What do you think will be the greatest danger to HL2?

What do you think will be the greatest danger to HL2?

  • The release of Doom 3, STALKER, and others

    Votes: 14 22.6%
  • Source code theft

    Votes: 7 11.3%
  • Delayed released date

    Votes: 16 25.8%
  • Steam

    Votes: 5 8.1%
  • Too many retail versions

    Votes: 1 1.6%
  • Too high system specs (to make it look ok, not minimum)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Too high price (Is it really $60)?

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 5 8.1%
  • It'll do fine no matter what

    Votes: 14 22.6%

  • Total voters


Dec 2, 2003
Reaction score
Seeing as how HL2 has been delayed and stuff, I'm sure everyday Vivendi loses more possible revenue for the game. It'll be a great game, but something bad could happen. What do you think is the greatest danger to HL2?

Sorry about so far having such negative posts, the glass is always half-empty.
getting delayed.
imo it was a mistake for valve to reveal that they were making hl2 and claiming it would be released this year. Now just more and more fans are getting pissed becouse of delay and for the so called info blackout.
Imagine if valve would have released the info about hl2 this or next month and the release date would be april, no one would be pissed :)
Pointless speculation. Belongs in the rumors & random bull crap section.
Delaying it too much is the single greatest danger.

If it's released months after Stalker or Doom3 or some other next gen game, the emotional response we get from HL2 will be numbed. What i mean is, all the fancy graphics and whizz bang things in HL2 will be normal by then. And thus it will be treated as "just another first person shooter".

Another problem is the hype. It almost certainly will not live up to the hype people like us are generating on the internet. That doesn't mean it won't sell well, it just means a lot of us will be disappointed.

Ahah! And Steam! Wow, when people find out they have to use steam to play HL2 it's going to cause headaches galore!! I personally have no problem with steam, but just head over the forums and check hundreds of problems people post about each day. It's just overwhelming.
Steam, without a doubt. I'm yet to use this thing but looks like I will be forced to for HL2, and if I have one single problem with it I will return the game and download it off Bittorrent, just because I think it's wrong of Valve to force something like this on us.
i voted steam, but i also agree with the poster that said hype. too much hype only leads to dissappointment.

edit: usually...
i voted Doom 3 and Stalker as well as MOH Pacific Assault becuz if its released after those games are out or close to being out then its just going to be another cool game to "maybe" check out. i wont be anything truly amazing or revolutionary. if it doesn't come out till after those they should just hold it and make a whole new engine and release it for the next gen consoles in 2006 as well as PC.
Originally posted by Pitbul
i voted Doom 3 and Stalker as well as MOH Pacific Assault becuz if its released after those games are out or close to being out then its just going to be another cool game to "maybe" check out. i wont be anything truly amazing or revolutionary. if it doesn't come out till after those they should just hold it and make a whole new engine and release it for the next gen consoles in 2006 as well as PC.

you are very right in some ways. You know HL2 got some original technologies that might other games such as D3 or Stalker do'nt have them. But your idea and my idea are working in parallal, how?

if the game got released after D3, Stalker...etc it will be dam Old for most of its technology to be eyecandy and excited about. and if the release date pushed back again it will be the end of hl2 as GAME of the Universe or whetever. :dozey:
source code theft by far, thats the main reason for the delay anyway, so its kind of a two in one.
I don't think that the delay (for whatever reason) is a big threat. There is a huge community (possibly a bit smaller now) eagerly waiting for HL2. There lies the biggest threat, it's almost impossible to live up to the hype, so I think that the expectations people have are (too) high. Personally I think it CAN live up to it, so the magnitude of the threat is quite small.
It could be the delay, since anticipation keeps building for the game. Some people, not me, will probably complain that the game is not as good as they thought. They will say this because they are mad about the delay. Reference the complaints when it did not release on its scheduled day.
Originally posted by Cheetarah654
source code theft by far, thats the main reason for the delay anyway, so its kind of a two in one.

Gabe said even if it wasn't stolen that the game still wouldn't have been ready for 03 release.
Other: Playboy girls distracting rich and famous Gabe Newell.
i dont know why everyone is bitching about it, whizz bang effects wont be that good, wow, so what, what about the storyline? the gameplay? doom3 looks crap cause it has a bunch of upsidedown-head spider things and it looks too cinematicish for me.

people are only pissed cause they said a release date, had they just released it after doom3 and stalker and all that, people would have thought, wow, still awsome, but because its not coming out when we all wanted it, its valves fault. back off valve. im not a fanboy, i just look forward to playing the game, not judging it or comparing it to others the likes of it. no matter when they release it, it will be its own game, and people will play it for that reason. so please people, stop giving valve crap. this probably just makes them more nervous. support them, tell them you look forward to playing their kick-ass game whenever they choose to release it.

