give her away, your dad or hers? ho ho ho ;)

ok that last bit was just a joke, i couldn't resist, i really couldn't :)