What dp you think happend to Father Grigori?

Quite an interesting thread...
Personally I think, that if Ravenholm isn't totally "erased" by the citadel explosion, OR if Grigori has left before it, than he is most likely to be alive...
It's kinda stupid, but since the first time I play through Ravenhom I always help the poor fella to take out all the zombies (actually I simply take out them totally by myself), I loose a lot of precious ammo, but I feel that I have helped, that I AM Gordon:LOL: Silly me :eek:

I also watched what happens if you don't help him - if he misses too many times and is cornered he dies...
You can know this, if you hear his mad laugh - this one:

Download monk_death07.zip

After I've listened to all the sound files of the game , I am pretty sure, that Grigori, was a quite bad priest before the shelling, because he rants a lot about "mistakes he had done" and similar bullshit... However he is now quite mad and believes in God more than ever... He is dedicated to help all of the "lost souls" find their path...(I even started talking like Grigori:LOL:)

I advise you to listen to the sound files: there are A LOT of things cut from the game, and not only from Ravenholm...
Could've done a classic move and took the real priests clothes, memorized a bunch of bible verses and was on his way. Worked for the "sheriff" in Texas chainsaw massacre. They both had badass guns, too.

Highly unlikely though.
Unlikely, but nonetheless possible...
I think he's a Lune. As in Lunatic :p. I don't think he's helping resistance, I do think he's been there a while and I don't believe him not to be an original Ravenholm inhabitant.
> We built those bridges in the city, we could have built a ladder or two if we really wanted people to go through there

We don't go there anymore. Why would Grigori need to build ladders, risking his own life, for people that don't even use Ravenholm anymore?

> The creatures all have on different clothes than what resistance have on

They're wearing blue pants and the Citizen-wear white undershirt.

> Listen to what he says, hes been alone a while

He's just ranting bible quotes and saying you're another life to save (basically).

>All other people of that hole speak American accent English, simple to see

Yeah, but the Combine actually moved them there. Grigori could be from anywhere but America.

1. Exactly, it is not used by the resistance not as a training ground

2. Looks more like jeans and a white button shirt, what was worn before this

3. I heard him say how infrequent visitors are and look at the volume and engineering of the traps, that took a while

4. The things did not move him there because he is not American he was probably there before they even came and learned English from the current residents and went about things
Do we know why he came to Ravenholm in the first place.And what was his flock he was talking about.Did he come to clear out the zombies or was he planning to take Gordon out when he said you escaped all his traps.Who were the traps set for?But anyway i think he is very much still alive somewhere out there.
Why the hell didn't he leave?
Did you see how many Headcrabs/fast headcrabs/ poison headcrabs that were down that mineshaft? only freeman/a small army could survive that. I'd rather take my chances in ravenholm, to be honest.
Also, combine.
Some of the people after Ravenholm are wearing the white shirt, maybe because it doesn't make you feel so damn warm. But there should've been rebel zombies also, with the Combine shit on. It is so stupid to see the same zombies even in Ep1 that takes place in C17.
The Zombie tears the Metrocop Bullet-proof Vest (MPV *insert trade mark sign*) when opening the maw. Logic.
On the point of Gregori being the only religious person left: Eli states that he'll "be praying for [Alyx]"
Eli's a religious guy though, he's the person that said "Thank God for that hazard suit".
It's just a Magnum in a Shotgun.


Give weapon_Annabelle

Have funs.
My theories on a bunch of the arguing going around

Did you guys wander into the ravenholm entrance as far as you good after Alijx said that "we dont go there any more". Basicly Ravenholm was a minning town were fugitives would run off to.
1)The town was already there
2)the fugitives may have built it
Obviously since it was a fugitive place, there may have been resistence there. This leads on to several theories on why Father Gregori was there.
A)town was already built and had civilains
1)Father gregori moved there and lived out his normal life.
B)Town built by fugitives
1)Father gregori was a fugitive and ran off there.
Seeing as there was so many people and probally a bunch of resistnce the combine may have suffered many losses, so they shelled the place.

