What does the room you're in right now smell like?


Party Escort Bot
Oct 20, 2004
Reaction score
It smells like pizza in here, although the kitchen is 2 storeys higher :/

Man I could go for some pizza right now
hmmm mine smells of anticipation, 11pm for DoD style.
Smells of sex in my room most days of the week :laugh:. No shame! :p
paper ..and the lingering smell of a burnt power supply from last week
Faint dirty clothes smell combined with a damp and somewhat moldy smell comming in from outside through my window. Also a hint of toast and ham since I just ate a sandwich.
Sweat, some unidentifiable meaty substance, cherry coke, and salvia.
smells like cigarettes cuz im in my java lab and the guy sitting beside me smokes
sex doesnt make rooms smell of fish,

unless sex is when u orally abuse our marine friends

noo my mental eye it has been warped and fried by u scumbags!!

lol Joims. obviously it doesnt... but you just say fish because thats... well thats the closest associated smell.
My room smells of blood and fear after sex.

/shrugs shoulders
The room my olfactory sense is bombarded with does my nostrils taste the scented delight of the wonderous yet particurlarly disgusting every revolving around the mystic air that glows with great power surrounding me is delightfulness of the void.

In other words, the pansy way of saying it.
Smells like apple tabacco, my bro has been smoking his waterpipe in here.

Can't smell anything cos I'm ill and blocked up :( :( :( :( :(
Kamikazie said:
PIZZA! pizza ftw!1!111!!!
I saw that one coming. Now surrender the pizza to me before you will be ionized by Shens.
back yourself up...or i will have to hit you with my nice warm pizza that is still in the oven
Hmm... I cant really smell stuff cause I have a cold
But it smells like newness because by new mike is sitting right under my nose
Smells like Curve cologne in my room. And Hollister perfume.