What do you want from an opening?


Staff member
Dec 31, 2004
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This is what I want.
You are on the back of a resistance pickup (no your not Gordon). You and the rest of your squad are driving through the streets of C17 and you are close to the citadel. (it should become obvious that you are you are the head of the squad. Maybe them asking you questions or something). You and the squad are armed with SMGs and you can see bare hands holding the guns (shock-horror) and you have no HUD. There are a few soldiers that you gun down and run over. One of your squad shouts "look!" and points to the citadel. You see the citadel coming down and gunships and scanners trying trying to escape. A gunship flys out but gets hit by and an explotion and starts to go down and hits your jeep. the jeep flips and you go flying. You black out, then you see the squad shooting it out with some overwatch and black out again. you wake up in a resistance base and get a PCV (with nightvision baby ya!).

The gunship that escapes the citadel and blasts you with it's super laser just missing the jeep. the jeep flips*continue from 1*

(Yes I did love OP4.)
I want to wake up in some rubble in the middle of a Rebel/Combine/Xen Wildlife killfest in City 17 and go on a Stunstick killing rampage. That's how it should start.
Heres an opening for you.Contains spoilers.After the explosion containing Breen Make it back down to the control room in which you had left Eli and Mossman. Mossman at the main controls, states that the citadel is colapsing due to explosion. So she calls a Combine chopper, in which you easily hijack. From there everyone one boards. Eli and Mossman are arguing about why she was helping the combine and such. When Alyx proclaims that Combine gun ships are following you. Between you and Alyx fight off some odd number of ships. However in the battle are too damaged and crash land right near the city boarders. As you peer out of the wreckage, everyone ok. You see the citadel collapsing onto earth. Only then Alyx speak of what lies next and such.
What a beginning. However you can only use the chopper just once. Which is in the beginning.
The rebels are rallying. You are stuck in a subway tunnel that was ripped open by the reactor explosion. The light is blinding at first, (HDR!) but you can make out the burning citadel in the miles ahead. Your friends see you, and lift the rubble off of your legs. You continue running, and it seems the tunnel leads to the underground of the trainstation you start out in in the beginning of HL2. (i'm assuming you're not gordon.) The resistance prys open the doors and piles on to a train. As others start it up, weapons are distributed and as the train gets moving, the combine go all out on your ass, stalkers on the roof, troops trying to get on (you can barricade of course...) and of course some apaches. If you manage to live for 5 minutes you realize the tracks are out ahead. The train derails and you black out. You wake up panting on the deck of an icebreaker. Men are talking across from you. The ship seems to have a stowaway. They found her in the cafeteria. She has no idea how she got there, and keeps crying and muttering about some guy named Eli. She says he was in the citadel, so either he's real dead, or she's just crazy. The wind picks up. It's raining, and there are faint lights in the distance...
G-Man stands in front of you, as time slowly grinds to a halt.

"Ahh, missster Freeeeman. Before I go and release you to your...duties, I have one thing to state..."

He adjusts his tie slowly, and swallows.

"There isss no connection between the Xen and the Combine!"

Then time resumes and everyone gets incinerated.

-Angry Lawyer
Angry Lawyer said:
G-Man stands in front of you, as time slowly grinds to a halt.

"Ahh, missster Freeeeman. Before I go and release you to your...duties, I have one thing to state..."

He adjusts his tie slowly, and swallows.

"There isss no connection between the Xen and the Combine!"

Then time resumes and everyone gets incinerated.

-Angry Lawyer

............ :monkee:

It starts with constant flashes against a black surface, the Gmans face appearing between each flash, it finally flashes once more and you in the reactor chamber, time is flowing normally

Alyx: "Come on Gordon, maybe we still have -"

The reactor explodes, causing Alyx to be lifted off her feet, sending her flying backward into the control room and down the corridor, the suddenly stops, the only thing moving is the spire on the citadel, falling toward the chamber, in an instant the explosion is sucked inward and shoots upward from the reactor as the spire collapses on the control room.

It flashes again, the gman is now smiling. As the flashes stop you get a view of the top of the Citadel, nothing happens for a moment.

Mossman: I wont leave you again Eli....

Suddenly the top of the Citadel simply explodes, the dark energy crap spouting upward....

The sceen flashes again for the final time, the Gman cant be seen...

"Time, Dr freeman? Is it really that time again??"

Gordons sight returns, he's lying in a ton of rubble, Combine soldiers dead all around him...
Sorry, it had to be said. If anyone can make the masses listen, it's the G-Man. Besides, he's secretly a Lawyer, too.

