What do you usually eat?


I Hate Custom Titles
Sep 13, 2003
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What sorts of foods do you guys usually eat throughout the day? I'm more interested in patterns and types of food that you frequently consume.

Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner(or Supper?)... I'm wondering how varying our tastes are.

I used to eat all sorts of stuff. I didn't really have any repetition or routine that grouped all the foods properly. I ate what I had at hand when I was hungry. Sometimes that would mean dinner foods for breakfast, breakfast foods for dinner... it was all over the place.

Now I don't really eat a whole lot. I've been drinking tea quite a bit each day and that has suppressed my appetite quite considerably, and so I have to really force myself to go eat. Typically it's healthier stuff these days... brown rice, beans of various types, vegetables. I no longer consume prepackaged foods like cans of soup or macaroni and cheese like I used to. That stuff just isn't satisfying to me anymore.

My ideal breakfast would be the traditional american breakfast. Anything with eggs, pancakes, sausage or bacon. Combinations of those work out great. However, I rarely get to treat myself to any of that except for the eggs these days. Though I do frequently eat cereal and I just love the stuff... even plain.

Lunch and dinner... who cares what I eat, as long as it's tasty.
I don't feel like thinking about this and typing it all up atm, but I will go ahead and submit that I LOVE eggs, pancakes, sausage, and bacon. A few over-medium fried eggs and soft bacon and link sausage (although patties are good too), with blueberry pancakes and syrup... ideal.
I never put syrup or anything else on my pancakes/waffles besides butter.
It's the best, tbh.

I probably don't eat very well. A lot of salt in my diet. I get canker sores from it.
I never put syrup or anything else on my pancakes/waffles besides butter.
It's the best, tbh.

I probably don't eat very well. A lot of salt in my diet. I get canker sores from it.

Man... you should try peanut butter with maple syrup on top of your pancakes or waffles. That's the best!
I've had fruit smoothies for lunch every day of last week.

breakfast: leftovers
lunch: usually don't eat
dinner: some type of dead animal roasted in its own juices, or pizza
Breakfast: small bowl of Cheerios, hard boiled egg, glass of skim milk, small cup of assorted fruit
Lunch: small cup of soup, handful of veggies and maybe fish or chicken, grape juice
Dinner: fish or chicken, small salad w/ olive oil, small dessert(coffee cake nom nom nom), glass of skim milk
energy drinks, pop tarts, and cheez its
Breakfast: Bread (usually penut butter) or Cereal (Cornflakes or Nutrigrain) or maybe Crossoints (butter and strawberry jam) or Egg and Sausages or perhaps an omelette (mushrooms YAYYY)

Lunch: When I'm not eating junk food or an actual meal for lunch, it's generally a three-layer sandwich with butter, avocado, some sort of meat (roast chicken for preference), mayo (maybe), cheese... maybe, tomato.

Dinner: Meat dish, rice, soup, Vegetable dish.
breakfast: hop & go bar (original)/honey nut cheerios WHILE watching Saved By the Bell and Inspector Gadget.

Lunch: roasted turkey breast sandwhich with a box of fruit punch a fudge square with celery/carrots OR a 12 inch roast beef sub with everything in it

dinner: everything usually meat with vegetables/rice
Usually some form of pasta or rice. Occasionally hot dogs, hamburgers, or even hamburger helper.
Whatever, really. I didn't come from a well off family so normally cheap crap. Lately I've been at a mates house a lot so normally fruit or junk food, sometimes real food.

Also, I eat hotdogs whenever I can -- might go have some now...
Morning, drink juice/ fruit smoothie thing / maybe with cereal bar.
lunch: sub or other uncommonly random thing.
dinner: sub or other uncommonly random thing.

if I'm at home however
morning: anything I feel like
lunch: Indian food/ anything I feel like
dinner: Indian food / non-indian food (usually lasagna, enchilada, eggplant Parmesan, or tacos)
today I had a coffee and muffin around 9:30, a sandwich and smoothie for lunch. When I got home I had some chocolate milk and chocolate coated peanuts and a few mentos. For dinner I had fried sole fillets with potatoes and zuccini.
Morning: Cereal and a glass of orange juice
lunch: w/e i have in my freezer/cupboards. ranges from pasta to sammiches to personal size pizza to hotpockets
Dinner: same as lunch. Usually if I have a decent lunch I wont have dinner.
Man... you should try peanut butter with maple syrup on top of your pancakes or waffles. That's the best!

