What ever happend to our little Houndeye and Bullsquid buddies?

Ah I see. I was mistaking the portal storsm for all those Houndeyes and Bullsquids teleporting infront of you through HL1
Sentient, not intelligent. Gargs are just wild animals...but animals are considered sentient, so yes. But if you're asking are they smart then no.
I think their similar to the Grunts, weapons more than anything else.
wernt the grunts mind controlled by the ninilith or somthing? since hes dead, wouldnt they be like , free to do anything?
wernt the grunts mind controlled by the ninilith or somthing? since hes dead, wouldnt they be like , free to do anything?
Well, if you don't accept the g-man's offer of employment he sends you to an area full of grunts and mantas.
They weren't mind-controlled (their minds were too small to even need controlling). With the death of the Nihilanth, the grunts and controllers would have been suitably pissed. The Xenians are already the last of a dying race, having been hounded by the Combine, and their only protection was the Nihilanth, which you just killed. There's a line the G-man says, I can't recall if it actually shows up in-game but it's in the gcf files:

"But, there are a few survivors of your...personal holocaust...who would like the chance to meet the man responsible for the total annihilation of their race."
Don't be ridiculous. Highway 17 and Sandtraps alone were about 12 hours.

I beat Half-Life 2 in 10 hours on difficult level(something like that), for the XBox. It wasn't that long. Not unless you RPG, and make Gordon piss every mile, and make him check out every house.

Has VALVe shot down the Houndeye being a Hunter theory?
I beat Half-Life 2 in 10 hours on difficult level(something like that), for the XBox. It wasn't that long. Not unless you RPG, and make Gordon piss every mile, and make him check out every house.

Has VALVe shot down the Houndeye being a Hunter theory?

Not in RL time. But look, you finish Ravenholm just as the sun is rising, and thats the beginning of Higway 17. Now, the end of Sandtraps(Nova Prospekt assualt) is night-time. So about 12 hours.
Not in RL time. But look, you finish Ravenholm just as the sun is rising, and thats the beginning of Higway 17. Now, the end of Sandtraps(Nova Prospekt assualt) is night-time. So about 12 hours.

The combine makes the Earth spins faster
I beat Half-Life 2 in 10 hours on difficult level(something like that), for the XBox. It wasn't that long. Not unless you RPG, and make Gordon piss every mile, and make him check out every house.

Has VALVe shot down the Houndeye being a Hunter theory?

I meant in game time, not how long they take you to play. :)
I beat Half-Life 2 in 10 hours on difficult level(something like that), for the XBox. It wasn't that long. Not unless you RPG, and make Gordon piss every mile, and make him check out every house.

Has VALVe shot down the Houndeye being a Hunter theory?

Houndeye isn't Hunter - end of discussion!:p
(first Post) You probably don't see any in HL2 because they are smart enough to stay away from the combine, so they're out there, just not close enough to city17
From what I remember, hunters' legs are too long, and the body form is too small and sleek...
I disagree. A bullsquid or two could have made into the canals. I know they should have been killed off by now but the damned barnacles managed to survive now didn't they? At least they could've stuffed one into the radioactive sludge.

The barnacles still exist because of the spore theory... Every time one is killed, it drops spores, and so they drift off and continue to grow.
First: Don't spores normally drift down? You know, towards the ground?


EDIT: This is what you should do; there's a little blue button at the bottom of your post should you be struck by another thought three seconds later. Use it.
It's called the "edit" button, and when you use it, instead of doubleposting like I'm doing now, you don't irritate people. Doubleposting is kind of annoying; it makes you look like you're just trying to inflate your postcount (especially when you brag about it).
I read something (alot of things) posted by some one, it said that although the spres drift down, the young barnacles climb UP the wall. Once they rach maturity, they are permanently.
It's called the "edit" button, and when you use it, instead of doubleposting like I'm doing now, you don't irritate people. Doubleposting is kind of annoying; it makes you look like you're just trying to inflate your postcount (especially when you brag about it).

Oh man.....i edited my post for 2 times,see easy.
As for the houndeye and bullsquid,they were wiped out by the combine