What does the mean for the future of HL2?



First off, I want to say of course the obligtory support message for Valve. It sucks beyond words to have the shit you worked on so hard be stolen by those you were doing it for. The same people that are going to enjoy and love HL2 stole the source code and have caused all sorts of problems for Valve. I know there are the loudmouth shitheads that are being idiots and saying Valve deserved it, but for every retard like that there are a whole heap of people supporting Valve, so I hope they stay movtivated.

Ok now, what I really want to know is, what does the source code leak mean for Half-Life 2 and/or Valve? I assume that:

1.) People might steal sections of code for their own use(?)
2.) People will be able to create working multiplayer hacks much easier(?)
3.) Information which they wanted to keep secret has been released.

Just curious, what other impacts does this have? Keep in mind I know absolutley nothing about programming.
Well the future of half life 2 is... it wont be out for a ****ing long time.. because of /nice some friendly human being who loves his fellow gamers and wishes well to all gaming companies, and also likes to give out free hugs /end nice.... ****ing shit.
Originally posted by Solus
First off, I want to say of course the obligtory support message for Valve. It sucks beyond words to have the shit you worked on so hard be stolen by those you were doing it for. The same people that are going to enjoy and love HL2 stole the source code and have caused all sorts of problems for Valve. I know there are the loudmouth shitheads that are being idiots and saying Valve deserved it, but for every retard like that there are a whole heap of people supporting Valve, so I hope they stay movtivated.

Ok now, what I really want to know is, what does the source code leak mean for Half-Life 2 and/or Valve? I assume that:

1.) People might steal sections of code for their own use(?)
2.) People will be able to create working multiplayer hacks much easier(?)
3.) Information which they wanted to keep secret has been released.

Just curious, what other impacts does this have? Keep in mind I know absolutley nothing about programming.

Please refer to HL2 in a higher status than "THE ShIT".

Thank you,

Now let me just tell you this, knowing the name of an elien weapon compaed to actually experiencing it first hand is verry different :)
I really hope that Valve doesnt have to divert too many resources away from game development to hacker chasing. I also hope that the fools who stole the source code are found and arrested. I really think that its low for someone to steal that and post it on the internet, if someone compiled it into an identical product as what i could buy in the store, i would still pay 50$ for it because stuff like can cause Valve to not have enough cash to make amazing video games in the future.
Even though I'm bit-torrenting the full version of Unreal 2 as we speak...I still feel bad for VALVe.

As for the release of HL2, I hope it is unaffected, but VALVe will probably shut down until the hacker is caught and/or their security system is restructured.
I think warez are wrong, but your not hurting (not deeply) anyone by getting unreal 2, since your not getting the sorce code then buttsex'ing it till it gives in and you can cheat with it..

Sooooo, I think that Hl2 multiplayer will be cheat ridden, but should be fixes with patches... or something ^^
Well, if the game is any good I'll just go ahead and buy it, its only $20. But lots of bad word-of-mouth has made me skeptical....so its more like a huge demo than a full game.