'Zat, was doctor assistanted homocide' Medic
'Da da da daaa...da da da da come sing vif me, da da da daaa...' Heavy
'I told you, don't touch that darn thing' Engineer
'TIME TO INFORM YOUR NEXT OF KIN!!' Soldier (I've got the T-shirt with that on )
'Imagine if I hadnt been drunk, oh ha...ah' Demoman
'You want some of this...' Scout
'I never really was on your side' Spy
'Thanks for standing still, wanker' Sniper
And finally, Pyro
All good, but Medic has the best voice, 'OCTOBER FEST!!!!!!!'
Man, their quotes are super funny. I usually see the heavy up close being a medic and his facial expressions and yells when he's gunning down a lot of enemies always makes me laugh.
My compy is crap... I play have to play with the lowest settings so it doesnt crash, and i dont have any of the facial expressions because of our old DX 8 card.
As for pure gameplay fun, and not lines: I'd have to vote the spy. There's nothing like concealing yourself...moving all the way to the enemy base and stabbing a sniper/engineer at the back of the head while ruining their machinery. I always get the giggles playing this devious back stabbing bastard.
"they're going to have to bury you in a soup can!" ~ demoman
"say goodbye to your head wanker!" ~ sniper
are my favourite quotes but for all round humour i like the engineer
No contest, the Heavy is funniest. Just watching him bounce around with his big gun with a big smile on his face.
Engineer is funny when he goes "dammit dag naggit nammit dammit!"
Sniper when he goes "Spys, bloody useless"... He only says this when you snipe a cloaked spy which makes it funnier.
One time a Pyro team mate ran past me doing his war cry and had his fist in the air, then half way through yelling, he got shot and he stopped.. It made me lol... guess you had to see it...
Demoman probably has the best voice... "oooOOOOooooh, I've really hit rock bottom" or "See, I told you they were a bunch of wee lassies"
I really wish they would add more voices to the characters, they really are hilarious. Also, get rid of the ones you can't even hear. Like when you make a 'negative' sound he just grumbles to himself and it can barely be heard... whats the point in that?
i've developed a habit of using the "jeer" button when im a spy in the other base as some of the characters have some pretty funny insults towards their own team
"i shoulda saved some bullets for most of you lot!" - sniper