What do you think of the Doom 3 expansion?


Oct 11, 2004
Reaction score
What do you think of Doom 3 Resurrection of Evil?

For my part, I played it today, and I was extremely disappointed. All the new stuff they added makes the game even more annoying because of the dark and narrow environments. Besides, Id's so-said "advanced" physics engine is awful, it can't compare to Half-Life 2 ... and that gravity gun is only good for firing back at those hell creatures.

This game is dumb, always the same pointless shooting in every room before you finally get to an elevator which will take you to the next level!

I didn't enjoy any of it.
wilka91 said:
What do you think of Doom 3 Resurrection of Evil?

This game is dumb, always the same pointless shooting in every room before you finally get to an elevator which will take you to the next level!

Funny, I remember doing the same thing in HL2...
Actually I can only think of one elevator in HL2...made me nostalgic for HL's million elevators. :D
But I didn't even know that expansion hit yet. I enjoyed DOOM, but I doubt I'll pick it up for a while since theres so many other good things out there right now.
I loved it as well.

You should have done your homework before you bought it. It could have saved you 40 bucks.
I am going to go buy it whenever I get paid...Sometime this week I hope! Must get some CTF action in!
Sucked balls...............to bad i didnt pay for it..............friend burned it for me
BIA also sucked worst 50 bucks i ever spent
I think it's a great expansion. Like Doom3 itself, I kept my expectations low for ROE and was pleasantly surprised. I absolutely love the Hell Time.
i guess im spoilt by hl2, because i played Doom3 after hl2, and thought it was pretty boring- room to room, new creature in every 6th room, environments that get old very quickly. Nice graphics though, and pretty fun to start with, just not enough variation.
it was very samey....i only played about half an hour though and got bored

suppose that rules me out from making an opinion really
I loved it, because I loved Doom3. RoE was pretty much more of the same, but in a slightly different way - more action, less atmospheric (for the most part). And Doom3 is very good at delivering pure, raw action, retro style.
wilka91 said:
This game is dumb, always the same pointless shooting in every room before you finally get to an elevator which will take you to the next level!

I didn't enjoy any of it.

LOL, are you new to FPS games? J/K. Almost every FPS game ever made is the same pointless shooting in order to move to the next section. Overlay it with a generic, poorly told story and voila, a modern FPS. Each generation adds one bell or one whistle or slightly improved graphics and that's it.

I still like FPS games, but not nearly as much as I used to. Back when they were fresh and innovative. They all seem so similar now. It's more the genre than the games to me anymore that dissapoint. I'll probably give this expansion a shot though, I liked doom 3 for what it was worth.
Doppelgofer said:
it was very samey....i only played about half an hour though and got bored

suppose that rules me out from making an opinion really

Not really, if you've only played 1/20th of the game and you're bored already, then you can certainly form a negative opinion on it as a game is supposed to entertain you.

OT: Haven't played it yet, but the trailer looked kickass, but then, so did Doom 3's trailer.
At the start is there a little bit like in D3 where you walk around without weapons? I love those parts. When the weapons come it just gets boring :P
StardogChampion said:
At the start is there a little bit like in D3 where you walk around without weapons? I love those parts. When the weapons come it just gets boring :P

Yeah, i allways imagine that im one of the marines in Aliens, hoping not to see any aliens .D
Bah, I just spawn a Shotgun & shoot civilians, including Sgt. Kelly :p