On a more serious note, I think the opening sequence will be exactly where HL2 ended, involving lots of running, and metal falling behind you. And just because someone has to die (it's required in every saga), Mossman will probably get trapped underneath falling crap. And then I'll know that Laidlaw actually IS out to get me.

-Angry Lawyer
Angry Lawyer said:
Sorry, it had to be said. If anyone can make the masses listen, it's the G-Man. Besides, he's secretly a Lawyer, too.

On a more serious note, I think the opening sequence will be exactly where HL2 ended, involving lots of running, and metal falling behind you. And just because someone has to die (it's required in every saga), Mossman will probably get trapped underneath falling crap. And then I'll know that Laidlaw actually IS out to get me.

-Angry Lawyer

I actually think it would make sense if she died, due to her bieng a traitor, and then sticking her neck out to save alyx and eli. Would be pretty cool. And we could all laugh at you.

I soo want to know what happened to Breen.
We should start off in the G-man's office (if he's got one). Then he gives us some generic stuff about how his employeers need us (gordon), (revealing some of the plot line about the whole employer thing). Then he sends us on a mission to some planet, and we get sent to earth to take care of some more combine issues
IGN's impressions were that the Citadel had suffered structural damage, so it had blasted back in to space. City 17 citizens would have to run like hell to avoid the lift-off radius. The player could start off at the bottom of the citadel (somehow) and run for it with comrades in tow.
A fly-by of City17 with you on top of a Dropship and Gman explaining what has happened.

"There has been a change of plan"

You teleport into Klieners Lab, again, along with Alyx, Judith and Eli. Lamarr tries to latch onto Judith's face
hi_ted said:
IGN's impressions were that the Citadel had suffered structural damage, so it had blasted back in to space. City 17 citizens would have to run like hell to avoid the lift-off radius. The player could start off at the bottom of the citadel (somehow) and run for it with comrades in tow.
The Citadel is not from space and it will not "blast back into space". It's not a freakin' spaceship.
Gman beginning... as it should be.

Assuming we are using Shepard, of course.

Otherwise... nah, screw it, use the Gman anyway. He is teh bomb.
A long ride (doesn’t matter if it's a train or airplane) like in Half-Life 1 and not as disappointing short as HL2's.
I've changed my opening.
The exact same except there is a vort with you and he says
"I won't let those damn Combine enslave us again!"
But in reality it would be:

"Free of the Controllers tyranny, we Vortigaunts do not wish to feel the manacles of oppresion from this new Combine threat."


-Angry Lawyer
Im surprised no one really metioned anything about how every HL begins, exept for Loke.

It will probably start out with a long talk, maybe from Gman or maybe from another character talking to you. Then there will be some kind of waiting time, such as you being on a train, car airplain, or just sitting there waiting for something etc... then, you will get the traditional crowbar, maybe some other new weapon, and itll slowly advance with the combar being rare at first and then picking up into the noramal HL2 combat. - Thats what Im almost positive of what WILL happen not really telling any of the storyline/plot/or whatever...

But I cant really think of a begining other than what I already said.. its too hard to tell... maybe, the citadel is falling down and you gotta get out? I dunno... but Alyx survives. Im almost positive, because the game is set in the 'aftermath' of the HL2 and the main aspect of the game is Alyx. You may still be playing Gordon, but i dunno...
Haha, i know.

Sheperd... in a tank.

But knowing Valve... the main character might be in a pod... running along an exploding citadel. The pod goes through a couple of the areas that gordon saw... and suddenly there's a ALMIGHTY explosion... and everything goes to hell.

Well, more to hell.
Jintor said:
Haha, i know.

Sheperd... in a tank.

But knowing Valve... the main character might be in a pod... running along an exploding citadel. The pod goes through a couple of the areas that gordon saw... and suddenly there's a ALMIGHTY explosion... and everything goes to hell.

Well, more to hell.

