What do you think the "Surprise" is?

Surpise is?

  • Team-Fortress 2

    Votes: 60 15.0%
  • Half Life Source FULLY updated

    Votes: 28 7.0%
  • The revealing of the real HL2 MP.

    Votes: 133 33.3%
  • Gabe giving away each of his fingers to 10 lucky people.

    Votes: 28 7.0%
  • Day of Defeat Source

    Votes: 12 3.0%
  • Natural Selection Source

    Votes: 5 1.3%
  • Sven Co-Op Source

    Votes: 4 1.0%
  • No clue

    Votes: 44 11.0%
  • Betcha its something stupid or completely irrelevant

    Votes: 54 13.5%
  • I know what it is...just not telling ya.

    Votes: 32 8.0%

  • Total voters
the magazine reacted with e-mail that they expect the game in October, so do not believe anything you hear, not Valve nor Vivendi is to benefit from delaying Half Life 2 to early 2005 when sales are usually in a slump after all those expensive months

greetz KrackHead

guinny said:
Do u know anything further about the court hearing and the trials with vivendi and valve? Is this going to delay the game yet again as the rumor suspects 2005?
thanks krackhead. btw, can you give us any exclusive insight as to your impressions of hl2 in maybe 2 or 3 words?
Team Fortress 2 trailer on the game disc?
Dabs said:
Team Fortress 2 trailer on the game disc?

Nah, would be a stupid PR move to draw away the attention from HL2 to TF2.
PvtRyan said:
Nah, would be a stupid PR move to draw away the attention from HL2 to TF2.

Uh no, actually that would be the best thing valve could do to promote their new highly inticipated game. They did with the original HL, why not the new one. I sure in hell hope they have a TF2 trailer on the disc, like on the EXTRAS menu option or something.
hoping its something about the mp or the release date will still be this month... but I doubt its either.. instead its probably something stupid and/or irrelavant.
pentiumMMXFanboy said:
i think the suprise is gabe having MAJOR ORGASMS!!!!!!!ALL OVER BILL GATES ASS!!!!!!!!!!1 OH **** YA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!****!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!CUMCUMCUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!CUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!CUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
haha i cant believe noone noticed this yet. lol. anyways i think they'll reveal HL2 MP to get the fanabse psyched up even more!
Here's the surprise:

Game delayed to Oct. 2005 or some other bullshit. haha
I would say it's definitely TF2. The price of the collectors edition is more because it includes TF2. You can purchase TF2 seperately, but the HL2 CE will contain everything all in one package. I'm just guessing this, but it's only because I probably want TF2 more than HL2 itself. Whats the CE going for ? I've see 78 bucks, wheres the cheapest place to pre-order?
Halflife 2 was released last September, but because of a production goof - the game was accidently shipped in the Disney's Aladdin Chess Adventures box. The "Surprise" is that the first expansion is what we are all waiting for here.

Now I am off to play my Aladdin Chess, uh, I mean Halflife 2.
pentiumMMXFanboy said:
i think the suprise is gabe having MAJOR ORGASMS!!!!!!!ALL OVER BILL GATES ASS!!!!!!!!!!1 OH **** YA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!****!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!CUMCUMCUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!CUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!CUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
am i the only one who finds this hilarious?
razorblade kiss said:
I would say it's definitely TF2. The price of the collectors edition is more because it includes TF2. You can purchase TF2 seperately, but the HL2 CE will contain everything all in one package. I'm just guessing this, but it's only because I probably want TF2 more than HL2 itself. Whats the CE going for ? I've see 78 bucks, wheres the cheapest place to pre-order?

Where did you get your signature quote from? :eek:
Wesisapie said:
am i the only one who finds this hilarious?

dude ... no ... just ... no ... wow ... dont ever post anything like that again ...

you too pentium fan boy ... never. .. again
it has a 2 in the title? hmmmmm..... oh i know!
2 dollars off retail price! YES! WOOHOO
I think HL2 MP... well, i hope so :]

'Gabe giving away each of his fingers to 10 lucky people.'