OMFG, that is the best stuff evar. But, whenever I tell people about it they say I'm weird...

peanut butter on my pancakes clogs my throat though, but milk fixes that.
Breakfast: Cereal. Toast and eggs or pancakes depending on how much time I have.
Lunch: A sandwich or hamburger. Fruit.
Dinner: Often something with ground beef or chicken. Sometimes eat fish though. Vegetables (corn, broccoli, or green beans etc).
I drink coffee every morning..don't eat until lunch time. BLT's are the best. I make them all the time and pizza is another favorite. Dinner could be anything because I will eat anything! Liver and onions? no prob! Anchovies on my pizza? Love them! Fish, beef, chicken, duck, pork, lamb...you name it. Plus every veggie there is. Dang, now I'm hungry.
Dinner could be anything because I will eat anything!
I'm the same way, I would rather eat a large variety of foods then keep to the same type of food.
If I have time in the morning, I will cook about 10 bacons and just eat those. and for the rest of my day I just snack on a couple things here and there, which isn't that good for me, because most of it is junk food. But I want to go o a diet where all you eat is unprocessed meat, fruit, vegetables, and nuts; it's just that it is too expensive for me.
Breakfast : Nothing
Lunch : Hot Dog or Patty
Dinner : Some form of dead animal , vegetables and rice .

yeah i dont really eay very well.....
I'm the same way, I would rather eat a large variety of foods then keep to the same type of food.
If I have time in the morning, I will cook about 10 bacons and just eat those. and for the rest of my day I just snack on a couple things here and there, which isn't that good for me, because most of it is junk food. But I want to go o a diet where all you eat is unprocessed meat, fruit, vegetables, and nuts; it's just that it is too expensive for me.
It's not too expensive to eat healthy, really. I've been doing it lately. Just buy simple things like brown rice, potatoes, frozen veggies, chicken breast, meatballs, etc. I usually eat a combination of meat, rice/potato, and veggie for dinner (mix it all up in a bowl.)

Eggs and a bowl of oatmeal is pretty healthy for breakfast as well.
Breakfeast : Apple, banana, glass of orange juice and a bowl of mini-wheats.
Lunch : Whatever I can find and eat in a small portion.
Dinner : Same.
Breakfast - Nope. Either don't get up in time for it, or go swimming and then straight to work.

Lunch - Usually a sandwich, packet of crisps, 2 pieces of fruit and a biscuit type thing

Dinner - Varies a lot
Breakfast - cereal and toast or a fry-up

Lunch - usually a sandwich with salad/chips

Dinner - something either spicy (curry, thai, mexican) or something with a big slab of meat in it.
Breakfast: Cereal or granola bar
Lunch & Dinner: Whatever they're serving in the dorm cafeteria. The dining halls here serve really bad food (everything comes packaged in bulk, and then they just stick it in the oven). I usually get whatever their main dish is, and then green beans because the rest of their vegetables taste worse than they should. Sometimes I'll get salad, and fruit (they always use the same fruit too).
Breakfast - Doesn't exist
Lunch - Sandwich or soup or Ramen Noodles..
Dinner - Usually some hotdogs/hamburger helper/fast food.

No wonder I have gut on me now...I'm getting fat. :( Must...exercise...
Breakfast: Any type of cornflakes (preferably covered in chocolate) with cold milk / fried eggs and milk/tea/whatever
Lunch: Depends, it can vary a lot. Junk food (Burger/Pizza)/ red sauce with PASTAAA!!!:D/(Chicken/pork/fish) with some veggies and fries/various types of soups(preferably pork stomach soup)/and quite recently I've found a taste for broccoli and cauliflower salad with chicken.
Dinner:Again varies a lot. Sandwiches/cupcakes and milk/canned sardines/pasta (if I didn't have it for lunch)/salad.
Morning, drink juice/ fruit smoothie thing / maybe
lunch: Indian food/ anything I feel like
dinner: Indian food / non-indian food (usually lasagna, enchilada, eggplant Parmesan, or tacos)

Indian Food, rock doesnt it? yeah.. (ARE YOU AN INDIAN???)

I can't live without my cheese everyday, whether it is in a pasta, pizza, bun, bread, or just a slice.. I need it.
Steak, potatoes, asparagus, spaghetti O's, Subway, Sandwiches

And i drink coke, sprite, WATER, beer, my own urine
I can't live without my cheese everyday, whether it is in a pasta, pizza, bun, bread, or just a slice.. I need it.

I'm allergic to cheese. Don't even know what it tastes like!
Breakfast: usually cereal (any kind) or sometimes croissants. Milk and Pro-biotic yoghurt drink.
Lunch: soup/cold pizza/sandwich/microwave meal
Dinner: anything. Could be pizza, pasta, chips, sausages, or a proper meal like braising steak, hot pot, a roast or a casserole.
Supper: cereal and milk on most days, but on Friday and Saturday (when I watch a film) I'd have popcorn or crisps with an alcopop drink.
Snacks would usually be chocolate or sweets.
Well I have Cinnamon toast for brekfast.
Pizza for lunch.
And usualy some steak,stir fry, chicken, stew or somthing simalar.