The guy (or girl) in the pod get dressed and helps Alyx, becoming a main character, without the need to get Gordon out of statis...
Then come HL3 this person will be a head of the rebels. (AKA like Barney)
The gman fuses Gordon and shepard to become Gordrian Frephard...then barney kills you
The worst beginning ever.
The Gman and Gordon walking on a sunset beach. The Gman in a bikini.
"You know Mr. Freeman, I never thought you liked me the way you just expained. I'm sorry but you know company policy. We cant mix business with pleasure.Time to go back"
So he sends you back to the citadel
You see Alyx
"Gordon? Why are you in a speedo? Wheres your suit?"
You wake up in a bloody cage, leaving the cage your make a cute little pur and see through a nearby window the citidal blowing up. Everything is tinted yellowish and you seem one foot tall. HEAD CRAB REVOOOOOLUUUUTIOOOONNN!!!!!1111oneoneoneonetwo-twentybillionfivehundredsixtymillionfourhundredandfourtyfouryone
Loke said:
A long ride (doesn’t matter if it's a train or airplane) like in Half-Life 1 and not as disappointing short as HL2's.
That's what I thinking. :)
OH OH!!! I KNOW!!!

The screen starts out all black. Then it slowly fades in revealing you in this big room. Your vision is still blurry so you cant make out anything really well. Then when you can see clearly, you see graphitti all over the was labeled 'Noobs R Us'. Then a cagazilion noobehs pop out nowhere, matrix style, and you find your 'handy dandy-(yup...) crowbar'. Then it turns into a massacre you you slaughtering all the noobehs to death. But you leave one little nub all alone in the corner... well, after you remove some 'important' parts... why only one? I dunno... atleast one has to suffer, rather that giving them a free ride and killing them all... pshh, wheres the fun in that?
I doubt it will be in a mode of transport, the PC GAMER article states the beginning of the game is a race to get out of the citadel, and then in the screens shown from outside its still standing.
OOooo, i made another one after i got drunk.

Drunk... :cheers:



Back on topic.

Good... evening... (mr/ms/mrs characterlastname), welcome ... to... <hit japanese game show no#7> ... remember... all the blood is rasberryade, packed full of wasabi... be careful out there... it's very hard.. to remove... wasabi...
Damnit, what would be awesome, would be playing a Combine elite... one of those outside breens office at the end trying to get in.

Then you could start the game rushing through those doors, up the elevator and through the window Alyx jumps through... just in time to see, I dunno, DOG fall from a combine dropship overhead and fall down with her. the explosion goes all wierd and gets sucked in, sucking you in, then fecking gravity up and throwing you down too. Aw man I'm getting way too excited, VALVe will have to make an opening pretty fecking spectacular to fulfill my expectations. The more I think about this the more I expect from them LOL.
Heres a tip, the more you think, the more awsome you think itll be. But it may just disapoint you when it comes out because it isnt as good as you wanted it to be. But if you dont think about it, you may loose intrest and not really want it that much anymore. So... it kinda goes both ways...

Only thing I can tell you that actually means something... is that its a fact your not gunna be a combine...

Well, then again, it may turn into some Op4 2 thing, but youd be a good guy and youd just fight aliens, or another human race thats there to kill everything, like the blackops in op4.
I want a raging storm blowing leaves and headcrabs everywhere with thunder, lightning flashing all around as you make your way out of the city with other refugees from C17, fighting a rear guard action with the tattered remnants of confused combine forces, who in there desperation to stop the fleeing citizens, have unleashed hundreds of stalkers into the wastelands beyond :sniper:
start with the g-man is a must. now, assuming that you aren't gordon, i'd love to be some sort of rebel on the streets, in a final huge battle, like you're defending the perimeter of the citadel from combine, and then all the shooting stops on both sides as everyone looks up at the start of a huge explosion. anyway it starts, there should be tons of chaos, wreckage, and "christ i have to escape!" moments
You wake up in some unknown room. You vision is all blury and you feel slightly nauseous. You put on you glasses and see a bottle of alcohol on your table with more booze and broken bottles on the floor. As you get up, your memory slowly comes back to you, and Gordon finally sais, "Damn, what the **** have I been snokin' last night?" "Well whatever it was, it was helluva awesome." Then you see Gordon pick up a join that has been lying on his desk. Gordon inserts it in his mouth and finds himself where HL2 left of...
Spectre01 said:
You wake up in some unknown room. You vision is all blury and you feel slightly nauseous. You put on you glasses and see a bottle of alcohol on your table with more booze and broken bottles on the floor. As you get up, your memory slowly comes back to you, and Gordon finally sais, "Damn, what the **** have I been snokin' last night?" "Well whatever it was, it was helluva awesome." Then you see Gordon pick up a join that has been lying on his desk. Gordon inserts it in his mouth and finds himself where HL2 left of...
You copied my intro you stealer...

lol jk, but Gordon cant talk 'member?
anything as long as its like the beginning of op4: everyone dies, everything blows up, you don't understand squat, and you find yourself pretty much alone, battered, aidless and circled.