What economist think of Cockbama and Mccain

Gray Fox

Aug 22, 2004
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The Economist poll of academic economists

This is the fourth presidential election in which The Economist has surveyed top academic economists on the economy, the candidates and their plans. Responses were received between September 18th and September 30th.

Respondents were anonymous unless they agreed to use of their names. To avoid any individual answering multiple surveys, only one questionnaire could be submitted from each IP address.

The full set of data is available for download in four parts: results from all the economists, from Democrat economists, from Republican economists and from unaffiliated economists.

Just read this

I believe the title you're looking for is "Obama and Mc******"

Perhaps you should possibly consider why an economist would have leanings towards democratic thoughts towards the economy.

I personally lean towards free market ideology, but such an ideology has serious shortcomings in reality (as demonstrated by the current economic crisis).