Why would gabe give away his fingers? Then he couldn't play HL2. :P
Its TF2...just my opinion..I don't think they will release Blue Shift2 Or OpFor2(yet)..and I can't think of any other game with a "2" in it that would be included.....either way we will know eventually...
I dont think HL2 MP would be that much of a suprise. Do you really think valve would be thinking that the DM is a great suprise. They say the suprise was the HL2DM/TDM, people will be just pissed. They would have expected more for this hidden suprise. On the other hand it maybe a really cool multiplayer mode with the game which could be TF2.

They did say HL:S wasnt gonner be with the game etc but they just said it was sent with the RC. Could be anything then
Obviously the fingers...why else would he have kept them for so long?
I don't really know what suprise you are talking about... but..

Obviosly we are going to find out what HL2's multiplayer mode is... why even have it on there?
you know what the surpise is... I KNOW!! a very good BOX!! YAY!! hehe...... :laugh:
I'll bet it's about the multiplayer mode. I guess they said it wouldn't be just DM?
GMania said:
I'll bet it's about the multiplayer mode. I guess they said it wouldn't be just DM?

Where did you hear that its not just a death match???......o and welcome to the forums! :cheers:
A big naked guy jumping out of a huge cake?

Well when valve first announce HL2 and got hit with the multiplayer question loads, they kept quite. There wasnt really much reason to keep quite, wasnt CS:S as this was before that was started but i think one time some one said that there be at least DM. Considering how many times they were asked about multiplayer when they first announced its not gonner be easy to find the source.
DrPowers said:
"A Boat is a Boat but a suprize is anything... It could even be a boat... and you know how much we've wanted one of those"
I love that show... haha.
A delay. This game is over rated. It's vapor ware until proven otherwise. I'll delay you family for a year. Deal with that.

Post your {rebuttle} underneath. Writing skills from 14 Y/O's UNITE. Pre-pubescent power ** ACTIVATE **
gabe literally said the multiplayer was going to be a surprise.....
wonkers said:
A delay. This game is over rated. It's vapor ware until proven otherwise. I'll delay you family for a year. Deal with that.

Post your {rebuttle} underneath. Writing skills from 14 Y/O's UNITE. Pre-pubescent power ** ACTIVATE **

dude you got some anger problems.... :flame:
ScRaTcH-A-HoLiC said:
dude you got some anger problems.... :flame:

Or just some problems with getting enough attention so he tries to piss people off and he hopes they'll flame him. Ignoring also works.
ailevation said:
:) A dope surprise would be if you bought a collectors edition, you get a coupon for a free x800 XT! I'd french kiss Gabe for a surprise like that! SIKE! Well...uh... probably.

yeah right.. :P
u'd be on him like white on rice :E lol j/k!!

hmm...i'd hate the surprise to be something irrelevant or something the community kinda knows is coming.. hmm.. i guess it would be tough to surprise us lot? :E
wonkers said:
A delay. This game is over rated. It's vapor ware until proven otherwise. I'll delay you family for a year. Deal with that.

Post your {rebuttle} underneath. Writing skills from 14 Y/O's UNITE. Pre-pubescent power ** ACTIVATE **

HL2 cant be over rated when its not even rated. There hasnt been any reviews of the game or at least not many. You could say it was over hyped though but you cant really justify that also till you have played the game.
Platinum said:
dude ... no ... just ... no ... wow ... dont ever post anything like that again ...

you too pentium fan boy ... never. .. again

no why man that was sooooo friggen funny im lagfing soo hard OMG thats fu*king hilarious
I see the scenarios as follows:

Big news - HL2 multiplayer is *really* TF2

Medium news - HL2 vouchers are good for Collectors Edition

Small news - news post with the actual content of the CE

I'm really curious about TF2. When one of the forum goers asked an employee there on their tour they said "If I say anything they'll kill me!"

CS:S is a real joke for multiplayer. Everyone's played it (CS that is). It's nothing new. They might as well make it a free upgrade to everyone with CS already.