Expansion was very fun though, the improved MP & the even old school-er style was plain awesome IMO.
I hate that one new type of enemy, the one that's just an Imp with more HP... they use it way too much. It's just a replacement of the Imp but more frustrating and less fun to fight. The double-barreled shotgun and that heart thing made up for it though, but I did find the grabber less useful than it should've been.
I hate to take this thread off-topic, but did people find HL2 to be 'samey'? I thought it was one of the few games that avoided that. From the beginning to end we had: a chase scene, close-quarter gunfights, vehicles, large area gunfights, physics puzzles, character interaction, scary zombie fighting, sandtrap "puzzles", commanding ant-lions, turret defense, team battles, helicopter/gunship/strider/boss battles, and the super-manipulator. I thought it managed to completely break out of the repetitive 'room clearing' style of gameplay and I also think many other recent FPS's have been pushing the same boundary.
Styloid said:
I hate to take this thread off-topic, but did people find HL2 to be 'samey'? I thought it was one of the few games that avoided that. From the beginning to end we had: a chase scene, close-quarter gunfights, vehicles, large area gunfights, physics puzzles, character interaction, scary zombie fighting, sandtrap "puzzles", commanding ant-lions, turret defense, team battles, helicopter/gunship/strider/boss battles, and the super-manipulator. I thought it managed to completely break out of the repetitive 'room clearing' style of gameplay and I also think many other recent FPS's have been pushing the same boundary.

Yup, i agree, but i think that Half-life wasn't samey either. I dunno, i didn't get through D3 far enough to properly judge it i guess. (about a third) It was pretty fun.
Samey isn't a bad thing - as long as what we're getting is good stuff :)

I enjoyed some parts of Doom 3 a great deal. Unfortunately, most of the game didn't match this quality.
RoE is fantastic, just playing through it now, can't remember where i am but i just
shut down the second pump after meeting McNeil
the new monsters are great, especially the bruiser, and the grabber is an excellent addition. the levels are definately better lit in places in RoE and the whole atmosphere is a bit less tense IMO, which for me isn't a bad thing:D

bring on D4:D
ROE was a great time. The new monsters are cool as are the grabber and super shotty.

The artifact rocks also. For $30 it's a steal, IMO.
I never played the expansion but I love doom 3. Great atmosphere and great graphics..I'm on my second time through and I still enjoy it.
think it`s cool. though it is a shame that the physics are very limited. the physgun could have been left out.
cadaver said:
think it`s cool. though it is a shame that the physics are very limited. the physgun could have been left out.
true, but then the physics isn't quite so integral to the game as it is in HL2, we've all been spoiled by it, in the same way as when i play HL2 i long for shadows that actually work.

just played through the tunnels level tonight, i'll be needing a new pair of underwear from when
you take that lift down and when it stops you get attacked by 5 or 6 (i lost count) revenents then a pinky demon all in total darkness:eek::eek::eek:
I got paid today, w00t, I shall be going to ebgames after work, 3pm est to find meh copy!
Fishlore said:
LOL, are you new to FPS games? J/K. Almost every FPS game ever made is the same pointless shooting in order to move to the next section.

No, I've been playing FPS for years.

Doom 3 is just extremely boring IMO. The expansion is even more boring.

Far Cry and HL2 were so different!!!
I'm on the last boss of this game right now. I haven't beaten him but he seems like a lame boss with a bunch of annoying lost souls. Unless there is some more creative way of killing him than just shooting that I haven't discovered yet I don't really want to fight him. I'm just leaving the game on hold for a while. It was fun up until this point.
I got the game today, but I was more into trying MP than SP. I like how it isn't as laggy as doom 3 was when it first came out. Rocket jumping is fun :E
Beat it about 20-30 mins ago, I liked it, but liked the first more, due to it being longer, etc. Definantly worth the buy for me, plus with ctf, and all that other goodness.
I thought it was better than doom3, albeit short and sweet. (finished ROE on veteran in about 8 hours)

the double barrel shotty is great, the new creatures are cool.. the grabber is gimmicky but actually is useful throwing projectiles and small creatures around.
you get to fight betruger, and there were a couple parts that reminded me of Clive barker's undying (always a good thing)

it's a little short, but there are no monster closets here, you get an awesome double barrel shotty, a couple new creatures, an awesome artifact heart power thingy (pretty damn well done, how his hands morph from normal to all undead/possessed, makes me wish for a hexen/heretic remake lol)

bottom line, if you enjoyed doom3 I recommend ROE.
if not, its pretty much just more of the same, look elsewhere.