What does post-production mean?

Jun 30, 2003
Reaction score
I heard some movie(SW Ep3) has currently done some filming and is in post-production and so is AVP. What does it mean?
As far as I know, it means adding sounds and clipping it together and things like that. But hey I migth be wrong

EDIT: weeee I was before Fenric *flips a tiny bird* Im sorry. Dont ban me.

*hugs* please
Means work after (post) the production work. Lot's of CG work, editing, color correction, re-shoots, dialogue recording and so on and so forth.. Can last for months/years depending on the movie.
Pretty much everything after the initial shoot. :smoking:
So, basically, for something like Star Wars, it would be adding the lightsaber effect?
Tredoslop said:
So, basically, for something like Star Wars, it would be adding the lightsaber effect?

and every single thing matted out in blue screen.

and usually the dialogue over again because the sets are so noisy they pick up allsorts.

and any charachters not in the scene to begin with.

and cutting the film over and over till the editor is happy with the pace of the movie

and re-shooting scenes that need that little bit extra
Shuzer said:
You mean every single scene, yes? ;) lol

pretty much :laugh: but then isnt that why ewan says he hates doing them because of all the bluescreen?
Yeah, post-production is everything done after the main few months of shooting.

Pre-production: making sets, costume, scripts, storyboards, getting everybody ready for production
Production: Filming the actors/actresses
Post-production: adding cgi, other special-effects, cleaning up, redoing, editing, etc...

Usually, they start setting up cgi (3d characters, worlds, etc..) as soon as the scripts and character sketches are made up. This is what takes a really long time to do.
I'd hate to do my acting in front of a ****ing blue screen all the time...