:afro: ROCK ON VALVe

U have been MINDArised
Doom 3 will be the only game to really own valve since they decided to put a story in. now they add Ragdoll physics and an interactive enviorment. Carmmack wasn't even thinking about doing it but then people made a big fuss over HL2's physics then carmmack said what the hell and did it like nuthing. if HL2 doesn't make is out around Doom 3 and perferably before Doom 3 it simply wont be as nearly as big a hit. it will sell but far from how much it would if it had been released this year. for Valve sake i hope they get it out before April.
HalfLife2 will do fine. As long as the fans stay faithful, and the tuna keep smellin', it will do better then ever (nobody mentioned that a playstation2 version would be a scarry prospect)
hmm.. *shrug* not sure if any of those things apply.. especially if the game does as well as the expectations are.. so.. i guess if anything, its probably the hype..

this game has been hyped up so much now and delayed that now it may not live up to what pple are expecting.. the delay is just putting pressure on the game to be that much better.. at least thats the feeling i get.
Pitbul said:
Doom 3 will be the only game to really own valve since they decided to put a story in. now they add Ragdoll physics and an interactive enviorment. Carmmack wasn't even thinking about doing it but then people made a big fuss over HL2's physics then carmmack said what the hell and did it like nuthing. if HL2 doesn't make is out around Doom 3 and perferably before Doom 3 it simply wont be as nearly as big a hit. it will sell but far from how much it would if it had been released this year. for Valve sake i hope they get it out before April.
Right. As if adding physics/ragdoll can be done like "nothing."

You sound like an iD fanboy :) lol, not that it really matters.. but that statement..
actually given the right CPU ragdoll physics is simply another string in the code and to Devs with skill like ai ID and Valve its pretty much nuthing to ass a skeleton to the models using the Havok xWare. and Shuzer your the one riding Valves d*ck so tight you should be considered their nutsack. and not only in this thread. Carmmack was mocking Valve over their big deal physics.
Pitbul said:
actually given the right CPU ragdoll physics is simply another string in the code and to Devs with skill like ai ID and Valve its pretty much nuthing to ass a skeleton to the models using the Havok xWare. and Shuzer your the one riding Valves d*ck so tight you should be considered their nutsack. and not only in this thread. Carmmack was mocking Valve over their big deal physics.
Carmack was mocking them? The way you put it, it sounds more like he got scared and tried to catch up.
Ignoring recent comments...

I believe the expectation from the gaming community is the biggest threat. Why you may ask?

1.) Previous examples: When HL was nearing release, there was little hype about the game, however, games like SIN at the time were recieving alot of publicity. SIN, of course, didnt live up to expectations...

2.) Dely doesnt threaten HL2: Because people will continue to wait for the release of HL2, due to the fact that its predecessor left an immesurable mark with the community. Games of medium and lesser publicity need to be more worried about lose of interest due to dely

3.) D3 isnt a major threat: Because D3 and HL2 focus on different aspects of catching people's interest (D3 heavy graphical development, focus on MP gaming community) and HL2 (Focusing on superior AI, revolutionary physics, storyline plot and twists), HL2 and D3 IMHO are far enough apart in emphasis on various elements that they will not threaten each other's survival (Although this does not mean there will be some competition between these two big titles)

The HL2 gaming community will not only be expecting a solid piece of work, but also revolutionary elements that help propel fps gaming into the future. With expectations like these, Valve HAS to make sure they release a product that doesnt let down the people who are expecting these key elements in the game.
Pitbul said:
actually given the right CPU ragdoll physics is simply another string in the code and to Devs with skill like ai ID and Valve its pretty much nuthing to ass a skeleton to the models using the Havok xWare. and Shuzer your the one riding Valves d*ck so tight you should be considered their nutsack. and not only in this thread. Carmmack was mocking Valve over their big deal physics.
I have to ask, what have I said that's made me sound like a VALVe fanboy? I haven't even posted much of anything about HL2 in recent weeks, I've been posting in off-topic and hardware.

Go on, point out a statement I've made.
i think its a mixture of 2 of the options. The delay and the fact doom 3 and stalker r gonna be out around when hl2 come sout. I think hl2 will still do well and be quite popular, but the initial release isn't gonna be as massive as if it had a headstart to all the other next generation games that're just around the corner.