For many years now, multiplayer for games has mostly consisted of deathmatch, team deathmatch, capture the flag, objective type maps, and a slew of variations. Does anyone ever get bored of playing multiplaer just because it's always "the same?" I was wondering if any of you have ever came up with a really good multiplayer idea that you thought would be really fun to play.
My idea is for a multiplayer game to be almost like a single player game. By this i mean for two teams (obviously) to duke it out but in more of a single player campain. For example, In Call of Duty the first map would have Allies parachuting out of a plane and landing on the ground. Meanwhile the Nazies would be trying to kill as many Allies as they can while they're in the air. Then the Allies would advance and try to take over a city or town and the germans would defend it. (This sounds alot like Assult for Unreal tournment but hold on) Then if the Allies overtook the base, the new map would be the outcome. If the allies overtook the city then the new map would be the allies leaving the town and taking out various anti aircraft guns which the germans would have to defend. But if the germans have won the parachuting map, then the allies would have to invade europe through Normandy and the germans would be the defenders. Thus multiplayer would be a new game because the players would feel more encouraged to help win the battle so that they may win the entire muliplayer game. For example, If the germans invaded England and overtook it, then the germans could advance to America when the battle would be fought there, and then if the germans won that match then germany would be the supream power and the Allies would lose. Vise versa, if the Allies overtook Berlin, the Allies would win the war and that team would win the game.
I know this would take along time to beat if you wanted to play multiplayer but these battles could go on for days, maybe even months if there were enough maps. You could mark the server you were playing in as a favorite and when you join, the server would give you a brief summary of what had happened (who won which map and how it affected the outcome) and you would be put back into "the war" while being informed of the past events so you won't be confused.
That was my idea, anyone else have suggestings? opnions?
My idea is for a multiplayer game to be almost like a single player game. By this i mean for two teams (obviously) to duke it out but in more of a single player campain. For example, In Call of Duty the first map would have Allies parachuting out of a plane and landing on the ground. Meanwhile the Nazies would be trying to kill as many Allies as they can while they're in the air. Then the Allies would advance and try to take over a city or town and the germans would defend it. (This sounds alot like Assult for Unreal tournment but hold on) Then if the Allies overtook the base, the new map would be the outcome. If the allies overtook the city then the new map would be the allies leaving the town and taking out various anti aircraft guns which the germans would have to defend. But if the germans have won the parachuting map, then the allies would have to invade europe through Normandy and the germans would be the defenders. Thus multiplayer would be a new game because the players would feel more encouraged to help win the battle so that they may win the entire muliplayer game. For example, If the germans invaded England and overtook it, then the germans could advance to America when the battle would be fought there, and then if the germans won that match then germany would be the supream power and the Allies would lose. Vise versa, if the Allies overtook Berlin, the Allies would win the war and that team would win the game.
I know this would take along time to beat if you wanted to play multiplayer but these battles could go on for days, maybe even months if there were enough maps. You could mark the server you were playing in as a favorite and when you join, the server would give you a brief summary of what had happened (who won which map and how it affected the outcome) and you would be put back into "the war" while being informed of the past events so you won't be confused.
That was my idea, anyone else have suggestings? opnions?