Who are you? What do you do?

He_Who_Is_Steve said:
Are they working now? This is my first time using a web hosting service. If they still don't work, could somebody give me some help please?

they're good :)
burner69 said:
Glasses are a total pain in the a*se aren't they. I used to wear um, switched to contact lenses, strongly reccommend :thumbs:
Just got them. Don't mind them too much, and I only have to wear them in class when I sit all the way in the back of the lecture hall and when I'm driving,so they're not too much of a bother. Besides, my girlfriend says that I don't think they look half bad, heh heh.
Nice pictures there Steven :)

If I can find some of myself, and a nice bottle of Jack Daniels to suck down, I will post (I'm sure you're all quite excited).
He_Who_Is_Steve said:

I see so many people walking around with glasses that don't really suit them, but you've avoided that pitfall so congrats anyway lol.

I like the idea of this thread; here goes:

I'm 19, an IT tech and in Australia.. my most noteworthy job was being a security guard, but I wouldn't recommend it :p
I'm a pretty quiet person, I don't talk much IRL for some reason, but when I do, it can come out really fast.. sometimes.. but other than that theres nothing too exciting about me heh.
I went through a bit of an outcast/grunge phase when I was younger, and theres still a bit of that in me now, but its not like its a bad thing heh.. I'm the mysterious yet lovable loner :P
I don't have a lot of hobbies, but I like my internet and theres about a bazillion little bits of various electronics scattered all over my room.. so i guess all that tech stuff counts as a hobby for me, actually, taking apart almost anything is fun for me (I want to take apart a microwave next! :D)
Hmm.. what else... well, i've written more than i planned already :p, perhaps I should start a blog (or rather, start posting in the one i started months ago :P)
I'd post a pic, but well... I learnt my lesson from last time lol :laugh:
He_Who_Is_Steve said:
Heh heh. Do I even have to ask what happened?

Heh.. well, theres one in the database somewhere if anyone really wants to see, but I'm not going to put up a "fresh" one lol
He_Who_Is_Steve said:
Wow. Must be great living in California. All those mountains. Very beautiful.

Yeah, it has its moments. A couple of years ago, those hills and mountains were on fire. We had to evacuate. Fire season in California is no fun. :( Plus, its waaaaaay overpopulated. I wanna move somewhere else.
Found Bliinks pic, but decided to respect her right to not show it so I removed it
B-MAn said:
Below is a pic of me in college 'tryin' to look cool for the layydeez
That is one badass mothaf-

rpgprog said:
omg you look completly diff in the second pic. That is def super-hero costume material. Just take off the glasses and BAM. your are He_Who_Is_NOT_Steve. lol
Heh. That's because the glasses pic is from a few weeks ago, and the other is from right now. I haven't slept in about 36 hours, so I'm a little tired-lookin'.
/me wishes he wan't so afraid of posting his face
bliink said:
You're going a bit "zoolander" there :P

well that was the intended effect ofcourse... :E

well to tell you the truth i was just having a 'moment' and `unreal (guy on 2nd page) though it would be funny to ruin it by shoving his camera in my face and of course ruining the moment.