What else is bigger than this?!


Oct 8, 2007
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I know that in order for people to like something new,it has to be better than its predesesor (sorry for typo),so after this story arc ends,and the earth is saved,the half life franchise will live on,but they will need something new thats more exiting,but whats bigger than the earth being saved??
I realy wonder what they are going to do...
Well Gordon saved earth in HL1, or at least he thought he did.

Except it ended up not mattering and the Earth was doomed and it's still his fault so in HL2 he tries again.

Also we don't know if he's going to succeed :p maybe he dies.
ummm... gordon didnt save the earth... he was more focused on saving his own ass in hl1 and yes, it is all gordons fault about the resonance cascade
Don't you think they would make the test anyway ? he didn't decide anything in it.
He was just following his orders for that day. Mechanical error.
Has anything really changed with the City 17 revolt? There are other citadels around the globe, correct?
Ignore him, they're in the game. The reactor exploding just knocked out their communications grid.

I suppose they could blow up another citadel if they were serious about getting back into contact with the empire, but they'd have to knock out the satellite array first.

Which is why the Combine need a spaceforce! Hah!
Well the citadel in City 17 was the principle tower and base of operations for the combine so the destruction of that one building could severely effect the other ones (maybe even disabling them).
Well, noone was ever supposed to even get inside a Citadel, let alone blow it up. :/
Except it ended up not mattering and the Earth was doomed and it's still his fault so in HL2 he tries again.

Also we don't know if he's going to succeed :p maybe he dies.

Woot... Tomb Raider all over again :hmph: