What do you use ?


May 17, 2003
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I was just wondering :D, what do you use to code C++ ?, I might get started thats all :D
I use Microsoft Visual C++.... the official program. :E I'm getting quite proficient now :)... I used too fool about with the HL SDK, but now I'm learning for real ;)

Get a book, and learn, cos its lots of fun when you start to program good little programs :E
I use the Microsoft IDE. Version 6 right now, but I hear hl2 may require .net. Think i'll switch anyway, the compiler is better.
Thanks Badge, I have MS Visual C++, found it on an old CD, I remember the good old days when I fooled around with the SDK, I made some VGUI menus, and some stuff, I was skilled back then, now ive lost it all ;(
no worries Simmo, anytime :) yeah, Onions I'm gonna be using MSVCpp.NET as soon as I can afford it :).... atm I've got 6.0... which seems fine, but I have it on very high recommendation that .NET is good.... so I shall switch soon :)
GNU C++ :cheese:

err.... when i learn whats needed in C++ i'll switch over to Visual C++

already have:
Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 Standard Edition
i use MSVC++ .net. i use it because i do alot of stuff with directx, and since both are made by microsoft, the two integrate very easily.
wow, so many people program here, I feel so dumb :(, oh yeah...whats the difference between VB and C++?
dont they both create the same thing in the end though?
I use Visual C++ 6.0 (from visual studio 6.0) I also have a few versions of visual studio .net around somewhere, They're always throwing the boxed sets at me when I go on school programming competitions.

Also, vb isn't so bad if you know how to use it the right way. Vb < c++, true, but its not so bad in some areas.
VB to me is more of a beginner language to me.

I'm the only one that uses borland?
.net has backwards compatability.. but I hate the net framework, its crud just like MFC and chews up system resources
So...if I learn VB as a begginer, will I find C++ easier ?
Originally posted by simmo2k3
So...if I learn VB as a begginer, will I find C++ easier ?
Only in the aspect that you will more easily comprehend terms like Variables etc.
VB is made by Microsoft and is not the most efficient language, it's mainly made to make programs easily.

Go for C++ directly, or you'll find yourself trapped in confusion between the two languages.
Originally posted by zapher
Go for C++ directly, or you'll find yourself trapped in confusion between the two languages.

I've gotta disagree there. You're not going to get confused between the two languages - for starters the differences are so huge that you'll program in one mindset or the other.

VB is much, MUCH easier to write in. If you start writing in C++ you'll most likely get confused and give up - thinking that programming is too hard - which it isn't.

VB is a much better learning language - you'll be able to write cool little windows programs in no time at all. Of course I don't think you'll be able to work with any HL SDKs in VB but if we're talking about languages to learn programming in i'd recommend VB.
I use Bordland (not sure wich version) in my high school and VC 6 at home (hehe)
I totally agree. I spent roughly a year learning C/C++, only to use it like a foreign language. I didn't know the meanings under the alphabets. I simply knew the grammar (the syntax) and only managed to speak it correctly.

After I spent another year learning low level C programming and TI86/89 Calculator assembly, I understood better what all the memory pointers, allocation stuff are about. It's a great confident feeling when you understand what the syntax REALLY means.

VB vs. C++:
Depends where you want to go, but I recommend starting with C++, since that uses a more well-known syntax convention. For example, PHP (quite popular for web development) adopts this same syntax convention. In contrast, ASP (a Microsoft server scripting language like PHP) uses VB. Ultimately, you are particularly interested in HL/HL2 (that's why you're here), so get your start the faster way. Go with C++. (You don't want to be juggling two different syntax conventions in your head, when coding HL/HL2!)
heh well currently I'm using gcc, but I'll probably be picking up MVC in some form, as far as what langauge to learn, I gotta say go with C to start with, and really dig into data structures and memory management, yeah writing a linked list program isn't really exciting, but the jump from C to C++ is more like a nice little step if you understand the core concept that 99% of what you do in programming is shuttle data around, the other 1% is altering the data.
This may sound odd but Ill suggest it anyway. Flash actionscript.
I use the free Dev-C++ with the GCC 3.2 compiler for anything not requiring microsoft code like DirectX. For MS based stuff such as DirectX applications I use Visual Studio 2003.