Now to get on topic. He might have been descending into the crypt. He obvisouly has a hobby in killing the zombies. In the town we saw zombies locked in cages and fast head crabs hanging fromm hooks. He must be studieing the zombie somehow. Maybe he has a lab deep in the tomb? nobody knows, but i think he lived.
It used to be a normal, old mining town. Gregori was the local priest. After the Combine took over it became a major rebel area. The Combine then shelled the crap out of it, the end.
He actually stays in ravenholm to slay the zombies because he "puts them out of their misery" Their current state is neither dead nor alive so they are in a sort of gap between life and death so he decides to bring them to death rather than staying in the middle and living like that for years until the headcrab detaches itself.
Yeah, thats about the most logical thing,riomhaire,besides it wouldnt have been a major rebel outpost if already under combine control.

It seems like he has alot of fun putting them out of their misery.
It was never under combine control. The combine were aware of it, thats why they shelled it with headcrabs.
I like to think he just killed them all and then well died in the citadel explosion.
Did you see how many Headcrabs/fast headcrabs/ poison headcrabs that were down that mineshaft? only freeman/a small army could survive that. I'd rather take my chances in ravenholm, to be honest.
Also, combine.

I mean the other way, toward Black Mesa.
Good point about the Combine though.
I think that he originally lived there and was the priest, and when the headcrab shells turned people to zombies he stayed there to do his "salvation work". I think that the zombies are still somewhat aware of their state, because when you set zombies on fire, it sounds like they're trying to say something but the voice can't be heard very well because of the headcrab. (http://media.putfile.com/Zombie-moan)

Also if you play moan_loop1 backwards you can hear "oh god, god help me!" (http://media.putfile.com/Half-Life-2-zombie-moan-backwards)

On one room of ravenholm there are tables and zombies tied to them which are dead, so it looks like Grigori has tried to remove the headcrab from the host, thinking that the host is still alive.

Kinda much of offtopic, but I think that Father Grigori stayed there to kill all the zombies because he wanted to end their torments, like he says in some sound files.

Btw, couldn't the combine just bomb the place? As they can't control the headcrabs it would make more sense to bomb the place than use headcrabs. If they don't know how to make bombs I'm sure that he humans did know and they could have used the human's bombs as they took over the earth.
Maybe they thought that headcrabs would be more thorough?
Well Ravenholm is situated in some sort of little valley, with big walls on the side (Look just before you get to the graveyard). So they probably thought that headcrab;s could be contained, and they were, weren't they? Except near the other side, at that train place, but a few snipers take care of zombies over there.

Bombing would be much easier to see, and of course it's bad for propaganda when on the one hand, Breen talks about how it's good that humanity is being enslaved, while you can see a mushroom cloud on the horizon from Ravenholm being blown up.
:p Good Point.

I think also, don't forget, that because it is a small valley, it might not have been so much for the 'containment' of headcrabs, as a sort of 'Head crabs can thoroughly get in there' sort of thing. Because, my guess is, Combine bombs are either very expensive and they destroyed human nukes, or they like the pleasure of poning your enemy with the simplest of things. I don't know about you guys, but I hate being at low health and having a headcrab attack me from nowhere -_-.
And headcrabs keep the place uninhabitable.
I'm sure Grigori survived. He's a resourceful guy, he's survived long enough in that place and I'm sure it's not the first time he's been in a massed zombie attack. Theres no reason to suppose that he's suddenly going to die just because Gordon turns up. The fire at the end is just another of his traps and I'm sure that he knew what he was doing.

Whether whatever remains of his sanity will survive intact though, is another matter entirely.

On the point of Gregori being the only religious person left: Eli states that he'll "be praying for [Alyx]"

Eli's a religious guy though, he's the person that said "Thank God for that hazard suit".

I'm not convinced though, they're just common expressions. I say things like that and I'm not religious.

Btw, couldn't the combine just bomb the place? As they can't control the headcrabs it would make more sense to bomb the place than use headcrabs. If they don't know how to make bombs I'm sure that he humans did know and they could have used the human's bombs as they took over the earth.

If a place is bombed they can't hit every single building and person, and people will find shelter anyway. Headcrabs on the other hand will come and seek you out: it's more thorough. You can't control headcrabs, but you can trust their instincts.