what do you think the WoW addon will include?


Aug 13, 2004
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so what do you think? or do some of you have vital info?

I think they will have the hero class and North Trend as a new continet.

btw still havent played WoW? If you wanna try and dont have the money right now, send me a pm.
Hero classes i hope.
New Areas for lvl 60s hopefully.

But i kinda dont want them to release a new race, cause then everyone would want to try it/level it up... and i dont want to get sucked into another character. :)

And in my dreams... i think an area where roaming PVP was encourged, im getting sick of the battlegrounds that destroyed all other PVP. SO hopefully some kind of reward from killing in a new zone would be nice.
northrend, dalaran, necropolis in strath, instance in arathi, new races / purpose to dark portal? many more instanced zones
babyheadcrab said:
northrend, dalaran, necropolis in strath, instance in arathi, new races / purpose to dark portal? many more instanced zones

things like dalaran/arathi instances,etc would probably be in patches rather then the exp, so i figure they'd put something bigger in the exp
I would prefer that there be new classes, like necromancer, deathknight, etc... than be new races...

but it being a expansion you can always expect at least, more land, more items, more quests. those are basic expac content.

now the rumors I hear most often are that there will be a third "neutral" faction, consisting of new races... I take it with a pinch of salt obviously because that would mean a massive amount of content to be created (every race unless they cannot wear normal items, would have to have new graphics generated for said items)

the races I hear are things like goblins, blood elves, nagas etc.
once again, mere rumors.

personally I think it's gonna have more basic content rather than anything really awesome.
I'd like some more tough 5-man instances.

These 20-40 man runs are boring as hell.

And more races. Like, murlocks. And stuff like that.
Warbie said:
I'd like some more tough 5-man instances.

These 20-40 man runs are boring as hell.
I'm inclined to agree.

And hero classes might give me some reason to play my mage at times other than Molten Core raids, as would Northrend... then again I might just speed level my warrior alt as best I can.... gaaah, can't wait to find out!
I want to see new zones like Northrend, Draenor, and Mt. Hyjal. The level cap should be increased to 70, and once you reach 65, you are should be considered a hero class. Maybe the hero class could have the ability to lead multiple NPC fighters into battle? Think of it, there could be a BG instance where up to 10 hero players on each side lead 3 to 5 NPC fighters against the enemy, doing all sorts of objectives from capture to destruction.
Medivh's Tower is a probable opening in the exp.

I think 2 new classes would be awesome, Death Knights and Blood Elves is a perfect idea, strictly to Night Elves and Undead.
If there are Hero Classes, I'll wet my pants in glee. The great thing is, we know they're coming... it's just a matter of time :O

Any of you who played WoW when it first came out will remember that initial rush to glory; that period where everyone was a n00b (with the exception of people like me who got into the Betas ;) ), and there were hordes of people just exploring, discovering new things, banding together to discover new lands, expressing their love for the game over general chat in big capital letters that no-one got annoyed about because they were too busy having fun. That's how I'll always remember WoW, instead of the stat based, nerd infested servers you get now where everyone's either "pr0" or a "noob".

Hopefully, when this expansion is released, we'll all be noobs again. We'll all be explorers again. We'll all be free again. That's the feeling that I want from this expansion.
Yesh, agreed. Hero classes will be HOLY SHIT.

I want steam boats and a railway line. :eek:
Higher lvl cap. Something along the lines of lvl 80.
Suicide42 said:
If there are Hero Classes, I'll wet my pants in glee. The great thing is, we know they're coming... it's just a matter of time :O

Any of you who played WoW when it first came out will remember that initial rush to glory; that period where everyone was a n00b (with the exception of people like me who got into the Betas ;) ), and there were hordes of people just exploring, discovering new things, banding together to discover new lands, expressing their love for the game over general chat in big capital letters that no-one got annoyed about because they were too busy having fun. That's how I'll always remember WoW, instead of the stat based, nerd infested servers you get now where everyone's either "pr0" or a "noob".

Hopefully, when this expansion is released, we'll all be noobs again. We'll all be explorers again. We'll all be free again. That's the feeling that I want from this expansion.

I try to avoid WoW threads because everytime I read about WoW I want to renew my subscription... ack it's hard to resist at times. And you made it especially harder :LOL:
"what do you think the WoW addon will include? "

new vehicles, a few new choppers and maybe a transport or two ..oh and night vision, maybe even grappling hooks

but seriously: "what do you think the WoW addon will include? "

a reason to re-subscribe
Gunner said:
I try to avoid WoW threads because everytime I read about WoW I want to renew my subscription... ack it's hard to resist at times. And you made it especially harder :LOL:

I actually suggest you do :) I quit for like 4 months, renewed a while ago and tell ya what, it's like a whole new game again :)
lotsa lil graphical improvements, gameplay fixes etc.
Mr. Redundant said:
I actually suggest you do :) I quit for like 4 months, renewed a while ago and tell ya what, it's like a whole new game again :)
lotsa lil graphical improvements, gameplay fixes etc.

I would but I have this mental disorder, this compulsive behavior that takes the fun out of fun sometimes. I quit WoW because I didn't like not having "uber" gear, I didn't like not being invited to MC raids, I didn't like being the gazillionth rogue in shadowcraft gear standing around Ironforge passing time. Besides my older brother would stab me in the eye if he knew I was thinking of renewing, he hates MMOs :(