What Do You Wanna Be?


Jul 26, 2005
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Since theres so many youngens here. Id figure id ask this. What career are you aiming for? What are your plans?

I thought id get into computers at a younger age, turns out, i can only play games. So I'm planning to get into modeling, acting or directing. Chances of me actually making this are slim pickings, but I might as well try anyway. After my proselyting mission for 2 years, ill come back and create a portfolio and head off to film school.
Not really sure, looks like it will be IT related though (Programming, networking etc... I can do it all at least decently).
god.. you all know what you may be. i don't even know that... :(
I am going to be a Director. (hear the confidence)

I've already got one of the precious 35 places on a film course at the Arts Institute at Bournemouth - a renowned film course which is known as the best (pre-grad) course in the country and debatebly the best in europe.

i'm hoping my self-confidence (arrogance) will tide me over.

i don't mean to blow my own horn but, uh...

...beep beep...
Iiiiiiiiiiii waanaaaa beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee anarchyyyyyyyyyy.
I wanna be sedated *wiggidywiggidy*

Actually, I rather like my current career path. I'm in sales and the job is fun. Plus, I make BANK so, you know, bonus.
Doctor, but I'm gonna have to work for it.
I could never work in retail because I would be unable to resist the temptation to shout 'YOU JUST GOT SERVED!' after every sale.
rambler said:
I am going to be a Director. (hear the confidence)

I've already got one of the precious 35 places on a film course at the Arts Institute at Bournemouth - a renowned film course which is known as the best (pre-grad) course in the country and debatebly the best in europe.

i'm hoping my self-confidence (arrogance) will tide me over.

i don't mean to blow my own horn but, uh...

...beep beep...

How bout I act in your films :naughty:
Project Manager of a project bigger than the project I'm currently working on. Some kind of Senior Engineer/Scientist r something. That's my 5 year plan anyways.
I'm second year at high school, and I haven't even got a clue what I'm gonna read at the uni :(
sounds cool Kirov,

Games Environment artist, CG artist, 2D/3D concept artist / computer technician.
Kirov actually gets to work with scalar waves D:

I plan to go into coding.

-Angry Lawyer
Graphic Designer.

I'll be finishing my course in June when i'll be 20 years old. Right now I have to choose whether to do more studies, or go freelance. Kinda scary since i'll have to take out a bank loan if I go freelance. I've been looking at some freelance graphic designer portfolios and some are piss poor, so if they can do it, I can do it.

I'll charge £25 per hour at least. Roll in the moneh!
Probably computer repairsman / nub helper here at the forums
Angry Lawyer said:
Kirov actually gets to work with scalar waves D:

I plan to go into coding.

-Angry Lawyer

Most of my work actually is coding (VB) at the moment, gonna be doing some C++ stuff soon. Wish I was doing scalar waves stuff, it's down that kind of field of R&D. Maybe I will soon!
You're doing C++ for a science company?

Fancy getting me an application form?

-Angry Lawyer
Deputy Sherriff

100k a year If I work as much as my dad does :D
I like TD and physics so probably some form of engineering.
Lawyer. Well, once I make plenty from being a lawyer, I'm going to be a private investigator/lawyer combo. I'll wear a fedora and speak in verse.
i want to take computer animation @ bournemouth uni, is a very high demad course, 30 places a year, ppl who have compelted it have ogne on to do things like king kong lotr and the like!! me wants that job
Honestly, I want to be a video game designer more than anything else.

But if that [inevitably] fails, I'm probably going to fall back on either psychologist or computer repair guy.

And Kangy, I am hiring you the SECOND you become an invesigator lawyer, just so I can watch you speak in verse while wearing a fedora. But you gotta do it film-noir style, otherwise you don't get paid.
Network Security Officer.......

payment = £40k-£70k
I used to think computer programmer up until I graduated then I realized it would be a crappy job, having to learn new things all the time and keep up and there are sooo many people going for it.

Now I am thinking something else with computers, perhaps something with hardware or network administrator.

On the flip side I like cooking so I could see myself doing something with that.